I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 717 The Battle of Space

Lin Fei's black and white stellar energy wrapped around him like a dragon, soaring into the sky.

He used the power of Dharma Aspect, and a huge Dharma Body emerged, like a translucent illusory giant standing upright.

There are also six visions intertwined and intertwined, faintly showing signs of unity.It made the avenue roar, making an unusual sound in the airless environment.

With his back against the sun, he was facing the fleet.

There are countless majestic and magnificent warships, and the cold metal texture is full of chilling meaning.

With the power of one person, stand in space and stand in front of countless armed warships of the river system!

Such a huge Dharma incarnation is actually already over a hundred feet tall.If you look at it from a close distance, you will be shocked, and you can't even see the top when you look up.

But at such a long distance, and with the stars as the reference body, it can only be regarded as barely visible - this is thanks to the detection system of the Blue Ocean Clan, which actively pulled in and enlarged the picture.

Seeing Lin Fei appearing and displaying such mysterious and unpredictable power, countless people on the earth rekindled their confidence and cheered up.

They felt that the blood was boiling in their hearts, and they even wanted to roar.

This is an outbreak of extreme frustration.

"Wansheng Tianzun is invincible, and he was undefeated in the multiverse, how could he lose!"

"All Saints will win, all alien creatures are paper tigers!"

"How can human beings perish? Tianzun, we must kill them all!"

At this moment, the wishes of countless beings gathered into a trickle, turned into the power of faith, and directly appeared in Lin Fei's body.

After feeling it for a while, I can find the prayers and beliefs of not only human beings, but also monster races, even demons and gods.Although every bit of wish power can be so small that it can be ignored, but under the huge base of billions, it becomes a force that can barely be seen.

It's just that it's too complicated, and Lin Fei doesn't have time to refine it for his own use. The current situation obviously doesn't allow it.If it is used as expendable energy, it is no problem to temporarily use it for killing and defense.

"Lowly human beings can only pin their hopes on one person, but they can still ignite hope and fighting spirit?" Lan Zhan sneered.Under the effect of the infinite-distance quantum encryption signal transceiver, he can clearly capture the situation on the earth, occupying an extremely terrifying information advantage.

"Since this is the case, let you take a good look - the so-called Wansheng Tianzun, the so-called hope, are all jokes in front of my blue ocean army!"

The adjutant showed disdain even more, and said: "He can survive this, that's really against the sky."

In his opinion, Lin Fei was unable to escape, and the Fourth Expeditionary Force was coming out in full force. Who could resist? !

As the adjutant of the Fourth Expeditionary Army, the adjutant was very conceited, with a cold expression and a slight disdain.

Because, he felt that it was too motivating.

"Kill!" Blue Warlord waved his tentacles, killing decisively.

At this moment, countless warships stretched out cold silver metal pipes.There were weird and subtle spatial fluctuations, and then a series of distorted invisible rays of light blasted out directly, causing the surrounding space to ripple with layers of fluctuations visible to the naked eye.

There are also a few warships bursting out with dazzling light, and energy beams that are powerful enough to blast through the stars are rushing, shuttling through the void fiercely and fiercely, with an incredible speed!

The people on the earth were almost suffocated, and even the timid girls screamed in fright, and turned their heads suddenly, not daring to look any more.

With so many warships attacking at the same time, even in the face of the Star Wars, it is enough to instantly wipe out tens of millions of enemies.All spaceships, electromagnetic shields, and energy shields will all be completely destroyed under such an attack.

And such an exaggerated attack was all aimed at one person...

Whether people are willing to accept it or not, a frightening thought inevitably emerges in their hearts: it's over.Lin Fei is finished, human beings are finished, and the earth is also finished!

Naturally, these attacks are not equivalent to the blind bombardment of anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes, but have a precise tactical locking system, and even deliberately define the life characteristics of the target of the attack, which is a terrible tracking weapon!

The progress of the technological civilization of the Blue Ocean Clan has been exaggerated to the extreme.

Instead of retreating, Lin Fei advanced, his body suddenly swept forward like a meteor, and mysterious and complicated patterns appeared in his pupils, which instantly alarmed everyone in the Blue Ocean Clan.

"Annihilation Strike!"

"The energy value is too high, breaking through the upper limit of the river system's armed defense, only the main ship's shield can resist it!"

"Is this... Chaos Eye? If we get it, can we research anything?!"

"If we master this kind of power, our family will spend 5 to [-] years to analyze and apply it—at least we can break through two levels of civilization!"

Some people were shocked, some people were excited, but very few people from the Blue Ocean tribe felt fear, and even they were filled with endless madness and longing.

Everything in the solar system and even the Milky Way is nothing more than a convenient resource, and the most important benefit lies with Lin Fei alone!

Where the eyes of chaos see, the energy beam full of destructive power annihilates and disintegrates, and the space fluctuation subsides.

But in the face of countless heavy attacks, Lin Fei's chaotic eyes also endured a huge load, and the eye sockets were densely covered with bloodshots like a net, and blood even oozes out quickly.

However, he didn't close his eyes, and rushed towards the Blue Sea Clan fleet brazenly, carrying the huge Dharma Avatar and the six visions.

No, rather than rushing, it would be more appropriate to say "bump".

Like a burning comet, resolutely crash into the enemy warship!

"Rush forward? Overestimate your own strength, and you simply don't know how to write death." Lan Zhan smiled instead of anger, and immediately issued an order, "Open the space force field!"

After his words fell, countless battleships emitted incomprehensible force fields, which completely changed the space and turned it into layers of rhombuses.

Countless creatures on the earth were stunned, their hearts beating wildly, and they couldn't even understand what the trick was.

However, Lin Fei's expression was still cold, and he charged decisively, combining the six visions into one.


Suddenly there was a very unscientific roar and tremor in the void, and the space trembled uncontrollably.Lin Fei's movements slowed down, but he tore a corner of the space force field with the six abnormal images and rushed into it.

"The general trend is mine, and I won."

"Is this the Ten Thousand Saints? Hehe, you are really stupid enough to dare to rush towards a space force field created by a fleet generator."

"Crush him to death."

At this moment, these diamond-shaped spaces collapsed crazily, and an unimaginable force was directly exerted on Lin Fei.

Not to mention planets, even stars like the sun will explode directly in it.

Lin Fei had already closed his eyes, blood oozing from his eyes and dripping down his cheeks.


The Dharma Avatar exploded directly, and the diamond-shaped space with no dead ends squeezed and collapsed in all directions, even making his body shield full of cracks, and there was a cracking sound of bones all over his body, as if even the bones were about to be crushed.

Without air, through bone conduction, this voice was clearer to Lin Fei than anything else.

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