I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 729 First aid is like putting out a fire

The Baizhang sword light soared to the sky, coming from outside the sky, dragging out a channel of flames like the doomsday judgment.

The complexion of the ethereal figure frozen in the void changed slightly, and he turned his palms, and suddenly a "Bible" appeared.


As the pages of the book were flipped, bright fonts jumped out one by one.It rose against the wind and turned into the size of a mountain, all of which blasted towards the sword.


The void was overwhelmed, and it was hit with cracks visible to the naked eye.The Heavenly Demon Sky Splitting Sword trembled and made a humming sound, brazenly chopping up the huge characters one by one, and the gorgeous white light filled the sky.

Sky Demon Cracking Sword arrived first, followed by Lin Fei.

Behind him, the blue sea was surging, the tide was rising and falling, and the bright silver plate hung high, making people feel the bursts of emptiness.Although there is the sound of the waves, there is a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

The moon rises from the sea!

As soon as the abnormal image of the Taiyin body appeared, countless people were shocked by it.After all, in the whole world, it is the first time for too many people to see such a miraculous scene.

Lin Fei didn't bother about Yahweh, but walked quickly in the void, flitting like a frightened bird, and directly killed the two Seraphs.

"Stop him!" Yahweh said in a trembling voice, manipulating the Bible to resist the Sky Demon Sword.

Most of his power was used in coming to the world and the two Seraph clones.At this time, he was entangled with the Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword again, so he really had no time to care about him.

After Jehovah’s voice fell, the magnificent and spacious Garden of Eden appeared behind him.Among them, hundreds of angels rushed out, desperately trying to stop Lin Fei, let the Lord gain the result of the battle, and behead Yuanlu Yang Luan.

The archangel who took the lead didn't dare to hold it too high, and threw a shining silver cross in an instant.

The silver cross with the bas-relief of the crucifixion of Jesus kept getting bigger, and it directly pressed towards Lin Fei with a bang.Every inch of pressure fell, the space would vibrate, and the terrifying pressure caused the ground to sag and collapse.

However, when the silver cross landed over the blue sea, it became extremely slow as if it was stuck in a swamp, and was actually restrained.

"Fall!" the archangel roared, his body was full of holy light, as if a white flame was burning all over his body.

In addition to her, hundreds of angels poured holy light into the cross, making it shine like a sun, with peerless power.

The silver cross was so big that it covered the sky and covered the earth. It was heavy and powerful, and the silver light filled the sky, disturbing the tranquility of the blue sea.

Lin Fei's expression was extremely cold, the tide was rolling behind him, the waves were turbulent, a big wave took a picture, swept the emerald green mountain down, sank into the ocean, and disappeared completely.

The dazzling silver light disappeared in an instant!

"What?!" The archangel was horrified, and the spectators were stunned for a moment.

And the most frightening thing is that Lin Fei didn't even look at them even for a moment, and his figure flew past them!

Absolute disregard.

It seems that the attack that the Archangel is most proud of is not even tickling in his eyes...


The bright and bright moon like a silver plate fell from the night.It was as bright as the water and the moon, and the sound of roaring and trembling between the heaven and the earth could be heard endlessly. The powerful force forced the two Seraphs to divert their attention and join forces to face Lin Fei.

At this moment, the ocean surged in that piece of heaven and earth, and the moon fell into the blue sky.Two seraphim shrouded in holy light flapped their six wings together, and the holy light was mighty.

Each of their blows drives a vigorous sweep, and the holy light is surging and berserk, and it is hard to regret the monstrous waves.But as the bright moon fell from the sky, the holy light that protected them all made cracks and cracks.

The group of angels behind Lin Fei couldn't sit idly by, and even took the opportunity to launch a sneak attack.


Western long swords and spears containing strong holy power came rushing, the clouds were shattered and torn, the sky trembled, and the sharp weapon of the Garden of Eden turned into a divine rainbow, piercing the sky, like a bright comet hitting the earth, lingering down.

The bright moon illuminates the edge of the area, and the light is not as bright as the center, but like thin smoke, as if covering the world with a veil.It looks extremely peaceful and quiet, ethereal and leisurely.

However, these weapons, which could be called fierce strikes, were illuminated by this little bit of soft silver light, but they lost their divine light in an instant and became bleak.It is even full of cracks in an instant with the sound of "clicking", and it is directly broken into powder and debris.


"I'll go, Tianzun didn't care about their attacks at all, he didn't even look back!"

"Such a powerful ultimate move, in his opinion, is it like an ant scratching an itch?"

"Isn't it? Even if it's an ant tickling, it still feels a little bit, right? Look at the attacks of these angels, they can't even touch the hem of Tianzun's clothes..."

When the group of angels heard such words, they even had the urge to vomit blood.

The bright moon hangs, sparkling in the blue sea, Lin Fei is like a banished fairy from the world, ethereal and calm, his whole body is coated with a layer of silver, peaceful and holy radiance.

However, with a wave of his palm, the ditch moved like water and moonlight, blasting forward together with the raging waves.


This slap was firmly slapped on the sword that the Blazing Seraph blocked, leaving five inwardly sunken fingerprints, and even slight cracks spread.And that Bi Tao was like a water dragon as thick as a millstone, slamming on Seraph's body.

The latter immediately flew upside down, and there were even feathers emitting crystal radiance scattered in the sky.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Seraph holding the Thunder Hammer descended from the sky, as if holding a thunder dragon in his hand, and the hundred-foot thunder light connected the sky and the earth, and it just bombarded down in such an exaggerated manner.

However, the corner of Lin Fei's mouth curved into a cold arc, as if laughing at how stupid this blow was.

He didn't dodge, but immediately hit the cloud hand, accurately and swiftly, and pushed away the Thunder Seraph's wrist, deflecting the blow, and twisting it along the way.


There was a crisp sound, and the arm bone joint of Thunder Seraph was directly broken, and he let out a cry of pain.

And this blow fell directly into the blue ocean, and there was a roar and a "sizzling" sound in an instant.The sea water is entwined with silver lightning, and there are even arcs crackling and dancing.

Amidst the exaggerated impact, a hundred-foot wave condensed with silver thunder soared into the sky, and then directly blasted towards the blazing angel.

"Come back!" Seeing that the situation was not looking good, Yahweh shouted violently.

The two blazing angels disappeared instantly, turned into the most original sacred power, and returned to his body.

Yahweh seized the opportunity, his whole body glowed like a furnace of divine fire, and he took another step against the powerful pressure.

And Lin Fei didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, and he didn't care about the group of angels who were like ants.

He swept his sleeves away, and there was a green wave of light surrounding Yuan Lu and Yang Luan.

The life energy is majestic and vast, and the emerald green light surrounds them, turning into vines and growing.

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