I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 672: The Power of Heavenly Sages

Noah's figure in the field sank suddenly, and there was a "crackling" bone explosion sound all over his body.

Pain appeared on his face, and he spat out a mouthful of blood with a "poof".

"Woman, what's going on?" Ji Yaoguang's face was full of shock, and her heart was beating wildly.She thought in her heart that there would be a full eight layers of thunderclouds, the first one had already forced the sage of Heavenly Dao to suffer heavy injuries, and the remaining eight layers of thunderclouds would be enough to pay off?

Especially above the ninth thundercloud, just looking at those figures made one feel as if their souls were about to burst into flames, and the pain was unbearable.

"Ma'am, I don't know something," the nun looked at Lin Fei's figure and said intently, "The Nine Layers of Heavenly Cloud Tribulation is a special heavenly tribulation for the Heavenly Venerable, the Demon Lord of the Six Paths, and the Heavenly Demon Lord in the realm of crossing the catastrophe."

"This catastrophe did not come at once, but was divided into three times, following the three stages of the realm of transcending the catastrophe. The tests that need to be faced are also gradually increasing. Thundercloud, the third four-level thundercloud, a total of nine levels."

"Madam, please rest assured that this kind of thunder tribulation is a certain death situation for any other strong people, but for these three, it can only be regarded as a test that truly suits them."

Ji Yaoguang's heart moved, as if he had caught an unusual breath: "I can understand Lin Fei and Liu Dao. One of them is the source of chaos, and the other is the source of original darkness. Then why can Lin Yuan be compared with them?"

The nun looked at her in surprise, as if she didn't expect that she didn't know about it, but she turned her head and said, "Madam thinks there should be a transition between chaos and original darkness?"

Ji Yaoguang frowned slightly, thinking that chaos is the origin of all things, and original darkness is the end of all things, so the middle should be everything in this multiverse, right?

"Could it be that Lin Yuan is the incarnation of the multiverse?" She was shocked instantly, with a dumbfounded look, "He is the will of heaven?!"

The nun was slightly taken aback, as if admiring Ji Yaoguang's brain hole, then smiled and shook her head and said: "No, it's the primordial! It's the existence of the undivided universe, time and space, the vitality of all things such as the universe, time and space, and the origin of all concepts." , the original state of all time and space.”

"He entered the multiverse from the last source at the same time as Tianzun and Liudao, but he was born more than 99 million years later and awakened because he should not have existed and was contrary to the position of the universe. Face the rules."

"Chaos is the original origin, and the original darkness is the final destination. The primordial is the intermediate process, but this intermediate process has been replaced by the time and space of the multiverse. What is its appearance?"

"Well, in modern terminology, Lin Yuan is a so-called system bug. When Tiandao noticed this bug, he couldn't kill him, so he could only try his best to suppress his awakening, and entered a rigid execution of a program. middle."

"And waking up too late also caused Lin Yuan to fail to reach the highest point like Tianzun and Liu Dao. He didn't have the strength to control his own destiny, and he fell early."

When Ji Yaoguang heard this, he was beyond shocked.

The nun hesitated to speak, but in the end she just sighed secretly in her heart and said nothing more.

In fact, she was also puzzled.

That is, the era of chaos and primordialism has passed, and the era when the multiverse returns to its original darkness will take at least 1400 billion years to come.

Then the problem is coming!

Why did the origin of the three give birth to consciousness, and even appeared in the world in form?

The nun shook her head, feeling that [-]% of her thoughts were too much.After all, who can tell the high level?Maybe it's not as complicated as I thought. The existence of the essence of the triple multiverse has such a mysterious mystery of immortals and demons?

Thinking of this, she immediately turned her gaze back to the Demon Arena like others.

At this time, the second thundercloud descended, and a large number of thunder creatures had already appeared in it.Only this time, they are not in human form, but ferocious monsters of different shapes.

They range from the size of a palm to the size of a mountain, and they all contain terrifying power.

Of course, this Thunder Tribulation still didn't only "take care" of Lin Fei, but also included Noah in the category of Crossing the Tribulation.

Noah's face turned green, and he gritted his teeth, which made people worry that he would be out of breath in the next moment.

"I don't accept it, you cheat!" He really broke down from the bottom of his heart.

Fighting for strength and background, Noah is really fearless.On the one hand, with the help of the main god, on the other hand, he couldn't even die in Lin Fei's hands. The other party was invincible.

But Lin Fei didn't play that kind of nonsense with him at all, and initiated a "friendly and friendly" invitation when he came up - fellow daoist, crossing the catastrophe?

In fact, Noah's self-cultivation is astonishing, Su Tianshuang murmured in his heart, thinking that it's not surprising that this guy even scolded "What kind of disaster did I survive".

Noah stood up stubbornly, and then forcefully opened his bleeding eyes!

The black light and the jumping complex runes in his eyes dissipated and returned to mist, as if there was a cloud of mist, which could not be seen clearly.But the eyes started to emit white light, which was obviously different, which made people's hearts jump.

The double pupils turned into white, and a stream of pure white radiance flowed like water, enveloping him instantly, and then making his whole body clean and radiant.

At the same time, a powerful breath of life bloomed.It seems that in the wild age, everything is thriving and growing crazily and rapidly.

At this moment, people discovered an astonishing fact, Noah's heavily injured shoulders began to emit blazing brilliance, densely covered with runes, absorbing this life essence.

At the same time, his chest creaked and his bones continued.Even the wounded primordial spirit is recovering!

The audience was in an uproar, deeply shocked by the scene they saw.

This scene is too unbelievable, the double-pupil power of the Heavenly Dao Saint is too strange and powerful, not only the physical body, but even the original source can be repaired!

Thinking about it deeply is enough to make everyone's scalp tingle.Doesn't this mean that Noah has an immortal body?This mother is invincible!

However, Noah was not as invincible as everyone imagined, the light in his eyes quickly dimmed, and even his pupils became darker.

It seemed to have lost all its power, and there were no more beating mysterious runes, and it was all gray.

The double pupil suffered great wear and tear and was temporarily blinded.

Noah let out a hoarse roar, and suddenly forced several monsters to attack.

Where they collided, pieces of runes appeared, and the golden runes were imprinted in the void, rumbling, like a grand scripture being engraved.

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