I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 707 Surprise or surprise?

"Wu Yun is prosperous!"

The goddess of time spoke like this, and then stretched out her slender and white right hand, with the palm facing down and the back of the hand facing up.

"Martial luck is prosperous!" The gods said in a trembling voice, and put their hands up one after another, and then pressed down heavily.

In the next moment, Leibogen, the god of space, yelled violently, his beard and hair all stretched out, and he suddenly drew a circle in the void with both hands, opening up a space passage.


Nine gods entered one after another and disappeared directly on the surface of the moon.

And almost at the same moment, a vast and majestic aura suddenly swept away, and a beam of light shot up into the sky, connecting the sky and the earth.

The avenue is sympathetic, the sky and the earth are roaring, and the chains of order are clanging and intertwined on the side of the beam of light.

"Is this the breath of the Ten Thousand Saints?"

"What a... arrogant and strong man!"

"Since he took the initiative to show up and invite us, how can we refuse to fight?"

With a thought, the nine gods turned into flowing light almost at the same time, rushing towards the place where the beam of light burst out.

It was as if nine meteors rushed past in the sky. They passed through the atmosphere, causing the surrounding air waves to burn, dragging flame trails, and thick smoke billowing.

They did not restrain their terrifying aura, causing countless people to panic and panic.

And Lin Fei was bathed in the pillar of light that soared into the sky, and he had already activated the state of fairy transformation, and the black and white aura intertwined and entangled like a dragon, as if it was going to be inserted into the sky.


Amidst the almost uniform sound of tearing the air, nine gods appeared in the sky above Rongcheng, surrounding Lin Fei.

Many people in Rongcheng were terrified, their hearts were beating wildly, and they watched this scene with anxiety.

"It's over, it's over! Once a strong man of this level fights, none of us can escape, there is only one word of death!"

I don't know how many people have such thoughts in their hearts, and feel aggrieved and hopeless, which is the most weak and powerless sorrow.

The so-called "fairy fights, mortals suffer" is just like this.A random ray of aftershock is enough to wipe out tens of millions of lives.

Perhaps for those strong people, these are insignificant ants, and they will not blink their eyes at all.But for these victims, it was utter devastation.

"Tianzun, actually I quite admire you. It's a pity that the situation forces me to stay with you forever." Fengshen little Lolita murmured softly, and took down the wooden bow with the lingering wind behind her.

"The positions are different, so there is no need to say more." Lin Fei said indifferently, "It's just a matter of death."

After the words fell, he flipped his palms and threw the Heavenly Demon Arena high up.


The Heavenly Demon Arena rose against the wind, and instantly stood above the zenith.A strong suction force came, and the eight gods were forcibly absorbed into it, leaving only one battle god with wide-eyed eyes and a face full of horror.

That is to say, Heilongxing didn't have the word "fuck", otherwise he would have been exposed to such foul language.

What about the nine-on-one deal, why did it suddenly become heads-up? !

This motherfucker is different from what I thought!

One-on-one with Wansheng Tianzun in the same realm... no, even if it is two small realms higher, the God of Fighting can't raise the will to fight at all.

The faces of the eight gods who were trapped also changed, and they tried desperately to get out, but found it was useless!

"Not good! He actually has such a magic weapon in his hand!"

"What if this breaks us down one by one?"

"As a majestic Ten Thousand Saints, how can you act like this?!"

These gods felt that their hearts, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were trembling, and they were shocked, angry and afraid.

They felt that Lin Fei didn't play the cards according to the routine, so why did he forcefully find someone to single out?

"Are you angry?" Lin Fei said lightly, and performed a brutal touch-up, "It's right to be angry, this is the feeling I want."

The thunder god giant with the most irritable temper was so angry that his eyes almost popped out immediately, he roared and started beating his chest crazily, making a terrifying sound like a god beating a drum.

And Ji Yaoguang and others were completely stunned, Su Tianshuang was stunned for a while, and finally he could only give a thumbs up: "Niubi!"

Liu Meng glanced at him with disdain, and said contemptuously: "I told you to read more books and didn't listen, now you just know what to say when you encounter something?"

Su Tianshuang couldn't hold back anymore, she looked annoyed, but dared not speak out.

The most terrible thing is that Jiang Qingyue added in a low voice: "Fifth Senior Sister, you are wrong. Fourth Senior Brother also has other words, such as 'Fuck'."

Su Tianshuang frowned instantly: "Hong Tu, don't stop me, let me strangle this bastard to death!"

Others have spoken out to persuade.

"Forget it, Fourth Young Master, calm down!"

"That's right, you can't beat the sixth son!"

Su Tianshuang almost vomited blood on the spot, is there such a persuasion?

Are you beasts? !

Seeing this scene, the battle god of the orc race was even more frightened and angry, causing his whole body to tremble.

Am I being embarrassed?

The majestic god of battle, who is comparable to a strong man in the Mahayana realm, is about to start a war here. You don't have to hide far away, but you still dare to treat me like air here? !

The battle has not yet started, and the mentality of the orc race's fighting gods has collapsed.

"I'll kill you first!" He yelled violently and swung his iron fist violently.The purple grudge is like a long rainbow, which is as wide as the Yangtze River, making the void roar and tremble, killing the people below with extreme terror.

However, there was another bang.

The second demon arena soared into the sky, forcibly blocking the crushing black fighting spirit.The so-called indestructible black dou qi hit it and shattered inch by inch, blasting countless black spots of light.

But the Heavenly Demon Arena just sank down with a heavy bang, and then rose resolutely in the devilish energy.

"There's a second one?!" The gods immediately felt thunder in their minds, and waves of turmoil in their hearts, almost suffocating on the spot.

"What a fuss." Su Tianshuang muttered, the second Demon Arena was his property.

What's more terrible is that Jiang Qingyue and Liu Meng also turned their hands silently, and a demon arena emerged in their palms.

"Your mother!" the Thunder God giant yelled, feeling like he was being hammered with the urge to vomit blood on the spot.

One piece of this thing is scary, okay, you fucking take out four pieces at once? !

"It's over!" The gods had such thoughts in their minds, and their faces were as ugly as if they had eaten dead flies.

"Mistake!" The Goddess of Time showed fear and regret.

Originally, they wanted to join forces with nine people to completely kill Lin Fei, but they were cheated instead!

If they don't join forces together, not to mention how much damage they can cause, at least they can win chips like hostages, and there is still the possibility of a roundabout battle, right?


A ray of light flashed, and the Beastman God of War was also taken into the second Omen Arena.

As soon as he stood still in the grand and spacious square, Lin Fei broke through the air and entered.

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