I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 667 Are you all here?Then 1 net is exhausted.

"Cut off contact with him, go back and eat your carrots." Lin Fei said lightly, and issued an order to avoid accidental injury.

This kind of real body projection can show the strength of a full blow, and if it dies, it will also hurt the body, resulting in the loss of strength.

Lin Fei saw through that there was not only Zeng Longtao, an emissary of the gods, on the opposite side, so he decided to come with a "sweeping package".

In short, no matter which god dares to appear in front of him, he will be killed!

Tuzki looked dazed and confused, he came here for no reason, and then left and disappeared without knowing why.

"Zeng Longtao, this is the main god you believe in? Haha, it's really funny! You are full of lies, and you dare to lie to the savior, Mr. Noah, and you are worthy to be the Dharma protector with me?" The woman on the side immediately laughed sarcastically, He made no secret of his misfortune.

Zeng Longtao's face turned red, but he still had no way to refute it, and he wished he could just hit him head-on to death.

Lin Fei said impatiently: "If there are any projections of gods, I will call them all!"

Noah sneered, and immediately said proudly: "As you wish!"

At his order, three people present began to summon the projection of the gods.

Seraphim Seraphim!

Death Anubis!

Goddess of Justice Matt!

The projection of three terrifying gods appeared, and the power of the gods swept across the world.

The Heavenly Demon Shrine was filled with panic and despair, the scalp was numb, and it was almost impossible to breathe.

Noah smiled immediately: "Lin Fei, your death is coming!"

However, Lin Fei just smiled faintly, and looked at the three gods indifferently: "Are you sure you want to be my enemy? If you want to escape, this is the last chance."

Noah's believers suddenly went into an uproar!

"Pretend to be a ghost, and dare to bluff when death is imminent!"

"Master Seraph, don't believe his nonsense, he is clearly guilty and timid!"

"Also ask Lord Reaper to take action and take his life!"

The three gods turned a deaf ear to these words. Except for Seraphim, the other two showed panicked expressions the first time they saw Lin Fei.

Immediately after realizing his weak strength, his expression became complicated.

The Goddess of Justice, Matt, was the first to react. She directly bowed her body, stroked her chest, and saluted, "Mat has no intention of being an enemy of Tianzun. This time, he just came here because of the invitation of the messenger, so he bid farewell and left. Please don't blame Tianzun."

"In addition..." She hesitated for a while, and said, "This envoy who is an enemy of Tianzun is at your disposal."


The Goddess of Justice's voice was not light or heavy, but it was like thunder on the ground, which instantly caused countless people to be shocked.

Isn't it clear that there is a winning situation? Could it be that she is not interested in the good fortune of Wansheng Tianzun? !

Anubis, the god of death, sneered, and sneered: "As timid as a mouse, it is impossible to achieve great things! Women are women after all, and you are still the goddess of justice and truth? Stupid!"

The Goddess of Justice took a deep look at him, and showed a strange smile: "Yes, Lord Death is very courageous, you have fun, and the little girl will not accompany you!"

After the voice fell, she resolutely cut off the connection with the messenger, and the projection disappeared directly in place.

This operation is simply incomprehensible, Noah frowned deeply, and her female messenger turned pale!

"All Saints," the seraph said without moving his lips, his voice was ethereal, with an indescribable femaleness, "in the past, you protected the entire earth and all the kingdoms of God from destruction, I May I give you a chance to commit suicide, so that your death will not be so miserable."

Anubis, the god of death, sneered and clenched the spear of the god of death in his hand, and said with disdain: "Seraphim, don't you find it ridiculous that you are still so fake and merciful?"

Seraphim the Seraphim just smiled slightly, without the slightest fluctuation.

The spear of Anubis was entwined with blazing black light, as if it had formed the breath of death in its hands, and it couldn't see its original appearance at all.And around the light, there are even traces of electric lights twinkling and flickering, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Since we're all here, let's send you all to die together." Lin Fei said calmly, unlocking the layers of divine light from the Yin Yang Life and Death Pill in his stomach.


An extremely terrifying breath erupted from his body in an instant, and his realm suddenly crossed the last half-step obstacle, directly breaking into the initial stage of crossing the tribulation!

At the same time, thousands of layers of black clouds roared and swarmed in the sky.

However, the sky and the earth did not get dark because of this.

Because among the tens of thousands of layers of black clouds, there are silver-white thunder and lightning!

Its vast oceans gather like a sea, and its momentum is earth-shattering.The most frightening thing is that there is still blazing lightning condensed and entangled in it, turning into a living creature.

The divine dragon formed by the gathering of thunder and lightning roared, rose from the sea of ​​thunder, and sank into it again;

The phoenix formed by the condensed lightning flutters its wings and flies, making a clear and clear cry. The feathers are finely detailed, and the texture is lifelike, but they are all composed of powerful and terrifying thunder;

There are Heaven Cracking Demon Butterfly, Heaven Swallowing Demon Ape, Heavenly Soldiers and Generals...

The most frightening thing is that in the deepest part of the thunder cloud, there are five vague and faint thunder figures.There are five locations in the southeast, northwest, and middle respectively.

The West is a dignified woman in fluttering colorful clothes, shrouded in the most wonderful aura of Xihua;

In the east, is a majestic man wearing a golden crow crown, with a long sword floating by his side, filled with wind, water and fire;

In the south, there is a man in golden and luxurious clothes, with a small bell floating beside him.Immediately with a slight tremor, countless extremely terrifying thunder shadows exploded and annihilated, and time and space turned into nothingness;

In the north, there is a tall and burly figure stepping on a five-color spirit turtle;

In the center is the emperor who bears the merits of the emperor, holds the pagoda, and crushes everything with the majestic aura of the emperor.

And this catastrophe came without delay, and the projections of the gods present appeared before they had time to react.As soon as the beginning appeared, it was such a vast and magnificent scenery!

If you look closely, you will find that there are layers of thunderclouds, and each layer is a lifelike world.There are nine floors in total, which is extremely numerous, and it is reminiscent of the word "Nine Heavens".

"Damn it, what kind of catastrophe is this?" Su Tianshuang was so frightened that she almost knelt down on the spot!

The entire Tianmo Palace was also a sensation, everyone felt a shock, and their brains went blank!

"Ordinary cultivators encounter thunder calamity, but it's just dark clouds rolling in, and ordinary thunder falls! Although it's really hard to resist, compared with the catastrophe in front of us, I'm afraid it's not even as good as a thunder light?!"

"This is no way to survive. As long as this power remains unchanged, even if I am in the later stage of the tribulation, I will definitely die!" Jiang Qingyue also looked pale, making everyone's hair stand on end!

The majesty of the Heavenly Tribulation in the early stage of Transcending the Tribulation, but the body of Taiyin can't withstand the later period of Transcending the Tribulation? !

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