The peerless sword's edge, as black as ink, puffed out the sword light, pointing directly at the head of the thunder figure.

The startling assassination made everyone present chill, who could escape such an assassination?There was no sign of any movement at all, but with a turn of his gaze, the sword's edge had already pierced the head.

The sword in the pupil of the sage of Heavenly Dao is sharp and ruthless, and he pays attention to killing with one blow.If it is stabbed, it will destroy both body and spirit, and there is no possibility of survival!

However, the enemies that Noah faced were not real living beings, but the evolution of the sea of ​​thunder.Under the two swords in his pupils, his head exploded and annihilated, but his headless body still savagely hurt the killer.


This thunder and lightning figure was clapped with a palm, sending out a strange and distorted wave, which actually formed a web of thunder and light and directly blasted down.

"Double pupils open the sky!" Noah still didn't move, but the runes in the pupils changed rapidly, full of shocking power, and a small world was built in an instant, and the thunder and lightning figure was imprisoned in it.


The palm of the thunder figure directly shattered the small world, and turned his palm into a fist, blasting towards Noah.

Noah frowned, and a light flashed across his chest.


The gossip runes appeared, and instantly turned into house-sized, glittering golden fonts, smashing towards the thunder figure.

The first rune hit it, and the thunder figure's arm shattered;

The second rune followed closely behind, directly flying it out;

Then the runes attacked together, blasting the lightning figure into pieces!

Noah sneered, and was about to ridicule and attack Lin Fei, but when he looked over, he was horrified on the spot.

Because Lin Fei had already dealt with the thunder figure before, and even shook his arms, tearing a dragon alive.

He didn't even bother to look at what Noah and the others said, as if he didn't take them to heart, and directly... soared into the sky!

That's right, he took the initiative to rush towards the thundercloud in the sky!


"Rush towards the thunder cloud actively, is there such a way to overcome the calamity?"

"Master Patriarch, calm down, that is no ordinary lightning tribulation!"

However, Lin Fei's expression was extremely calm, and he directly and steadily landed on the bottom layer of thundercloud.In an instant, the thunderclouds rolled and boiled, and the sound of thunder exploded.

Human figures formed by the condensed lightning appeared one by one, and there were as many as a dozen people, and they directly joined forces to attack him.

Lin Fei swung his hands in the void, and then a Tai Chi Yin Yang life and death diagram blasted out, directly blasting a thunder figure to pieces.Immediately afterwards, his figure bent mysteriously, turning into a strange avenue, and he swept past suddenly, and the thunder light exploded behind him!

Anubis was almost scared to pee on the spot, and blurted out a dirty word.

"The warm-up is almost done, can't we hurry up and get to the point?" Lin Fei sighed slightly, the voice from the sky was already very ethereal, but it still made many people turn pale with fright.

Hot... warm up? !

At this moment, Anubis and Seraphim wanted to strangle their believers to death—although they were already dead.

However, Lin Fei's initiative to kill the thunder cloud in the sky seemed to have angered the will of heaven in the dark.


In the sound of a surging tide, countless human-shaped thunder and lightning suddenly condensed into shape.They were divided into four groups, and rushed towards the four people who crossed the catastrophe!

The most terrifying thing is that these humanoid thunderbolts are no longer unarmed as before.They even held spears, shields, and mounted mounts of various shapes, like the "Central Heaven Thunder Cavalry Legion", charging down from the sky mightily.


The mount stepped into the void, and the sound of iron hooves falling was as dense as a storm, like lightning and thunder, leaving traces of lightning in the void wherever it passed.Although there are only a hundred people in each batch, they are like thousands of troops rushing to attack.

When they gathered together, there was an unspeakable aura, which made people suddenly see thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals riding on their mounts, rushing forward indomitably, wantonly plundering and conquering all major planes!

This kind of momentum has formed a terrible spiritual impact, which makes people fear and chill from the depths of their souls.This is not some kind of description, but the coldness in the true sense - even the primordial spirit felt a terrible chill, its ability to move and think was affected, and it became extremely stiff and jerky.


"Do not kill me!"


Outside the Heavenly Demon Arena, everyone was only affected by insignificant influences, and most of the monks whose souls were not tough enough to be strong enough to run away in fright.Those who went on the rampage directly, regardless of whether they offended their son or daughter, just wanted to escape from here, as far as possible from those charging thunder cavalry.

Some of them cried in fright, some even peed in fright, and some rolled their eyes on the spot and passed out...

The scene was a mess, and the chaos reached the extreme.

Even if the people on the sidelines were like this, it was even more unimaginable to face the impact of those people who were so powerful.

Anubis's scalp went numb for a while, and he subconsciously took half a step back, and then watched countless thunder cavalry charge fiercely.After all, it is the existence of the main god of cultivation, and he has seen the vicissitudes of life. After all, he mustered up his courage and launched the final attack.

But it gives people the feeling of a mantis arm blocking a car.

"Boom boom-"

Where the iron hoof stepped, there was no piece of armor left, and there was not even a scum left of the projection of Anubis.

On the other side, the seraphim trembled slightly, and finally seemed to accept the reality, directly clasped his hands on his chest, and closed his eyes as if praying.



A pillar of light burst into the sky suddenly, as if a nuclear bomb of holy light had exploded, and an exaggerated mushroom cloud was directly rolled up, and the shock wave violently swept all directions.The terrifying power directly sent some of the nearby cavalry flying away, even the horses and horses were severely damaged, and the few people in the front were even exploded.

This group of thunder cavalry charged and disappeared out of thin air after losing the enemy, which is extremely mysterious.

On the other side, Noah almost went crazy.

He roared heart-piercingly, his hair was disheveled, and charged fiercely at these cavalrymen.

Noah's expression was cold and ferocious, he turned his head suddenly, and with a sweep of his eyes, there was a sudden light of heaven.


An exaggerated ray of light tore through everything and slammed into the edge of the Demon Arena.If it were to change the venue, there would be a terrifying gully on the ground, even extending hundreds of feet away.

This blow directly destroyed several cavalrymen, but it also shocked him, and he staggered, scarlet blood oozing from his eye sockets.

Apparently, Noah paid a great price for beheading the Heavenly Thunder Transformation Powerhouse in the same realm.

But this is also reasonable. If it is a normal battle, how can it be possible to kill the Thunder Cavalry with one move?

On the contrary, it was Lin Fei who seemed extremely abnormal...

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