I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 743 Tusky: You are all devils!

It goes without saying that every palace in the Heavenly Demon God's Palace has huts.

And in this square used for parties, drills, and martial arts performances, there are even public toilets nearby.Tianmo Palace has absorbed the excellent and advanced experience of modern society, transformed into a modern toilet, and differentiated between men and women.

After all, the ancient huts were indeed inconvenient, and it was even more troublesome to deal with the accumulated filth. Modern facilities did have their advantages.

"Qingyue, you're going the wrong way, this way!" Tuzki called out kindly, pointing to the public toilet sign next to it, a figure in a skirt.

Although Jiang Qingyue was still groggy, she was not as drunk as before.

"Huh?" He tried to open his eyes wide, then blinked with a dazed look on his face, and looked at the humanoid pattern without a skirt: "That's right."

Tuzki was also stunned for a moment, but didn't think too much, and immediately said: "You've drunk too much, this is the men's room, you should go to the women's room!"

Jiang Qingyue rolled her eyes and said in dissatisfaction, "I'm a pure man, why do I need to go to the women's restroom?"

real man?

Looking at his flat chest, Tuzki suddenly felt a little uneasy, and thought of a vocabulary in modern society - a big guy in women's clothing.

"No, it's impossible! Absolutely not!" He broke out in a cold sweat.

But before he could say anything, Jiang Qingyue withdrew the slender lotus root arm that was on his shoulders, and smiled, with sharp canine teeth and curved eyes: "Thank you brother, I will go by myself."

After speaking, he walked straight in.

Tuzki was terrified to the extreme, although he tried his best to warn himself not to look at it, telling himself that he must not be a big man in women's clothing, but he just drank too much, so he did incomprehensible and absurd things, that is, drunken madness.

But the inexplicable panic caused the thief rabbit to put its ears down, and couldn't help but want to sneak a peek.

"I'll just look a little bit, look at her back! Whether she's next to the urinal, or in a squatting position, it doesn't matter!"

Tuzki leaned against the door, cast his gaze over bit by bit, very stiffly.People who didn't know saw this scene, probably thought it was a dead bt who was peeping at the women's restroom.


A scream full of despair and collapse, as if suffering the unbearable pain of life, pierced the sky.

It's hard to imagine that this is the sound made by a rabbit, it's like a pig slaughter scene.

However, in the face of Tuzki's screams, unscrupulous laughter came from the banquet.

Tuzki looked crazy, he even abandoned the running posture with both feet on the ground, and used all fours like a rabbit, almost jumping back!

"Is this a return to the original form?" Lin Fei laughed.


"It's actually a man, I even hugged his waist earlier - I #*¥&#..." Tuzki broke down.

"Rabbit, what's wrong with the man? Don't forget the bold words you said earlier!"

"Yeah, we heard it clearly. Why do you agree to marry Jiang Qingyue, even if you are doomed and there is a thunderbolt, you still agree with him?"

"Hey, I'm not even afraid of doom, are you still afraid that he is a man? Hahaha, this rabbit made me laugh so hard."

Tuzki wanted to cry without tears, "spitting fragrance", and even "greeted" these people's uncles with concern: "Your uncles, are they still human? He took them out bigger than me, and so many people didn't even make a sound. Remind me! Are you trying to kill me?"

"I finally know why this place is called the Heavenly Demon God's Palace, devils, devils! You are all devils through and through!"

"Although I am not a human being, you are real dogs!"

He was incoherent, and his spirit was greatly stimulated.One moment they say that everyone is a devil, and another moment they turn into dogs.

Lin Fei said "comfortably": "It's okay, it's not a big problem. At least it's not that you two are sleeping in the same bed, and you found something wrong when you tried to do something."

Such comfort is even more suffocating!

When Tuzki thought of the picture, he was terrified, and immediately screamed: "Aw! Bark! Meow! Quack!"

Su Tianshuang showed sympathy: "Poor rabbit, has this scared the species out of shape?"

Jiang Qingyue came back drunk, and was still at a loss when she saw this scene: "What's wrong with you? By the way, Brother Rabbit, let's continue drinking."

"Drink your sister!" But Tuzki frowned on the spot, and quickly backed away, his face distorted like Bu Jingyun: "Don't come here! Don't come here!"

The majestic Pluto has become a living treasure, perhaps even on the headlines of a certain browser: Shocked!A generation of Pluto was scared to death because of him!

Or: "Tears! The unrestrained love between a generation of Pluto and that man, the inside story is so sad!"

Anyway, the headline party doesn't care so much, just come as you can to attract attention.

The audience burst into laughter, and the joyful atmosphere completely washed away the remaining shadows in everyone's hearts after the crisis.


The banquet was over and everything was packed.

A round of crescent moon hangs high, sprinkled with water-like radiance, peaceful and tranquil.

The Heavenly Demon Shrine was brightly lit, and the night market was full of people.The smoke and aroma of barbecue filled the air, and some people hawked candied gourds with red fruits, and there were also buns stuffed with monster meat for sale, so we could exchange information.

There are stretches of ancient buildings, both blue tiles and white walls, and resplendent and magnificent.

The magnificent palace is coated with a layer of soft glow of the moonlight, which is a bit less majestic and heavy, adding a touch of softness.

On the nearly [-]-square-meter palace, glazed tiles are lined up and intersected, undulating and well-proportioned.

Lin Fei sat on it, accompanied only by Ji Yaoguang.

Both of them were dressed in snow-white clothes, and they sat quietly cross-legged on the central spine guarded by glazed tiles like exiled immortals.

They are all running the highest breathing method, and they actually draw wisps of bright light, covering their figures in hazy white light.

But Ji Yaoguang's state is not so peaceful.

There was actually a little cinnabar-like bright red mark between her eyebrows, which flickered on and off with breathing.And every time this imprint is manifested, there will be a slight change, and it will smudge and condense into a lotus pattern.

Lin Fei seemed to have noticed something, and his expression was slightly complicated.

He opened his eyes, exhaled a long breath of foul air, which turned into a white glow and dispersed.

"Ji Yaoguang" brow lotus imprint, such as the red lotus shining in the world, just looked at him so quietly, showing a gentle smile like the moon: "Husband, after 3000 years, don't come here without any problems."

Lin Fei looked calm, but his obscure eyes betrayed his heart.

It is like throwing stones into a peaceful lake, causing ripples.

He stretched out his finger lightly, stroking the brand on the center of "Ji Yaoguang"'s brow: "I'm very..."

Lin Fei paused, and finally said softly: "I miss you."

"Ji Yaoguang" was smiling, but her eyes were red.

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