I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 664 Yin Yang Life and Death Pill

"I also created the other magic system, but it's meaningless, it's just a humanoid fortress. The most important thing is that neither magic nor battle qi can lead to the ultimate road - the inner universe!"

Lin Fei mentioned the mistakes he had made in the long years, but it was surprisingly plain: "Do you know why cultivators have to accept the catastrophe at every turn?"

Ji Yaoguang had a little understanding, so he tentatively said: "Because this road is going against the sky, but it is impossible for the heavens to really not give a little way to survive, so is it a test of catastrophe?"

Lin Fei nodded slightly, and continued: "Other cultivation systems will not be punished by the heavens, so why do cultivations suffer catastrophe, causing countless arrogance to fall? This is the reason... This road can lead to the ultimate, even surpass Yu Tiandao will! The absolute supreme dignity and status of Tiandao will be provoked, do you think it can not respond?"

Ji Yaoguang was terrified.There are some things that I don't know much about, but after a deep understanding, it's frightening to think about it carefully.

"Is the realm of the inner universe the limit of cultivation?" She paused and asked curiously.

Lin Fei, who had lived for [-] million years, fell silent at this moment.

After a long while, he said with a little emotion: "Not sure."

Ji Yaoguang widened Qiushui's bright eyes suddenly, and said in disbelief: "Not sure?"

Even he doesn't know? !

Lin Fei nodded, and said seriously: "When Liu Dao and I were at the peak, the multiverse had evolved in our body, transcending the will of the Dao of Heaven."

Just this sentence made Ji Yaoguang shudder!

The multiverse has evolved in the body, isn't that the creator of the multiverse? !

"But whether I or Liu Dao, I have a guess in my heart. There is no basis, no reason for the guess. Maybe it's a hidden induction, or it's just an illusion-that is, there may be another world above the inner universe. Realm!" Lin Fei didn't hide anything from Ji Yaoguang, and directly uttered the shocking secret.

Ji Yaoguang was so shocked that she couldn't speak, and even almost bit her own tongue.

Seeing her appearance, Lin Fei sighed to himself: "If there is such a state, I guess it should be unique. Maybe the combination of original darkness and chaos can give birth to such uniqueness. Of course, the premise of this conjecture is that It is necessary to have such a state!"

"I have walked this way, from being weak to being strong, and I have experienced too many ups and downs. I have lost too many friends who cared about me. Some of them had blood and tears in their eyes, and let me live on their bones until the end— —Isn’t that the case with the Six Paths?”

"We have regrets in our hearts. For those fates that we can't grasp, for those people and things we care about...we also want to change. And if the realm in this illusion really exists, it must be able to do this a little!"

Ji Yaoguang suddenly realized: "So, you two are fighting endlessly, even if you know that the risk of dying together is extremely high, you still want to fight?"

Seeing Lin Fei nodding seriously, she immediately felt sorry for her, and said with emotion: "The world is really like a chain, and we only fight for the front line!"

While the two were chatting, the alchemy furnace suddenly began to stir wildly.

"Bang bang bang-"

There seems to be some terrible force under the furnace cover, as if it is going to be lifted directly.Like a kettle with boiling water, the lid undulates.

Lin Fei instantly activated the Immortal and Demon Transformation state, and it was a set of sealing combos without saying anything.

Heavenly Demon Conferred God Art!

Xuanxian Suppressing Magic Art!

Yuqing is supremely saved and sealed the heavenly seal!

Especially the last move, even if he used his own experience and cultivation base to simplify and weaken the version without limit, it also caused his vitality to be greatly damaged, and his soul was trembling, transmitting severe pain like tearing.

Lin Fei's mastery of power has reached the pinnacle, stepping into the state of fairy transformation, suppressing, and exiting the state of fairy transformation, almost all in one second.

Ji Yaoguang looked dumbfounded, blinked twice, and then stroked the hair on the sideburns that was blown by the strong wind.

The alchemy furnace calmed down, but there was a "squeak" sound.Looking at it through perspective, Lin Fei could see that the blood in it had been stirred up into a vortex, and the total amount was only one-third of the initial amount, and it was still decreasing.

The most miraculous thing is that the blood seems to be separated by the curve of the avenue.The blood on the left was covered with a layer of golden red, while the right was plated with a layer of blue-purple.

One yang and one yin, although they are not black and white, their essence remains the same, like yin and yang and fish embracing each other.

As the blood evaporated and condensed, the colors of the two were also rapidly transitioning to white and black, and gradually condensed into the shape of a pill!

After a while, Lin Fei stood up and uttered a few words: "Dan Cheng, open the furnace!"


The moment the alchemy furnace was opened, an illusory Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram suddenly soared into the sky, piercing through the roof directly, sending smoke and debris flying all over the sky.

Ji Yaoguang was dumbfounded again—isn't this a elixir for people? How could there be such an exaggerated movement just by turning on the furnace?Then if a monk with a weaker strength came and was not careful enough, wouldn't he be bombarded to the ground the moment the furnace was turned on?

Not only her, but the entire Heavenly Demon Palace was also alarmed.

The extremely rich medicinal fragrance instantly enveloped the entire Heavenly Demon Palace.Smelling it makes people feel ecstatic, the pores of the whole body dilate, and saliva is self-generated, and some people even can't help swallowing.

As for the existences of the realm of transforming gods and above, their spiritual sense is keen, and they feel the extraordinary aura——

That's life and death!

That is to live towards death, and endless vitality is born from destruction!

Anything that doesn't destroy me will only make me stronger. This is the true meaning of monks going against the sky!

This kind of connotation seems to declare that as long as the strong man in the late stage of Dongxu swallows it, he will directly start the real road against the sky-to accept the test of life and death.

"The patriarch is done!"

"Fuck, the Patriarch is a real bully. He got the Yin-Yang Holy Medicine and Yao Yin, and practiced it into the Xuanlei Yin-Yang Life-Death Pill!"

"There is no medicine, right? You see, the previous Tai Chi diagram, in fact, does not have the Xuanlei entanglement, it should be just the Yin-Yang Life and Death Pill?"

"This level of Yin-Yang Life-Death Pill... Has it ever been recorded in the countless records of the Heavenly Demon Palace? No, it doesn't need medicine, it is already comparable to the Xuanlei Yin-Yang Life-Death Pill!"

But inside the Unnamed Palace, facing such a situation, Lin Fei was extremely calm, and just smiled at Ji Yaoguang: "The commotion just now was just separating the dregs of the medicine, so don't worry about it."

Ji Yaoguang was speechless, the dregs of the medicine were too raw.The destructive power of that moment made her firmly believe that even a true god should be bombarded to death...

At this moment, in the bottom of the furnace, there is a crystal-clear elixir with a curved line in the middle. No matter from which angle you look at it, you can see the Yin-Yang diagram of Tai Chi.

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