I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 737 What are you?

"Tianzun, you can't do it!" Satan began to panic, and sang an anti-tune, "The emperor can't come to the Milky Way, but it doesn't mean he can't go to other galaxies! Maybe he is waiting for you to leave the Milky Way, and he will carry out lore!"

Lin Fei shook his head and said, "He dare not move."

Confused, Satan blinked his eyes: "Why?"

Lin Fei said a word that almost shocked everyone on the spot: "There are people above me."

Wan Sheng Tianzun said...he has someone above him? !

Satan's heart was in a mess, and he couldn't accept this fact for a while.The majestic Wansheng Tianzun, who once stood at the top of the multiverse, actually said that there was someone above him?

"Existence beyond the inner universe?!" He was taken aback by his first thought, and then realized that Lin Fei's words should mean that he made old friends in the fairy world!

"Is it reliable?" Seraphim couldn't help asking.

He felt that he couldn't be considered extra-mindful, after all, the human mind, or the mind of an intelligent being, was the most unpredictable.Perhaps when Lin Fei stood at the peak, all his subjects were loyal and respectful, and there were many friends around him.

But now Lin Fei is no longer an invincible existence after all, who knows what will happen?

The seraphim didn't know how Lin Fei and the big boss in the fairy world had a relationship, and what was the relationship, so he could only ask this question.

"Reliable." Lin Fei spit out two words briefly, and even sneered, "Maybe Di Jun is already on fire by now."


Immortal world, East China Sea.


A mountain-like big seal roared through the air, on which auspicious colors fell like waterfalls, peaceful and holy.

On top of it was a middle-aged man in a plain white Taoist robe, with his hands behind his back, his sleeves fluttering, and his long black hair fluttering unrestrainedly in the wind.He is ethereal and ethereal, and there are faint singing sounds wherever he passes.

The singing sound was like the praise of the Great Dao, and even more like the clanging of swords, powerful and domineering, and it had the meaning of chilling.

Countless immortals and fairies watched and were shocked.

The figure had an indifferent expression, with a look of disdain for the world, and flew over the heads of the immortals arrogantly without stopping.

"Guang Chengzi! Isn't he in Tianwai Tianyuxu Palace? Why did he come to the East China Sea?"

"Heh, the hymn of immortality, it is worthy of being a golden fairy, what a grandeur!"

"So what about Jinxian, who dares to act wildly on His Majesty's territory, it's simply disrespectful! Aren't you afraid that His Majesty will slap him to death?"

"Shh, keep quiet! You don't want to die? Guang Chengzi is highly valued by the person in Yuxu Palace. You dare to criticize him like this. Are you really not afraid of death?"

The immortal was also furious earlier, feeling that he had such a high position and authority that he had suffered such contempt and humiliation.But when he heard this, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine and numbness in his scalp.

In fact, he said these words deliberately to Guang Chengzi, relying on the fact that he is the subordinate of Emperor Jun, it is expected that Guang Chengzi would not dare to do anything to him.Also take this opportunity to warn and beat Guang Chengzi, telling him not to be so presumptuous.

However, he never dreamed that Guang Chengzi would go and come back.

"Guang Chengzi, what do you want to do?!" The fairy looked stern, looking at the big seal in the sky hanging down with a radiant glow, and there was a figure overlooking the sky and earth above him, his whole body was shaking with fright.

"Disrespect to seniors, I will teach you a lesson for the emperor." Guang Chengzi's face remained unchanged, but his seal was suppressed from the sky.


The roar of the avenue resounded, and Guang Chengzi stepped on the Tiantian Seal and directly crushed it.Afterwards, the sky seal healed the stars again, and the immortal energy of this unlucky immortal immortal's body protection exploded in mid-air.

The immortal screamed, his bones cracked, blood shot out like arrows, and he felt the fear of death!

And the most frightening thing is that Fan Tianyin has only sunk three inches down, and there is still about a hundred feet away from him!

There is no need to completely fall down, as long as you press down another three inches, you can make this immortal body and spirit disappear on the spot, and he will never be reborn.

But at this moment, a leisurely voice came over: "It's over."

As the words fell, Guang Chengzi frowned, and was actually frozen in the void.

His hymn to immortality came to an abrupt end!

Like a phonograph that is completely stuck, it can no longer emit the slightest sound.

Not only that, Fan Tianyin's divine light was all gone, and all his immortal essence was restrained and dormant, unable to be used, no different from ordinary people!

Simple two words, but like the law of the great way, it deprives a dignified golden fairy of its ability to act.

The immortal cultivated by the golden crow broke free from the hopeless fear in an instant, and was ecstatically delighted.Not to mention Guang Chengzi's being fixed, the two-legged Golden Crow's injuries were also healed in an instant, and even once again had waves of pure and gorgeous white fairy energy around its body, each of which was as thick as a bucket and contained divine power.

"Meet the Emperor!"

Not only him, but those people beside him who were pale from fright before also knelt on one knee and saluted in an instant.

The space is distorting, and an illusory figure emerges from it.His figure is slender and slender, and he is wearing a luxurious long dress. Its color is like water clouds, elegant and ethereal.

And behind his wide sleeves, there are strands of cloud-like clothing unfolded backwards, and rolled forward at the end, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

The man has a handsome face that is indistinguishable from male and female, his body is as white and smooth as white jade, and there is a small crown on the top of his head.

It is Tiandijun!

He just stood there so quietly, without exuding the slightest coercion or aura of terror, his peaceful voice was magnetic, and seemed to calm all restlessness: "You deserve to be the head of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuxu Palace, so majestic. "

Guangchengzi realized that he was able to speak, so he said in a cold voice: "His Majesty the Emperor is really amazing, he is killing the world, and wants to destroy the Ten Thousand Saints, do you really know nothing about the three of us?" ?”

The Heavenly Emperor Jun Gujing had no waves, he just smiled lightly and said, "Are you asking me for a crime?"

Guang Chengzi was neither humble nor overbearing, and said in a deep voice: "Don't dare. It was the three of Tianwaitian who asked me to bring a word and tell His Majesty the Emperor to stop."

Di Jun put his hands behind his back and said leisurely: "I know about this, is there anything else?"

Guang Chengzi frowned slightly and remained silent.

"Since there is nothing else, let's talk about our affairs first." Di Jun's smile became brighter and brighter, and his perfect, almost monstrous face seemed to have the brilliance of jade.

"There must be an explanation for injuring a member of my Jinwu clan." After he finished speaking, Guang Chengzi's face suddenly changed.


The Fantian seal exploded out of thin air, and Guang Chengzi vomited blood and flew out, his limbs were directly crushed into fragments of blood mist as if they had been put into a meat grinder.

"Who do you think you are?"

Di Jun smiled, as if reminiscing with an old friend: "Listen clearly, let Yuanshi Tianzun come and talk to me in person next time. If he refuses to accept this matter, how about I have a fight with him?"

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