I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 708 Illusory Qi, Second Kill

Cold sweat oozes from the forehead of the Beastman God of War, and he is no longer the bloodthirsty, brutal, belligerent and angry look of the ordinary Beastmen.

This is actually a very inappropriate scene, after all, he is a strong man in the late stage of God of War, corresponding to the late stage of Mahayana cultivation!

However, Lin Fei's real cultivation base was only in the middle stage of the tribulation, relying on such heaven-defying techniques as the transformation of immortals and demons, and withstanding the unimaginable backlash with his incomplete chaotic body, he forcibly showed his strength in the early stage of Mahayana.

But the absurd thing happened just like that. The people in the early stage of crossing the tribulation looked indifferent and calm, while the strong men in the late stage of crossing the tribulation were sweating, and even took half a step back subconsciously.

But no one laughed at him, as if everyone took it for granted.

This is the most terrifying phenomenon.

"Fight it, kill it!" The Beastman God of Fighting also gave it his all, knowing that if he didn't fight to the end, there was really only a dead end left.

He turned his fear into an angry battle cry, his whole body was surrounded by fiery black fighting spirit, and his momentum was rising steadily.

Even in the Heavenly Demon Arena, countless spectators were shocked and felt a burst of horror.

The orc fighting god is tall and burly, with eyes like dragon eyes, full of exaggerated sense of strength, muscles like horned dragons entrenched, intense pressure.The interspatial ring on his hand shone brightly, and under the urging of a trace of fighting spirit, the weapons and armor in it suddenly gushed out like liquid metal, and were directly equipped with clangs on his body.

The liquid metal solidified in an instant, and the black gold armor shone with a breathtaking cold light, covering his burly figure, like a demon god in ancient mythology descending into the world.

The weapon of the Beastman God of War is also a metal glove made of the same mysterious material.

This strange metal called "Black Dragon Flowing Gold" is the top-level refining material of Black Dragon Star, and its name can be seen as extraordinary.Regardless of the armor or the weapon, it fits perfectly with the user, and there will be no problem of being too wide or too tight.


Under such full armor, the orc God of War slammed a punch.

"Electric Blade Wave Fist!"

Akhan, as an exceptionally gifted fighting god of the orc race, was born with two extremely destructive attributes of thunder and fire, and could practice fighting qi skills of the two attributes.Possessing dual attributes, this is an extremely rare unworldly genius, and it is not surprising that he can practice to this level after a long period of time.

This blow is no longer a matter of how many volts can describe it.The boundless thunder and lightning were engulfed in black battle energy, and bright silver light bloomed in the pitch-black depths, making the air between the two of them scream like tearing.

"That's it?" Lin Fei waved his fist indifferently with an indifferent expression.

There is no scorching light, no bright thunder, and nothing special except for the body-protecting qi, but it makes the void tremble and scream, as if the space is shaking.

It was just a heavy punch, a very heavy punch, so heavy that it seemed that the world could hardly bear it. When others saw it, they felt like there was a huge mountain pressing down, creating an illusion that they were about to be crushed!

If the power of this punch is dispersed, it can probably sink a continental plate and completely wipe it off from the earth.

To achieve such a horrific level of destruction with physical strength, the scalp is numb. If you know its true destructive power, you will be dumbfounded on the spot, and you can only sigh "unbelievable".

But now this force is concentrated and compressed within a radius of less than a palm, facing the silver-black intertwined Thunderman Dou Qi.


Lin Fei blasted this force into pieces with one punch, and the surroundings were full of jumping electric arcs and black energy storms.

His fist had weakened somewhat, but he still resolutely hit the orc God of War casserole-sized fist.


Bone to bone, fist to fist.

Under one blow, the orc roared in pain, his bones were cracked, and he staggered backwards.

Grading of fighting spirit is very simple, it can be seen from the color.

From high to low, they are red orange yellow green blue blue purple.

Those who have cultivated purple Dou Qi are the so-called Dou Sheng, comparable to monks who have crossed the catastrophe; and those who have cultivated black Dou Qi are Dou Sheng, comparable to Mahayana monks.

"I have also created the fighting qi cultivation system. Although it cannot lead to the ultimate road, it does not stop at black fighting qi. Don't tell me that until now, the black dragon star has not broken through the limit of black fighting qi?" Lin Fei slightly He frowned, as if a little disappointed.

According to the realm of the Beastman God of War, it should have touched a new level.But his Electric Blade Wave Fist didn't show up before, obviously he hasn't noticed the last level of fighting qi cultivation.

"What did you say?!" The Beast God's eyes widened suddenly, feeling deeply shocked and impacted.

Dou Qi can go to the next level?

"Forget it, I'll let you see it." Lin Fei said lightly, and clenched his palms into fists again, "Although I haven't reached the corresponding level, I have already penetrated its true meaning. It is not difficult to imitate and use it."

"This is... Phantom Qi!"

Vacuum wave punch!

Use phantom energy as energy, and reversely condense air as a move.The vacuum wave turned into a mass of invisible light waves that attached to his palm, and the fierce punch once again hit the Beastman God of War.

The power of the vacuum triggers the opponent's excess defense, just like an allergy.The stronger the immune system, the more horrific the degree of self-injury.

If Liu Dao was here, I'm afraid he would scoff at him on the spot, thinking that Lin Fei Xiaoxiao himself was playing a child's game - with Liu Dao's level of energy control, there is absolutely no reason why he would be injured because of his energy loss.

But at this moment, Lin Fei's opponent was not Liu Dao, but the Beastman God of War.

This guy's pathetic vision couldn't even understand the doorway, his body was covered in black light, and he roared with a punch, waving his fighting spirit like a wave to head-on.


After punching each other, the battle god's expression changed instantly, and he was frightened: "This is impossible!"

The energy in his body was completely out of control, bursting directly from the inside, exploding in the body in an exaggerated manner like nuclear fusion.

The Orc Fighting God instantly inflated like a balloon, inflated to the extreme, and then exploded with a "bang".

After a brief period of sluggishness, the audience erupted instantly.

"In the early stage of the Mahayana against the late stage of the Mahayana, the second...insta kill?!" Su Tianshuang swallowed, his voice trembling.

"Is the energy just now called phantom energy? It's terrifying. It looks like the purest energy of life, and it also looks like the purest energy of destruction."

"Yes! It seems that according to the manipulation of the patriarch, not only can the people who have only one breath left be rescued, but it also seems to be able to destroy everything!"

Ji Yaoguang and the others were also shocked, their eyes glowing brightly.

At this moment, they finally understood why Lin Fei was only afraid of the old black dragon and the nightmare mirror.

These other so-called gods who practice magic and battle qi, even if they are equivalent to the late stage of Mahayana, can only be crushed and instantly killed!

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