I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 742 Take Out It's Bigger Than You

Ji Yaoguang wanted to say something, but Lin Fei shook his head at her with a half-smile.

Tusi is a 24k pure treasure, and Jiang Qingyue can be counted as half of it.Putting the two together, watching a joke can be regarded as a post-war leisure program.

"This patriarch...has a bad ball!" Lin Kunpeng was dumbfounded, but seeing that the patriarch had expressed his opinion, he was so obedient that he didn't dare to say a word.

Tuzki didn't think too much at first, but he didn't expect that Jiang Qingyue looked pretty and pleasant, but she was very unrestrained when she was drunk.A "beautiful little girl" actually took the initiative to hook up with him.Because he was drunk, he even leaned closer to Tuzki, his faces pressed together.

Tuzki was ecstatic and intoxicated.Enjoying the smooth, warm and slightly hot feeling on her cheeks, countless hearts and roses appeared around her body, all of which were condensed by light.

Everyone's expressions became more and more strange, and some even couldn't help laughing out loud.

In addition to the strong smell of alcohol, Jiang Qingyue also had the faint fragrance of a "female".When talking, the aroma of wine mixed with orchid-like fragrance lingers, making Tuzki feel so happy that he is living in heaven.

"Oh my God, this is my real woman! This loli-like face, this jade-like smooth and white skin, this slim figure, this soft and waxy voice, this kind and natural feeling, this light Fragrant...except for being flat-chested, it fits all my perfect aesthetics for human beings!"

Tuzki was overwhelmed and his heart was beating wildly.

"Ah, my master's eyes! I'm blind!" Su Tianshuang wailed and screamed, and opened the Heavenly Demon Fan with a "snap", covering his eyes.

However, before he could continue speaking, Liu Meng just stared at him, and stepped on him directly under the table, showing a warning look on his face, as if saying: You dare to expose me and I will deal with you, right now!

Tuzki was full of puzzlement, but he reacted immediately, making a pair of scissors, and a little star flickered in the corner of his eye: "You are jealous of me, aren't you?"

He seemed shy and shy, but in fact his eyebrows were beaming: "I can't help it. The girl and I hit it off right away, and we were so close when we first came up. Everything is fate, it is destined by God, you can't blame me for blatantly throwing dog food!"

Jiang Qingyue's poor drinking capacity is a consensus, but the voice of these words is far away, and her mind is groggy, and she doesn't quite understand what Tuzki is saying.He only felt top-heavy, and subconsciously wanted to put his arms around the shoulders of his "buddies" for support—two big men, or at least both "male", and the other was a rabbit, drinking too much, what's the matter?

And his behavior made Tuzki more excited, and even blushed hotly: "Oh, so many people are watching, how bad it is!"

Jiang Qingyue didn't care, and muttered: "Isn't it just to lean on, what's the matter? If you want to stay overnight and have no place to live, you can sleep with me tonight."

He secretly slandered in his heart, still wondering, why is this rabbit so coy, why is it so difficult for elders to communicate with each other?

Tuzki felt so happy that he was about to suffocate, trembling slightly, swallowed and said, "This...isn't that good? Is it developing too fast?"

Everyone laughed, and some even couldn't help but pat the table, and the cheerful atmosphere in the air became more obvious.

"Huh?" Jiang Qingyue's thinking was dull because of drinking, thinking that it was a guest's politeness, "Oh, why are you shy? Can I still eat you?"

Tuzki still didn't understand the misunderstanding, and said inwardly, "Fuck, I'm so happy, and such good things can come to my door, I'm afraid I'm living in a dream?"

He nodded hurriedly: "Okay, okay, sleep together, hehehe..."

The corner of Yang Luan's mouth twitched, thinking of what the dead rabbit had dropped out earlier, a terrifying picture appeared in his mind!

However, before she went up to beat Tuzki to death, Ying Long, who had been silent all this time, sent her a voice transmission with a slight smile: Jiang Qingyue is a man.

Yang Luan's eyes widened suddenly, with an expression of "you're fucking kidding me", and he was shocked.

But at this moment, she suddenly became excited and awakened a certain extraordinary attribute, which can be called a "rotten girl".

"Tuski, why are you bleeding from your nose?" Lin Fei put down his chopsticks and picked up his cup, jokingly.

"This... I suffered an internal injury just now!" Tuzki looked serious.

Jiang Qingyue upholds the spirit of humanitarianism and politely cares, but the latter is so moved that little stars appear in his eyes, and he is on the verge of crying.

"Thank the heavens, thank the earth! I have met true love!"

"Even if it's a thunderstorm, even if it's an enemy of the whole world, I will be with her!" Tuzki, who has no integrity, couldn't bear it, and yelled out directly.

"Good! It's a touching and beautiful love story! I support you!" Su Tianshuang clapped his hands and applauded.

"Remember what you said, don't forget it!"

"If you dare to speak, I am the first to serve you with a flying knife. Do you understand?"

"Yes, if you want to give up from beginning to end, I, Yuan Lu, will not let you go!"

The painting style of the entire Heavenly Demon God Palace went astray, and countless people followed suit.Look at this happy atmosphere, where does it look like some kind of magic palace?I am afraid that some people will believe it when they say it is the scene of the gala...

It's a pity that Jiang Qingyue was so drunk at this time that she passed out and just leaned on Tuzki's shoulder.Otherwise, no matter how dull he is, he should have sensed something was wrong and shouted "I'm a pure man" on the spot.

Tuzki patted his chest in a vow, with a responsible and even passionate look, raised his eyebrows and said: "I said! Jiang Qingyue, I am married, even if I want to completely transform into a human form, or even be struck by thunder, I'll admit it forever!"

At this time, he did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

Everyone's laughing, joking, and winking at each other were also regarded as joy for the happy event.Some people even made a fuss, saying that depending on the auspicious day, we can prepare for the wedding, which made Tuzki nod inwardly, thinking with emotion, Tianmoshengong is really a group of good people, so enthusiastic!

In the world, there is no such a group of people who are more kind, friendly and enthusiastic than them!

After a quarter of an hour or so, Jiang Qingyue woke up with a splitting headache in the pleasant atmosphere of the banquet.He got up and wanted to go to the toilet, but his feet stumbled. Tuzki hurriedly supported him with concern, and offered to send him there.

After the two left their sight, the scene finally couldn't bear it, and another burst of laughter broke out.

"Tell me, how will he react when he sees Jiang Qingyue taking out something bigger than him later?" Liu Meng is obviously not a good guy, with an evil smile.

A group of guys with bad tastes are all looking forward to it, and they feel extra happy when drinking!

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