I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 662 Heavenly Sage?What a big name!

Kronos looked shocked, feeling that this was too incredible.

But this statement is different from Wansheng Tianzun.


Although Kronos also roughly knew that the great luck came to the creatures on the earth, he still didn't have a clear and intuitive feeling-this is equivalent to the luck of all the intelligent races on the earth, all gathered together and exploded!

It is foreseeable that even if the earth wins this battle, the vast luck will be close to exhaustion.Aside from other things, I am afraid that in the next few thousand years, even a baby with a special physique will not be born in the human race on earth.

Not only was the luck that had been deposited to prepare for the catastrophe exhausted, but it was also tantamount to betting all the blessings that the younger generation deserved for countless generations on the present.

"Give it to me." Lin Fei didn't explain this, but just spread his hands.

Kronos understood instantly, and handed over the imprisoned phoenix remnant soul to him.

What's interesting is that this kid also learned the behavior of licking dogs - he was afraid that the majestic Wansheng Tianzun would be embarrassed if he couldn't open the layers of detaining divine light, so he quietly released most of his power.

"Young man, you have taken a long way!" If Tuzki was here, he would probably pat him on the shoulder and say such words with great emotion.


Lin Fei instantly activated the fairy-devil transformation state, flapped his light and dark wings, and arrived in front of the Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass in an instant.

This space is filled with terrible oppressive force, even if a strong person in the late stage of the True God steps into it, I am afraid that he will be crushed in an instant.But he didn't even frown, he directly held the phoenix's remnant soul tightly in his hand, and used his great supernatural power to refine it alive.


In Lin Fei's palm, there seemed to be a round of blood-colored scorching sun burning.There was even a phoenix cry as shrill as weeping blood, and all kinds of distorted phantoms appeared around.If you look carefully, you will find that it is a picture of the phoenix from birth to fall.

Feng Yu was stained with blood, and the curtain ended brilliantly.

Kronos looked at this scene with a calm expression on his face, but his heart was beating wildly.

Damn it... Is it really the strength that should be in the middle stage of the tribulation? !

Kronos couldn't help asking himself, if he was in the late stage of the tribulation, what would happen if he fought Lin Fei at this time?

The answer made him feel a little suffocated: "I will die! Within ten strokes, I will definitely die!"

And this is the answer that Kronos came up with himself. He doesn't know what killer move Lin Fei has, whether it will be more terrifying than he imagined.

Just thinking of this made his scalp tingle, and his gaze towards Lin Fei's back became more and more complicated.

Lin Fei calmly spread out his palms, and in an instant, the original soul of the phoenix, which turned into blood-colored spots, floated away.It looks like fireflies flying all over the sky, but when you look carefully, it seems that every particle of light is burning.

They converged into a trickle, as if being absorbed by an invisible force, they submerged into the Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass one after another.

The Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass is transpiring with red clouds, and it is lifelike, just like a phoenix, a divine bird about to fly, swallowing and exhaling the aura of heaven and earth independently.And after devouring the remnant soul of the phoenix, it was even more brilliant.


Under the movement of the mountains shaking and the ground shaking, layers of rippling flames were set off around it.The violent wind it created could no longer be called wind, but an extremely terrifying vigor, enough to blow away the Dzogchen monk on the spot, vomiting blood incessantly.

Obviously, the preciousness of this holy medicine surpasses that of the Six-leaf Nether Grass.Because at this moment, it suddenly pulled its roots up from the ground, fluttering its wings like a palm-sized real fire phoenix, and was about to fly away!

"This... has become a spirit?!" Kronos was stunned on the spot, the Greek kingdom of God has never had such a miraculous thing!

Lin Fei was not surprised at all, and immediately stretched out his palm.Like Tathagata's slap to suppress Sun Wukong, it sealed the sky and blocked the sun in an instant.But the sky and the earth did not become dark because of this, and the existence of the Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass completely coated the surrounding area with a layer of bright fiery red.

This Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass made a clear and clear phoenix call, but it couldn't escape Lin Fei's palm and was detained.Under the blockade of layers of divine light, it was directly collected into the space ring.

Seeing this scene, Kronos immediately took two steps forward, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Tianzun, for obtaining such a precious and mysterious holy medicine, it is expected that breaking into the realm of transcending tribulation is just around the corner!"

"It's just..." He showed bitterness, and then continued, "I have been imprisoned and tortured for many years, and my strength has also been damaged. Since a catastrophe is coming, I'm afraid I have to take a good rest. Although I want to help Tianzun is at your service, but he dare not delay at this time!"

Lin Fei gave a faint "hmm" and said directly, "Go."

Kronos saluted and said goodbye, then shattered the void with a "boom" punch, stepped directly into it, and went to Atlantis.

Lin Fei didn't have any delays, and he didn't even need to search for the expected medicine guide, and returned directly to the Heavenly Demon God Palace.After all, Yaoyin only increased the medicinal properties of the two holy medicines, but the Six-leaf Nether Grass grew its seventh bud, and the Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass was fully mature. This harvest exceeded his expectations.

Even without Yao Yin, the Yin-Yang Life-Death Pill he refined was enough to allow him to break through the realm and enter the early stage of Transcendence Tribulation.

Lin Fei opened the way with the Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword, connected to the sky above the Unnamed Palace in an instant, and flew down from it.


His primordial spirit flashed past and returned directly to his physical body.Almost at the same moment, the body that had been sitting withered for a long time suddenly opened its eyes.

"Lin Fei, you're finally back!" Ji Yaoguang looked anxious, as if she was waiting every step of the way.

"What's wrong?" Lin Fei frowned slightly, wondering if the extraterrestrial creatures had arrived?

Ji Yaoguang opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly thought that the speed of speech communication was the slowest, so he even pointed out the inspiration.She has practiced to this day, and she is no longer what she used to be. Such use of the sea of ​​consciousness and spiritual branding can be regarded as easy to use.

Lin Fei instantly looked at the extra memory in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then his face turned cold!

"The sage of heaven was born? Then Yinshuangtong she..." He sneered, already guessing what happened.

"That being said, that bird man is about to come to trouble me. Just wait until he uses the analytical power of double pupils to clarify the true meaning of the gossip in the sacred bones, and he will not be vain after he settles down his power, so he will come to kill me. ?”

"Haha, Heavenly Dao Saint, what a great name!"

Lin Fei raised his head slightly, his eyes were deep and far away, and he looked at Yuankong through the window.

This deity is in the Heavenly Demon Palace today, let's see if you, the sage of Heavenly Dao, can kill me!

Lin Fei turned his hand over, and an alchemy furnace appeared in his palm.This is taken from the Eastern Desolation Ten Thousand Demon Palace, although it is far inferior to the Shenlong Cauldron, it is also a veritable alchemy furnace of the Mahayana realm.

After being thrown, the alchemy furnace the size of a baby's fist rose against the wind, and fell to the ground half a person's height with a "boom", making the ground tremble slightly.

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