I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 728 The Sword Comes From Heaven

"General Lan, take the space ring!"

"There is a different fruit inside. With the devouring evolution ability of the starry sky Zerg, swallowing it will bring your life level to a higher level!"

There was an urgent voice from the senior leaders of the Blue Sea Clan, hoping that Lan Zhan could seize this opportunity to expand the advantage of the battle situation and completely kill Lin Fei.

In fact, without their mentioning, Lan Zhan also thought so.

The black-gold carapace behind him unfolded and suddenly turned into wings.The space trembled under the flapping of its wings, and it swept past, directly grabbing the severed hand.

"The general trend is with me!" Lan Zhan let out a wave of spiritual thoughts like a neigh, but the information transmission was not at all stagnant, "Lin Fei, you are doomed to fall!"

The entire Blue Ocean Clan executives looked at each other and smiled, feeling very happy.

Lan Zhan directly separated his consciousness and probed towards this space ring.

In an instant, a change occurred!

Four images, five elements, gossip, and rune images suddenly manifested, and the terrifying power directly sealed him away!

"No! What is this?!" Lan Zhan roared, sending out a terrified divine thought.He was greatly suppressed, and the black and white light collided fiercely, but after the momentary splendor, it began to evaporate and dissipate rapidly.

Even the quantum armor is trembling, sometimes turning into hundreds of millions of quanta that are invisible to the naked eye, and sometimes struggling to reorganize the condensate.

Such an abrupt reversal of the situation caused an uproar among Lan Haixing, who didn't understand what happened.

"Four elephants, five elements and eight trigrams formation." Lin Fei said lightly, although his face was pale and bloodless, he was extremely calm, "It's just a sneak attack, do you really think you can cut off my wrist?"

He has enough formation material.

Just like the arrangement in Ji Yaoguang's space ring, Lin Fei's space ring also has a small four-element, five-element, eight-trigram array.

"No!" Lan Zhan struggled and roared angrily, but he couldn't change everything.

The quantum armor disintegrated and once again gathered into a body of light hanging above his head.Its power is blocked by the formation, and it can no longer manifest the power of protection.

But without the quantum armor, Lan Zhan screamed again and again, his whole body began to shatter, and he gradually died.

Seeing this scene, the top leaders of the Blue Sea Clan panicked, and some even trembled their tentacles in fright, and spilled wine all over their bodies.

In an instant, Lan Zhan thought of the reminder from Deep Sea No. [-] that there are formations in the civilization of comprehension, which are mysterious and difficult to fathom. It is best to avoid their edge.

"I'm not reconciled!" He was so angry that he was about to go crazy when he thought of himself bumping into the formation on his own initiative.

Its life form is already crumbling and disintegrating.Every inch of the carapace and flesh is falling off, and after half an inch away from the body, it begins to decompose and turn into ashes.

Such a reversal stunned the beings on the two planets who were paying attention to this scene.

The last "live screen" that the Blue Ocean Clan saw was Lin Fei's expression was cold, and he spit out two words: "Wait."


Simple two words, without any words such as "I will destroy your entire family", "come and not reciprocate", "I will make you pay the price with blood".

But the murderous intent revealed by it was separated by a distance of light-years, causing countless people of the Blue Sea tribe to feel a burst of fear, and felt cold and shivering all over for no reason!

Immediately afterwards, the chip in Lan Zhan's brain exploded, and the live broadcast images on the two planets disappeared at the same time.

In just a short moment, the Blue Ocean Clan fell into panic!

"What should I do?! Wansheng Tianzun is not dead, he told us to wait!"

"What is he going to do? Is he going to exterminate the family? This is a military and political decision, and has nothing to do with us ordinary people!"

"Be sober! That's Wansheng Tianzun! Think about it, if someone from my Blue Sea tribe provokes the emperor, what will happen? Will he care that the rest of us didn't participate? No, it will only be an extermination of the clan, killing them all! "

Lin Fei annihilated the Fourth Expeditionary Army, and even threatened to make the Blue Ocean Clan wait, causing an uproar on the entire planet and tens of billions of creatures!

In the high-level conference room, these bosses also had extremely ugly faces, and what's more, they crushed the wine glasses in their hands with a "snap", shaking all over.

Lin Fei put away the quantum armor and connected the severed hand.

He dragged his exhausted body continuously through the void passage, all the way to the earth.



Blood gushed out like a fountain, and Yang Luan was cut off from his shoulder to his right chest by a single sword!

Her feathers, which had turned into five-color flying knives, were nearly half broken, and the remaining half was also seriously twisted and damaged.Not only that, it is no longer bright and beautiful, and it even shows signs of melting under the flames, dripping five-color liquid like liquid metal.

Yuan Lu's twin swords had also been smashed, and he was struggling to support himself by holding on tightly to the two broken swords.


The Thunder Hammer struck again, causing the two swords she had blocked to fly out of her hands and fly high into the sky.This blow was powerful and powerful, and it fell hard on Yuan Lu's chest.


Yuan Lu's chest collapsed completely, and all the bones in the wound shattered into crumbs, spitting out a big mouthful of blood mixed with organ fragments.

Shocking, scalp tingling.

At the same time, two Seraphim transformed by the original power of Yahweh held up their weapons at the same time.They soared into the sky, surrounded by holy white light.



The two spoke in unison, and then suddenly pulled the holy light that was forced out of the body by Yuan Lu and Yang Luan, and condensed it into a huge cross with brilliant silver light.


The cross suddenly fell to the ground, triggering an exaggerated earthquake that shook thousands of miles around, cracked the ground, and caused countless buildings to collapse.

Yang Luan and Yuan Lu's eyes widened suddenly, and they realized something was wrong - the silver cross was stained with their blood.The blood glowed brilliantly along with the holy light, and became boiling hot.

Some kind of invisible traction force was so exaggerated that the two Extraordinary Monster Races in the early stage of Mahayana could not resist, and they were directly dragged to the front of the cross.

One of the holy arts of heaven, Arbitration of Holy Light.

Accompanied by the chanting of the two blazing angels, it seemed that a peaceful hymn resounded between the heaven and the earth.Its content is to praise Jehovah's supreme love and supreme status, and to rebuke those blasphemers who want to send the heathen to the cross and burn them into ashes, and turn them into flames with holy light to wash away their sins.

Strings of holy light stretched out from the cross, completely tying Yuanlu Yang Luan to death.

Immediately following the rise of the holy light, it turned into a raging holy fire, and instantly turned them into human-shaped torches, screaming and crying.

The two couldn't resist at all, they were burnt out of their original shapes abruptly, and even emitted a barbecue-like aroma.

"I'm overestimating my strength, but two beasts in the early stage of Mahayana dare to stop me?" Yahweh said with a smile.

"Hahaha, old magic stick, your road is narrow!"

Yang Luan endured the pain, crying and laughing.

Yahweh's expression changed slightly, he narrowed his eyes, and suddenly looked up at the sky.

There is a sword coming from outside the sky.

Penetrating the atmosphere, let the flames sweep across the sky in all directions like a sea tide.

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