I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 663 I Made a Mistake, Created a Dou Qi Cultivation System

With a wave of Lin Fei's fingers, the furnace cover rose out of thin air and fell to the ground with a "bang".

He didn't put the two holy medicines into it, but stepped into the state of fairy transformation, and cut his own wrist directly with the sky-splitting sword without hesitation.Seeing this scene, Ji Yaoguang's expression changed slightly.

It hurts to look at it!

Lin Fei's sword was really ruthless, the wound was deep enough to see the bone, and the artery was severed!

Crimson blood spurted out violently, all falling towards the alchemy furnace.His blood seemed to contain extremely terrifying power, and every drop was extremely heavy, making a series of "dang dang" sounds in the alchemy furnace.

For ordinary people, if the wrist artery is cut off, they may lose blood and die in just a few minutes.

Even though he knew that this was not fatal in terms of his cultivation in the middle stage of the Tribulation Transcendence, the pain did not diminish in the slightest.After all, Ji Yaoguang is not a female warrior like a female demon, and the corners of her eyes couldn't help twitching slightly when she saw this.

She turned her eyes slightly, looked at Lin Fei's face, and then was taken aback for a moment.

Lin Fei never frowned or blinked his eyelids, his expression was as calm as water, as if he was doing something insignificant.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ji Yaoguang suddenly thought of his past.The experience of living in the Jurassic period as a small child with blood and tears, gritted teeth, and enduring endless loneliness and pain.

Women's minds are often more delicate and sentimental than men's.

Ji Yaoguang's nose became sore, thinking about how much pain he had to suffer before he could not take the pain of cutting his wrist seriously?

The sound of "Dangdang" was heard endlessly, and the blood fell on the bottom of the furnace like raindrops, and the splash bounced and fell again.There are also some sprinkled directly on the furnace wall, drawing winding lines like small snakes, and converging towards the bottom.

Lin Fei was full of energy and blood, and the terrifying physique of the chaotic body supported him to produce blood crazily.Even every drop of blood is condensed and compressed.

The stove half as high as a person was actually half filled with blood by him, and it looked so scarlet at first glance that it was shocking.

But even Lin Fei's face turned pale, and his lips were so pale that there was no trace of blood.

Ji Yaoguang wanted to stop, but she bit her lip and didn't speak.Emotionally, she looked distressed, but intellectually, she knew that Lin Fei had to do this.

How could my man's decision be wrong?If he is really wrong, I will not be right either!

Lin Fei was not only ruthless to the enemy, but also terribly ruthless to himself.This time, he clearly felt the loss of blood and strength, even the load of the Immortal Demon Transformation was about to be overwhelmed, and it was even worse immediately, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his physical body faintly showed signs of collapse.

Even so, his face was still extremely calm.

Even if it's his mother's vomiting blood, I'll spit it into the alchemy furnace, don't let it go to waste!

"It's almost there." Under Ji Yaoguang's horrified gaze, Lin Fei suddenly released the immortal transformation state, and used his skillful hands to let the green waves linger around the wound on his wrist, making him recover quickly.

After doing all this, Lin Fei also looked extremely weak.However, he still didn't rest for a moment, and directly took out the Nirvana Divine Phoenix Grass and the Six-leaf Nether Grass.

One yin and one yang, one death and one life.

Two completely different auras flowed in the room, and the icy and hot rays of light bloomed instantly.

Lin Fei casually threw it into the alchemy furnace, and then waved his fingers together again to make the furnace cover "bang" to close the alchemy furnace.

"Daughter!" He suddenly said in a trembling voice.

"Tianzun!" The nun seemed to have been waiting outside the door. Hearing this, she broke into the door with a "bang" and knelt down on one knee to salute and presented a space ring. "According to your instructions before leaving, I have taken Come to all the most valuable wood and fire spirits in the Demon Palace!"

Well, even the "personal property" of the masked disciple of the Tianmo Palace, the oldest tree of Heiyan Spiritual Tree, was cut down—this matter was executed without even seeking the consent of the person concerned, but Lin Kunpeng decisively ordered it to be executed.

The rise and fall, everyone is responsible.

No one wants to die, so do your best!If you can't go to the battlefield, then stand behind the heroes who can go to the battlefield and help!


This interspatial ring drew a stream of light like a thin line, which was caught in Lin Fei's palm: "Tell them. After the catastrophe, I will preach in the Heavenly Demon Palace!"

The nun was startled suddenly, and then clasped her fists in response.

After she left, she spread the news, and instantly caused a commotion in the entire Heavenly Demon Palace!

Wansheng Tianzun preached and dispelled doubts, what kind of concept is this?Having received such treatment before, a small group of people who were enlightened were called... Lingshan Ten Witches!

Lin Fei directly used all the materials in the space ring, and set up a simple wood and fire formation.

It was born out of the innate five-element array, but only two of them were taken.Firstly, it can greatly shorten the time of alchemy, and secondly, it can perfectly fit the characteristics required for alchemy, making the pill perfect.

When the fire and wood runes lit up and the Danhuo condensed and burned the bottom of the furnace, Lin Fei sat down cross-legged, and shot into it one after another divine light catalyst.

Ji Yaoguang knelt beside him quietly, just looking at his calm and peaceful expression, without saying a word, with a warm smile on the corner of her mouth.

After Lin Fei breathed out a turbid breath and pressed her palms on her knees, she asked softly, "What kind of beings outside the territory are they?"

Lin Fei was silent for a while, and then he opened his mouth and said: "In this cosmic plane, I wiped out 36 races and wiped them out, leaving no one behind. Of course, there is no need to mention these, but in my opinion, the races that invaded this time probably There are both."

"Firstly, it is the life of the black dragon star that Wei Li attributed to himself. They practice magic and battle qi. Because the culture is different from that of the earth, the names of each power system are also different. The gods they talk about are actually equivalent to the Mahayana powerhouses in the cultivation world. "

"However, unlike those who are strong in cultivation, their gods can only hold a kind of authority and power, and they are not as good as the monks who transform into gods in other fields, so they can be ignored. In other words, the god of fire can only play with fire, and the god of ice can only play with ice. "

"The bigger weakness is that fighting qi cultivators have strong physical bodies but no various spells, and magic cultivators have strong spells but weak bodies. From the perspective of the cultivation world, this is a serious abnormal development and partial discipline."

Ji Yaoguang also knew a lot about cultivation, and when she heard this, she said in a dumb voice: "Isn't this cultivation system too weak? It's difficult to deal with being restrained by attributes, and you can't have both physical body and magic?"

Lin Fei smiled slightly and nodded without explaining too much.

In fact... it's not that their power system is weak, but that their cultivation is too strong!

"I also created the Dou Qi cultivation system by mistake, but later I felt that it was too weak, so I abolished my own cultivation and started again." When it came to this topic, he just casually mentioned it.

Ji Yaoguang was dumbfounded, feeling doubtful about life.

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