I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 668 Killing people along the network cable?

Heavenly Tribulation is the test of the Dao of Heaven for practitioners, and it has many well-known characteristics.

First, as long as one person overcomes the catastrophe, other people will also suffer from karma in the corresponding area, and endure the catastrophe of their own realm;

Second, the higher the potential of the monk, the more terrifying the thunder disaster it will attract.This is also easy to understand. For example, the robbery of a saint is naturally different from that of an ordinary monk.Otherwise, what the saint encounters is an ordinary catastrophe, and it is simply not a test, and he can go through it easily and comfortably.

And the thunder catastrophe that Lin Fei ushered in... was a terrifying scene that no one had ever heard before!

The condensed figures of thunder and light contained terrifying energy, which made everyone on Noah's side tear their eyes apart and frighten them out of their wits!

Nine Heavenly Cloud Tribulations!

This kind of thunder calamity was only set up for Lin Fei, Liu Dao, and Lin Yuan, and it did not exist in any records of cultivation classics.

The saint's calamity, the lunar sun's calamity, the fairy sword's calamity, and the evil demon's calamity are all like jokes before this level of catastrophe, and they are not worth mentioning at all.

"Not good! Once we fall into it, we will suffer the thunder calamity corresponding to our own realm!" Anubis trembled all over, with a frightened look on his face.

The seraphim's face was extremely solemn, and his eyes were full of divine light, as if he was calculating something quickly, and then his face turned pale.

Must die!

Don't say that he is just a ray of projection, even if the real body is here, he will definitely die!

This kind of catastrophe has already surpassed all common sense cognition, and any records of thunder catastrophe in the cultivation world are not applicable here.Seraphim even had a horrifying conjecture in his heart—even if the Lord God suffered such a thunder disaster, he would surely perish!

"Master Noah, what should we do?"

"Master Noah, please think of a way, or we will all die here!"

A group of believers turned pale with fright, and hurriedly looked at him with attacking eyes.

"Lin Fei, speak up if you have something to say!" Noah's expression changed instantly, and he hurriedly said in a burst of panic, "We are all the power to protect the earth, why are you so desperate?!"

There was an unconcealable tremor in his voice.

Facing his resignation, Lin Fei said with cold eyes: "It's too late to seek peace now. I gave you a chance, but you just don't know how to cherish it—it seems that you don't understand the value of life!"

"As for the death of the fish...I think you are wrong, this kind of catastrophe is just normal for me!"

After the words fell, he flew towards Noah and the others!

Go ahead!

At this moment, Anubis almost suffocated.He even wanted to give himself a slap in the face: You said what the hell did I do? Wouldn't it be good to run away with the goddess of justice, Matt?

As Lin Fei approached, the mountain-thick five-color thunder light directly blasted down, like a surging ocean or a long river.

Everyone was so frightened that they let out desperate screams, and in an instant they tried their best to stay away from him.

Everyone in the Heavenly Demon Shrine looked dumbfounded!

Su Tianshuang swallowed, and murmured almost dully: "Am I not mistaken? The Patriarch didn't pass through the early stage of the tribulation, and actually drove a group of strong men away like bereaved dogs, and there are two main god projections among them?"

No one answered him.

Because everyone was stunned, I felt that there were layers of turbulent waves in my heart.

"Ah! Lord Noah, save—" Before a believer could finish speaking, he was directly brushed by a ray of five-color thunder.

When this ray of five-colored lightning passed by, only the black ashes flew up, and then turned into molecules that the naked eye and even the consciousness could not catch, and these molecules broke apart and turned into atoms.Even the atoms that can no longer be divided at the chemical level and can only be destroyed at the physical level are directly crushed...

What kind of body protection qi, holy light technique, flesh and bone soul, all disappeared in one swipe!

"Lin Fei, don't come here!" Anubis roared, his clothes were smashed to pieces, and his whole body was pitch black.He was originally an image of a jackal with a human body, but at this moment, his lush hair was scorched black, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Lin Fei was bathed in a thunderstorm, his whole body was "crackling" jumping arcs, blue, red, yellow, white and black in five colors.But he didn't even blink his eyelids, he just said lightly: "But I just started warming up, so I can't take it anymore?"

Anubis was also impatient, and immediately roared: "Okay, I'll just destroy a projection and kill you!"

He didn't dare to take the risk of getting close to Lin Fei, and immediately poured divine power into the spear in his hand.


Anubis raised his spear high, and it was suddenly enveloped by the thick black light of the bucket, and the scattered electric lights around him instantly surged.At this time, the spear in his hand was like the root system of the world tree, entangled with countless huge root-like rays of light.

"go with!"

He yelled violently, and threw the spear in his hand violently.Its power was earth-shattering, and it shattered the void in an instant, and the space it passed through collapsed like a mirror.

Noah was instantly excited, and looked at this fleeting terrifying streamer full of surprises.

The faces of the people in Tianmo Palace were pale, and they had the illusion that their souls were taken away by this spear.

Anubis sneered in his heart, thinking that as long as Lin Fei died, then such a terrifying catastrophe would be wiped out.

However, Lin Fei didn't even blink his eyelids, he looked at the oncoming spear very calmly and calmly, and didn't even move to dodge to block it.

The full blow of the main god's projection cannot be dodged or blocked.

Of course, there is no need to dodge and block.

If the magic weapon can block the power of the gods, then what kind of test is it for a monk?Are you sure this is not a test whose magic weapon is stronger?

Whose magic weapon is powerful, then whose magic weapon will suffer the catastrophe first.


Above the dark clouds in the sky, a mad dragon condensed with thunder and lightning suddenly emerged from the sea of ​​thunder, roaring.Its sound actually created fluctuations visible to the naked eye, spreading out like a circle of ripples.

It's strange to say that such sound waves should have spread directly, causing severe damage or even killing everyone present.But it condensed into a ball and hit the spear directly.

The spear encountered such a force collision, and the terrifying power that penetrated everything was unimaginably hindered, and it froze in midair for a moment.

Then, it shattered inch by inch and exploded into gorgeous black fireworks that filled the sky!

At the same time, far away in the desert of the Kingdom of God in Egypt, Anubis's body revealed a frightened expression.

Because with the sound of "click", the body of the divine spear in his hand cracked traces, as if it had suffered some unimaginable heavy blow, and several pieces the size of fingernails were directly shot out.

"Puff puff--"

These fragments directly penetrated his physical body.

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