I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 744 The Long Family's Ambition

Ever since Ji Yaoguang used the technique of birthing the spirit, a new spirit has been born in the sea of ​​consciousness, which is her previous life—Emperor Yaoguang.

To put it bluntly, there are two different true spirits. Although they are different in nature, they are similar to dual personalities.The two have completely different personalities and dispositions. When encountering the same event, their reactions and handling methods will be very different.

Which woman can not be moved by Wansheng Tianzun's 3000 years of persistence and waiting?

A warm current surged in Empress Yaoguang's heart, she lightly parted her vermilion lips, and hesitated to speak.But in the end, she just leaned lightly on Lin Fei's shoulder and said in a whisper-like voice, "I miss you too."

There is a wind blowing, blowing the crystal hair of the two people. Under the moonlight, the glazed tile roof is a poem and painting by itself, which is very beautiful.

When someone from the Heavenly Demon Palace saw this scene, they couldn't help but secretly sighed, what a couple of gods and gods.

Although Empress Yaoguang had a lot of love in her heart, she quickly ignored the love for her children. Her voice was very soft but full of determination: "Husband, you can rest assured that you will conquer the Black Dragon Star and the Blue Sea Star. The earth has me in charge, so there is no need to fight." concern."

Lin Fei frowned slightly, a little worried: "You can only use the immortal essence for a short time. Although there are four images, five elements and eight trigrams to protect you, it is not a perfect solution after all. Besides...your condition is not good."

At this time, Empress Yaoguang and Ji Yaoguang's true spirit were born in the same body, which is similar to the situation where the ghosts and Lin Xinyu's souls co-existed.The fit between the true spirit and the physical body is not enough, and it cannot exert perfect strength.

It's just because the two have a connection between the past and the present, so they don't have to sacrifice one of them to make the other better like Yao Meng and Lin Xinyu.

"It's okay. Husband, don't forget that although I am far inferior to you, I am still Empress Yaoguang." Empress Yaoguang smiled and said, breathing like blue, with a kind of calm and leisurely demeanor.

This is the heart of the strong!

Who has no arrogance in the heart of a strong man who has ascended to the status of Immortal Emperor?

Empress Yaoguang has a face like the bright moon, and her legs are straight and slender.She stood up tall and stood in the wind.The skirt fluttered slightly under the breeze, revealing a smooth jade-like calf.With a graceful figure, it seems that she is about to transform into a fairy and ascend to the sky.

"You, me, Ying Long, Nuba..." She showed a hint of emotion, "The strong people back then have all fallen to such a level now."

In addition, there are also some strong people who directly destroy both body and spirit, such as unlucky ghosts like monsters, but they were strong people at the peak of Jinxian during their lifetime, and they have the ambition to hit the status of Immortal Emperor.

To put it bluntly, let's not mention the dead, even if the survivors are compared to the peak of the year, they are almost as old, weak, sick and disabled.

The battle between Lin Fei and Liu Dao back then really involved too much, affecting the entire multiverse.Some races took advantage of the opportunity to rise, while others suffered catastrophe and were even killed to extinction...

Empress Yaoguang seemed to want to say something, but she suddenly showed a sleepy look, and the lotus imprint on the center of her eyebrows was also gradually fading, withdrawing towards the center.

"Have a good rest." Lin Fei said in a warm voice, Empress Yaoguang responded with a warm smile, and gently closed her eyes.

Lin Fei supported her slender waist like a willow supporting the wind with one hand, and said nothing, as if he was waiting for something.

Soon, Ji Yaoguang's true spirit awakened, and his expression was a little weird.

After all, when the main consciousness sinks, another self appears, no matter how you think about it, it is a very subtle and strange feeling.

"Aren't you jealous?" Lin Fei asked with a smile.

Ji Yaoguang shook her head with a wry smile, and asked, "Eating your own jealousy? It's strange no matter how you think about it?"

She just glanced at Lin Fei, and all kinds of tenderness rushed to her heart and jumped to the brows.

I've been with him in the past and present, isn't it?


Yunnan Province, in the small world of Longyuan.

Leaden clouds hang low in the sky, and thunder is overwhelming.

Long Wolei raised his head to the sky and screamed, his whole body was bathed in the light of thunder.Surprisingly, there are phantoms of dragon souls entwined around the body, each of which is hundreds of meters long, huge in size, roaring up to the sky, shocking people's hearts.

His whole body was glowing with divine light, and there was a sound of bones exploding.What's even more amazing is that his internal organs are roaring, trembling with powerful force.


The sound spread like a god beating a drum, the thunder light dissipated, and the dark clouds in the sky receded, causing Long Zeyuan's eyes to shine, and his face revealed a look of shock and surprise!

Because, such a sound came from Long Wolei's heart.

It is strong and powerful, and every heartbeat is like thunder, making the earth tremble.

The pores of Long Wolei's body opened, and in the jumping electric arc, black dirt was discharged from it, and the extremely thorough cutting of the Yijing marrow was being carried out to remove impurities from the body.

One after another dragon souls sank into his body, and the beard of the old man of the Long family was trembling with excitement.


Long Wolei opened his eyes abruptly, and there were actually two rays of divine light rushing like sharp swords, tearing apart the void, possessing terrifying power.

He exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, which caused a terrible explosion in the air, and directly shattered a boulder tens of thousands of catties.

There, the smoke and dust soared into the sky, and the rocks pierced through the sky, and the scene was astonishing.

"Thanks to this catastrophe, I have such good luck! These intruders came at a good time, hahaha!" Long Wolei stood up, and his pupils had a golden color, as if poured from gold, extremely sharp.

His aura was astonishing, and three flowers gathered on the top of his head, which slowly dissipated.

"Early stage of crossing the tribulation?!" Long Zeyuan was overjoyed.

"No, it's the late stage of the tribulation." Long Wolei put his hands behind his back, high-spirited, quite ambitious and high-spirited, "Not only the dragon soul, but I also swallowed seven dragon yuan, which is true The cultivation of the whole body of the dragon is condensed."

"And I also got a great inheritance from it, which is a terrifying killing technique comparable to "Heavenly Demon Transformation"-"Dragon Dragon Transformation"! Once I cultivate it, I can break through a realm in a short time, which even includes the Great Tribulation Transcendence threshold!"

"Father, this is a shocking opportunity, a great fortune, my Long family will definitely rise!"

Long Zeyuan was trembling and short of breath: "Son, you are now the number one hero in the world!"

Long Wolei looked surprised and wondered, "Father, what are you talking about? Isn't Lin Fei here?"

Long Zeyuan stroked his beard, laughed heartily, and said, "My son, you have been in seclusion here for too long, and you don't know what's going on outside! Lin Fei fought fiercely against the Blue Ocean Fleet, and also killed the Lord of Heaven, Yahweh. !"

Long Wolei was shocked, and then showed cruel and excited eyes: "Father, are you sure?! This kind of thing is not a joke. If the news is wrong, I will die if I act rashly!"

He didn't hide the slightest bit from his own father, he had already revealed his ambition.

"That's right!" Long Zeyuan said decisively, with a look of madness flashing in his eyes, "Although there are two early Mahayana monsters beside him, the situation is not much better than that of Lin Fei!"

"You should know the value of Lin Fei and these two monsters!"

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