I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 738 The treasure of the universe, Pangu Fan

The immortals who saw this scene were all shocked, and deeply felt the dominance of the emperor Jun!

Even facing Yuanshi Tianzun from Tianwaitian, he has no fear.

Guang Chengzi's face was pale, he endured the pain and sweated profusely.

But at this moment, a brilliant golden glow came from outside the sky.Di Jun narrowed his eyes slightly, but his smile became brighter.

Looking carefully, the glow turned out to be a chariot, pulled by nine five-clawed golden dragons.Each golden dragon is [-] meters long, as if cast from fairy gold, full of shocking power.

Except for the crystal clear and purple-golden dragon horn, the whole body is covered with golden light, and the scales shone with mysterious brilliance in the sky.It is like an indestructible Great Wall of Steel, and one can feel the terrifying power contained in it.

And it is so majestic and majestic that the nine five-clawed golden dragons are only used to pull carts, so everything is obvious.

Kowloon Agarwood Chariot!

The person sitting in the chariot must be Yuanshi Tianzun from Tianwaitian!

His figure was not visible, and he restrained the majesty of an immortal emperor, but it still made all the immortals feel their scalps go numb, feeling that something was going wrong.

"Fellow Daoist, I have no intention of going to war. But you crossed the boundary first and injured my apprentice again, shouldn't you give me an explanation?" The sound of Dao roared, resounding throughout the boundless East Sea of ​​the Immortal Realm, making countless immortals feel terrified.

The grand will is not shown in the slightest, just dormant, which makes people feel boundless awe, like a mortal facing a prehistoric giant beast.Even if it is sleeping so peacefully, the terrifying image and divine power of its thousand-foot giant beast are enough to make people sweat and feel terrified!

"Then let's do it once, and the cause and effect will be settled!" Di Jun was fearless, his eyes were shining brightly, his clothes and long hair moved without wind.

"Since that's the case, let's invite Tianwaitian to fight!" Yuanshi Tianzun's voice still did not fluctuate in the slightest, and the sound of the Great Dao resounded through the world.

Di Jun took a light step under his feet, and his figure actually rose towards the sky.Not only that, but his image was changing rapidly, and he turned into a sun shining on the entire East China Sea!

In fact, that is not the sun, but his body, the three-legged Golden Crow.

At the same time, the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot also flew towards the sky.The two penetrated the invisible barrier, causing waves and ripples to appear in the sky, going to the outer sky.

Not only was the entire East China Sea in an uproar, but even the rest of the Immortal World was alarmed.

The two terrifying existences at the peak of the immortal emperors are about to fight in the sky outside the sky!

The immortals talked a lot, they couldn't know the situation of the battle, they could only guess the outcome of the battle.

And in the central heaven, there was another burst of divine light that soared into the sky, and the Immortal Emperor's aura surged mightily, directly breaking into the outer sky.

In the South China Sea, there is also a towering and terrifying figure, with the soul of a celestial dragon on its feet, and eight souls of celestial dragons circling around its body, roaring and breaking through the barriers of space.

Xihua, the most wonderful qi turns into a lotus flower blooming, the clear qi is ethereal, peaceful and natural.A figure in a long skirt with long sleeves shrouded it, elegant and agile, passing by like a spring breeze, as graceful as a frightened bird.

Only the North Sea remained silent, without any changes.

The entire fairyland is boiling, and even some immortals are uneasy, guessing that it will not trigger a war in the fairyland, right?

Tianwaitian smashed the stars, the sun and the moon, and the rules of the avenue were chaotic.Even various distorted rules appeared one after another, which were established by the two immortal emperors according to the situation during the battle, and they could temporarily act in this space on behalf of the sky.

For example, "breaking the hand will lead to the death of the primordial spirit", such absurd and unimaginable things happened in this world, it is equivalent to rewriting the rules of life and death.

The two fought wildly with feng shui and fire, and then turned into heaven and earth black and yellow, and clear and turbid two qi ups and downs, as if they had come to the beginning of the universe when the heaven and earth were divided into black and yellow.

What's interesting is that the Eastern Emperor Tai held the Tianlong Horcrux and stood beside Daode Tianzun.

The Jade Emperor Haotian also held the power of the sun and the moon on his head, and stood beside the leader of Tongtian.

The two immortal emperors, Tianwaitian, glanced at them. Daode Tianzun was silent in the ancient well, but Tongtian Sect Master sneered, with a hint of murderous intent.

Obviously, Taiyi and Haotian are on guard, beware of the two helping Yuanshi Tianzun.

The Queen Mother of the West, shrouded in the most wonderful aura of Xihua, sighed faintly, and persuaded the two to stop fighting.

"Since you advocate governance by doing nothing, and you don't want to be contaminated by cause and effect, just stay in the outer sky and mind your own business!" Di Jun looked cold, unwilling to stop, and even aggravated the fighting situation, and took the second extreme emperor that he forged. soldier.

His Ni Yu Sword was used to suppress the world, and at this time he held the Taichu Hongmeng Ruler in his hand.

It has a ray of innate primordial aura, and it is cultivated with the immortal gold of the fairy world, and there are 99 phoenix souls in it.

Three feet and three feet long, it can be as light as a feather, and it can be as heavy as a star.

This is not an approximate number or an exaggeration, but it is really that heavy - if Di Jun pushes it with all his strength, its weight can reach 60 trillion tons, which is slightly heavier than the entire earth!

With this kind of weight, you don't even need any fancy operations, just slap it with a foot, and you can make a golden fairy like Guang Chengzi bleed on the spot.

With a light wave of the primordial primordial ruler, waves of air were swept out, like a long golden river surging, obliterating time and space.

Yuanshi Tianzun was shrouded in fairy light, his true face was invisible, but his huge and majestic figure stood between heaven and earth.He flipped his hand over, sacrificed the three precious jades and shot them out as he wished.

Sanbaoyu Ruyi zoomed in quickly, brazenly breaking into the golden river.The confrontation between the two actually caused the earth to surge, as if to open up a world.

This treasure is so powerful that it was once given to Boy Baihe, who directly opened Fairy Qiongxiao's celestial spirit cover, allowing her spirit to fly to the list of gods......

In short, a mere boy holding this treasure can kill the disciples of the Master of Tongtian Sect.

Sanbaoyu Ruyi tore off a corner of the golden light, and the space it passed through exploded and time was disordered, and it blatantly hit Dijun Tianlinggai.

Di Jun sneered, and greeted him with the Taichu Hongmeng Ruler.


A metal trilling sound pierced the sky and the earth, and its fluctuations swept all directions, smashing two stars.

Sanbaoyu Ruyi was sent flying back, and Yuanshi Tianzun caught it with one hand, making a "pop" sound.The surrounding space shattered like a mirror, but he was intact, and the immortal energy surrounding him was never dimmed.

"Di Jun, since you are stubborn and obsessed with obsession, don't blame this deity for being ruthless, and want to take you down regardless of cause and effect!" Yuanshi Tianzun's voice finally became serious, as if he was about to start acting seriously.

"Then come on," Di Jun sneered, with his left hand behind his back, and his right hand holding up the Taichu Hongmeng Ruler. His slender figure is like a bamboo growing in the wind, "I will take over whatever supernatural power you have."

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi nodded secretly, and the Western Queen Mother looked solemn. I didn't expect Di Jun to have such courage!

"Okay, let's see this treasure!"

"Pangu Banner!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun's words fell, the smile on Di Jun's face gradually froze.

The scene was very embarrassing.

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