I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 671 Xuan Lei 7 Yelian

Lin Fei held the Heavenly Demon Splitting Sky Sword in his hand, the sword light was criss-crossing, and it swept across with vigor.

His figure was almost invisible, only a faint afterimage remained.Like a butterfly piercing a flower, it shuttles through a group of human-shaped sky thunders, moving around like clouds and flowing water, without a trace like an antelope hanging horns.

If the sprites were still alive, seeing this scene would remind them of the fear of the World War I.

This is the ultimate instant kill technique he pursues!

At a glance, Noah saw nine figures of Lin Fei.And this is obviously not the technique of split body and incarnation, but just the afterimage left by the too fast speed of its main body.

In his eyes, there are only nine, but in Lin Kunpeng's eyes, they are densely packed.In the eyes of others, there are afterimages of Lin Fei everywhere, completely dazzling!

These afterimages either turned sideways to avoid the attack, or blasted the human-shaped Tianlei's chest with a palm, or turned around and cut off the human-shaped Tianlei's head with a sword, or leaned back to avoid the killing move...

The most frightening thing is that Lin Fei even used the technique of double pupils to open the sky, to hide and shuttle in the small world at critical moments, and then burst out from an incredible angle in an instant.

With ease and ease, it is clear that he has not exerted his full strength.

Until all the thunder cavalrymen were killed, their clothes were smashed, revealing a well-proportioned and strong physique.

On the other hand, Noah had already closed his eyes firmly, his face was distorted in pain, and two lines of blood and tears dripped down his cheeks.Although there were eight flickering runes circling around his body, he was not seriously injured, but he was still scorched black, and his hair exploded in a mess in all directions.

And the number of thunder cavalry he faced was nearly fifty.

Who is strong or weak is clear at a glance.

"Death!" Noah roared, and a terrible force burst out of his chest.

Lin Fei glanced at him lightly, and saw clearly what was going on inside him.

Noah's heart was squeezed into a ball suddenly, and then the blood of the soul jumped out, and poured directly into the holy bone.

The sun shines on the universe, and the auspicious colors are like flowing clouds, flourishing and shining, shining beyond the sky!


Numerous divine light chains the thickness of an adult's arm burst out from Noah's body, piercing through the bodies of all the cavalry around him.

If you look carefully, you can see that the runes are densely covered, all of which are ancient and mysterious characters, branded in the void, shining like crystal stars, and clanking.It is densely intertwined, which forms the shape of a chain.

There are eight chains in total, all of which have different evolutions of gossip runes. It is the ultimate killer move currently mastered by Noah. It can be seen that he is also forced to be impatient.

Then with his roar, these thunder cavalry exploded on the spot.

There was an uproar in the audience, and no one dared to underestimate Noah.

"It's scary, is this the power contained in the holy bone?"

"It's even better than the heavy pupil. It's a real heavenly killing technique. I even feel the mystery of the Dao in it!"

"Is it... the true meaning of the gossip runes? Hey, if Noah is allowed to grow up, I'm afraid that his sacred bones can compare to the power of Hetu Luoshu!"

After Lin Kunpeng exclaimed, the crowd erupted again.

Hetu Luoshu, that is the legendary treasure of the human race!

Its shape is a tortoise shell and a jade book, and the combination of the two is a proper extreme emperor soldier.It's not even made by refining the day after tomorrow, but born by innate good fortune, which contains the power of Dao rhyme and rules of the origin of the universe.

Even if it is placed in the extreme emperor army, it is the top level, the same level as the Donghuang Bell, Niyu Sword, Kunlun Mirror, and Haotian Tower!

The Ten Thousand Bamboo Map, the Ten Thousand Dragon Chain, and the Poling Purple Bamboo are all insignificant in front of him.

Lin Kunpeng, as a descendant of Lin Yuan, knows even more shocking news that is rarely known to the public—if he fully grasps the true meaning of Hetu Luoshu, he can go from gossip to the realm of "Hunyuan" and become an immortal emperor!

In other words, if Hetu Luoshu recognized the master, he would have a chance to covet the throne of the Immortal Emperor.Although this glimmer of hope is extremely slim, it exists for real!

And the holy bone in Noah's body can grow to the realm of Hetu Luoshu, how terrible is this?

The most important thing for a saint of the way of heaven is to be above the prefix of "the way of heaven".Its sacred bone conceived such an extraordinary path, and it also has the power of double-pupil analysis. Isn't this a natural gift to accept the favor of the Dao?

Terrifying, indescribable!

Lin Kunpeng couldn't help being shocked inwardly with such a realization in his heart, secretly thinking that it was thanks to Noah that he was facing the Patriarch, otherwise he might have driven and wiped out the entire Heavenly Demon Palace!

After Noah cast the gossip rune order chain, he suddenly began to bleed from his seven orifices, and his body shook.Like a weak mortal suffering from a serious illness, he staggered, his chest heaved unceasingly, there was a heavy panting sound, and his face was extremely pale.

"You are far worse than Fuxi." Lin Fei's faint voice came from above a thundercloud.

Noah was shocked and angry in his heart, but he could only grit his teeth tightly.With the lessons learned by Anubis, even if he borrowed ten courages from him, he would not dare to attack Lin Fei before the thundercloud dissipated.

At this time, he has come to the depths of the thunder cloud, where there is a small thunder pond half a meter long.Among them, there is a dreamlike five-color nectar.

And among the five-color nectar, there is a Xuanlei Aescin quietly blooming.

There was an uproar.

"What is that? There is a spring pool in the thunder calamity!"

"What a huge breath of life, is this... is it the legendary holy medicine conceived by Wang Yangleihai, the rare medicine that can be used to refine the Xuanlei Life and Death Pill?!"

"Unbelievable! Although this kind of holy medicine can only be born in the endless sea of ​​​​thunder, it is unheard of that the holy medicine is born in the catastrophe! A new life is bred in the midst of destruction and death, just like the natural law that there must be an antidote near a poisonous snake. "

"I'm afraid it's a unique situation for existences like the Patriarch to cross the tribulation, right? It's just like the gods who passed the tribulation back then, that's also..."

Before this person could continue speaking, another person exclaimed, "He's gone in!"

Lin Fei was like a real reckless man, he swung his fist brazenly, causing countless divine lines to jump, as if he was carrying a burning glow.


The thunder and light all over the sky exploded, and five-color nectar gushed out from it.It seems to be extremely heavy, every drop has the weight of a mountain, blooming with infinite auspicious colors.

Lin Fei opened his mouth and inhaled, swallowing all the five-color nectar and refining it.For a while, the five-color glow was transpiring all over the body, like a dream.

Without stopping, he calmly came to Xuanlei Qiyelian and pulled it out.


As Lin Fei pulled out the Xuanlei Aescin, the entire layer of thundercloud trembled, and then collapsed and disappeared.

And the remaining eight layers of thunderclouds in the sky pressed down heavily.

Even though it was only the second layer of thunderclouds that took the place of the previous first layer, it caused the entire Heavenly Demon Arena to sink, dispelling the billowing demon energy, as if it had suffered unimaginable pressure.

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