I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 716 The Hunt Begins

The arrogance and strength of the Blue Ocean Clan has brought the entire earth into complete chaos.

Boundless despair is spreading crazily.

This frenzied race seems to be deliberately showing force, and even temporarily stopped the fleet and let a large battleship go out.

Then it emitted a layer upon layer of distorted invisible waves, passing through a planet in a flash!

The picture shows a close-up of the planet, allowing people all over the world to see clearly how it was pierced through a huge hole comparable to a continent.Then the entire planet vibrated violently, disintegrated suddenly, and exploded directly.


At this moment, someone's mobile phone fell to the ground, and the screen cracked;

There was a direct "plop", and the person and the chair fell backwards;

Someone's face was pale, without the slightest trace of blood, trembling all over;

There were also people crying, kissing the cross and praying unceasingly, as if seeking spiritual comfort and dependence...

"Special effects, must be special effects!"

"Break a planet with one blow, how the hell is that possible?"

"It's over, this is really dead! The earth is gone in one shot, who can survive?"

"Almighty Lord, please save your pious people."

Lin Fei had already planned to set off to attack the enemy ahead of time.But he suddenly frowned and looked up at the sky.

In the dark, the luck of the human race is fluctuating and weakening.

"So that's it. Is this their intention to show their force?" He sneered, the killing intent in his eyes piercingly cold.

If Lin Fei is willing, he can naturally consume a huge amount of mental power, calm down the hearts of the people on the entire earth, and ease the collapse and consumption of human luck.

But he can't do that.

This is begging for death!Not only was Lin Fei begging for death alone, but he wanted to bring the whole earth with him.

The enemy is the first, and every ounce of vitality should be used. How can we lose our vitality without fighting?

"Lin Fei, what should we do?" Ji Yaoguang looked at him in a panic, "How about I unseal Xianyuan and calm everyone's emotions first?"

"No." Lin Fei was categorical, with a cold expression on his face, "Don't they like live broadcasting? Well, then I will let everyone see how the so-called overlord of the Nine Regions was defeated by me!"

After the words fell, he cut the void with his sword, began to shuttle and fly, and took the initiative to approach the Blue Ocean Fleet!


Lan Haixing, many people saw the live broadcast from the military, and there was a lot of discussion for a while.

But different from the despair and fear on the earth, they appear extremely relaxed and casual, chatting and laughing with people around them from time to time, just like discussing a more interesting thing.

"Although I don't know how powerful the enemy is, but General Lan Zhan led the Fourth Expeditionary Force to go out, and it is expected that he will be able to capture it with his hands."

"Tsk, it seems that another star field is about to be conquered. If this is the case, won't our Blue Ocean clan become the overlord of the ten regions? Hahaha."

"I like General Lan Zhan so much, I can finally see my idol!"

"Are you all so optimistic?" A Blue Ocean student couldn't help asking his classmates, "There is a Ten Thousand Saints there, isn't it so easy?"

"I think so too." Dang even someone agreed.

When his classmates heard this title, the discussion became more heated.

"That mythical existence... Well, it really shouldn't be underestimated. I'm afraid that the expeditionary force will suffer certain casualties this time."

"Leaving aside the situation of turbulent time flow, the army expedition suffered casualties in the battle...it hasn't happened in 3000 years. Sigh, but if the opponent is the Ten Thousand Saints, it is normal to have casualties, right?"

"I think so too." The man continued to echo.

"I'm afraid this deed will be recorded in the history of our clan and become an extremely brilliant stroke. Killing the Ten Thousand Saints is probably an unprecedented feat that will never come again!"

The "repeat monster"-like existence continued, "I think so too."

But immediately after, a female Blue Ocean tribe sneered, and said disdainfully: "What Wansheng Tianzun, I think you all think too highly of him! It was once, and now, he is a useless person!"

"I see, this guy named Lin Fei died immediately under the space shock gun fired by the battleship. Still casualties? Just because of this desperate waste, he is worthy of hurting a hair of my Blue Ocean fleet." !"

There are similar discussions everywhere in the Blue Ocean family, but the situation is extremely strangely one-sided.

Most people thought that Lin Fei would definitely die. There was no suspense about this matter, but it would only cause some damage to the expeditionary army.Of course, there are also a few people who don't think so, and feel that Lin Fei is nothing to be afraid of, and he will definitely die as soon as he is fired.

What's worth mentioning is that even the most worrying Blue Sea people didn't think they would be defeated in this battle, let alone be completely wiped out by Lin Fei.

This is the national self-confidence accumulated and precipitated by the blue sea people, derived from the detached mentality of absolute strength!

Even many Blue Ocean people subconsciously think that Lin Fei's ability to cause battle damage to the expeditionary force is enough to think highly of him.

There were also people who sighed to themselves, thinking that it was a pity in their hearts: "The hero who saved the Blue Ocean Clan in a life-and-death crisis, but now we have to turn against him... But this is beyond our control. Although the Blue Ocean Clan is powerful, But in front of the emperor, it is simply a nest of ants."

As for the expeditionary army, the general also gave a pre-war speech through live broadcast, which was very inspiring and made the blood of the tribe boil.

"My compatriots of Blue Starfish, the battle is coming, and victory will follow!"

"We are members of the Blue Ocean Clan—there is no reason to be invincible in a fight!"

"In this battle, we will defeat Lin Fei, the Mythical All-Sage Heavenly Venerate, and prove the power of technology!"

It didn't even have any cover-ups, and it also used strange information transmission technology, so that humans on the earth can also see this scene and directly understand the meaning of the information expressed in his words.

"It's broken, who can help Tianzun, the Blue Sea Clan dares to send a message so confidently, it shows that they are sure, and they will be lore!"

However, it is useless for people to be anxious, because they have no idea where Lin Fei is.Not only can't I get in touch, but I don't even know who can stand up and help.

"The hunt is about to start, lowly humans, watch carefully! The strongest you rely on is no more than an ant in front of my Blue Sea Clan, and you will die if you crush it!"

"This... is the last days for your lowly lives!" Lan Zhan made a publicity and caused riots all over the world.

After his words fell, the video screen turned and aimed at the space in front of the battleship.

The picture quickly blurred to the extreme, and I couldn't see anything clearly.When the clear picture appeared again, an unimaginably huge star was already visible burning at the end of the field of vision.

At the same time, a figure too small to be seen by the naked eye appeared in front of the star out of thin air.

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