I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 727 Breaking the Hand

In the second silver metal box is a cube of light.

The bright and clean cube floated above Lan Zhan's head, sprinkled a little bit of light, and condensed into a battle suit that perfectly fit him.

Quantum armor.

Scientists of the Blue Sea tribe said that they never really got to this level, which was purely obtained by chance from the remnants of Zhuoma Star.With their ridiculously inferior use methods, they are actually the same as primitive people holding pistols——

Primitives naturally didn't understand that a pistol should be aimed at the enemy and pull the trigger. Before mastering the method of use, they could only ridiculously smash it at the enemy.

Moreover, this quantum armor is full of loopholes, its strictness factor cannot be seen directly, and its defense power may not even be one-tenth of that of a regular creation.

But even if it is a defective product, it is still a quantum armor, a creation of a fairy-level civilization!

Lan Zhan's body seemed to be covered with a layer of water-like battle clothes, exuding a soft white glow, like moonlight.The most mysterious thing is that it did not cancel out with the black and white flames, and even formed a complementary situation.

Just as soon as he put on this battle suit, he felt unimaginable pressure all over his body, and his flesh and bones were exaggeratedly squeezed.If it hadn't mutated into a powerful starry sky Zerg, I'm afraid that a thousand blue warriors would also be crushed into pancakes...

Before Lan Zhan had time to think about anything more, he saw a stream of light rushing towards him.

Lin Fei restrained the vision of the chaotic golden lotus, supported his seriously injured body, and directly killed the front of the miniature spaceship.

Amidst the shocking gazes and exclamations of countless people from the Blue Ocean Clan, he swung his fist.


The miniature spaceship was cut through a hole the size of half a man by him, and the twisted and deformed metal wreckage slammed into Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan waved his knife leg, and saw a black light flashing, about to split the metal wreckage.The incision is as smooth as a mirror, as easy and casual as a hot knife cutting tofu.

A coquettish and strange blood red glowed in his pupils, full of bloodthirsty excitement and impulse.That is the instinctive desire that comes from the depths of the genes, greedily wanting to devour everything!

"No wonder I'm told to use it with caution," Lan Zhan was shocked, "I can't resist this kind of impulse, I'm afraid I will kill on the home planet, desperately wanting to devour everything!"

He knew that regardless of life or death, he would never be able to go back to Blue Starfish.

Because Lan Zhan bet everything, and even became another race, standing irresistibly on the opposite side of the Blue Ocean Clan.

"Kill!" He roared, but it was a sharp and ear-piercing insect neighing.

The war broke out in an instant, completely destroying the broken miniature spaceship, triggering an explosion of the energy system, affecting both, like gorgeous fireworks blooming in space.

"What are the chances of winning?" A high-ranking Blue Ocean clan asked the scientists beside him in a deep voice.

Without thinking about it, the scientist replied directly: "We must win! With the quantum armor on his body, he is invincible!"

Immediately, other scientists echoed, saying a bunch of technical terms "although I don't understand, but I feel very powerful", with a convincing appearance, very convincing.

The high-ranking members of the Blue Ocean Clan breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in satisfaction.

Under the instruction of the leader at the top, someone opened the quantum information communication channel and said directly to Lin Fei: "Lin Fei, you have already lost! You don't need to be stubborn, turn around quickly, disarm your armor, and surrender with courtesy. You are dead, forgive the earth for not dying!"

"If you run away timidly, then I will send the First Expeditionary Force to wipe out the entire solar system!"

This person's tone was extremely domineering, which made countless people on the earth change their faces, and some people even cursed and farted, saying that they were bluffing.

However, the attitude of the Blue Ocean tribe is extremely tough, and even they shouted to the earth with disdain: "A group of ignorant primitive people, it's ridiculous! Do you know what a quantum armor is? Attached to the body, innately invincible! Even the late Mahayana strong, Don’t try to break it either.”

Immediately afterwards, a piece of infinite-distance quantum encrypted information was sent directly to the earth through the transfer station in the blue war.

Countless people were in an uproar, and they were terrified after learning the information about the quantum armor.

And Blue Sea Star's senior management let out unscrupulous laughter, which was directly transmitted to the Earth side, causing riots and unrest.

This kind of ridicule and sarcasm for the entire race is also derived from the accumulated strength of the aloof, which makes people feel aggrieved, but they feel powerless, and their anger almost turns into despair.

"Tianzun this time...I'm afraid he's really going to die!"

"We human beings are too small, how can we change all this!"

"It's useless, it's useless, hehehe...It's over, everything is over..."

And such pessimistic and negative emotions made the senior blue ocean clan show disdain, contempt, and disgust, as if they were looking at lowly and dirty bugs.Even the high-level executives were in a good mood, and they clapped their hands to bring fine wine.

Lan Xingyu raised his wine glass, in a good mood, and said with a smile: "Everyone, let's drink together and celebrate the victory!"

The entire high-level conference room was full of laughter and discussions, full of a happy and relaxed atmosphere.They have even started discussing what to do with slaves on Earth.

What is the cultivation of human beings for reproduction, captivity for meat;

What provides the lowest entry-level electromagnetic technology weapons, allowing them to act as coolies;

What is the development of zoo viewing, putting human beings with a certain degree of appreciation into pet shops, and what is a "decompression center", so that the blue ocean people can kill people when they have nothing to do to vent the pressure of daily work and relieve their mood;

What kind of inhuman experiment, or to hone the fighting will of recruits, let them kill dozens of people on the first day of enlistment, get used to killing, and avoid stage fright in battle...

There are all kinds of things, and there are many.

But the kind of arrogance that comes from the bones, and the contempt for human beings are exactly the same.

The high-level executives in the entire conference room drank fine wine and watched the live broadcast leisurely.

In fact, the transformed Blue Zhan is not very strong. Even though it has evolved into a starry sky Zerg, it is obviously not enough for this race.Even if the genetic reagent contained exaggerated energy, and even transformed an antimatter energy reactor, he still couldn't break through Lin Fei's defense.

But the key problem is... Blue Zhan's defense is too terrifying, it's simply appalling.

Every move of Lin Fei affected the free energy in the universe, completely let go of his fists and feet, and every blow pierced through the planet.Such terrifying power was condensed in one punch and one kick, and all of them were blasted on the Quantum Armor, making it difficult to hurt Lan Zhan.

On the contrary, Lan Zhan seized an opportunity, turned the knife legs into tentacles, took out a space destruction gun, and pulled the trigger!


It seemed that the mirror surface was broken, and the right hand holding the Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword was completely broken from the wrist, and the space ring was shining brightly.

The entire Blue Ocean Clan was in a carnival, but no one knew that Lin Fei sneered in his heart.

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