Long Wolei's heart beat wildly.

It is simply impossible to say that you are not moved.

It's just that the fear of Lin Fei and the two monsters in the early stage of Mahayana made him very entangled, and he didn't dare to act rashly.


Damn, how can you not be afraid of three such terrifying characters?If it hadn't been for hearing that they were seriously injured and dying, and it would take a long time to recover, Long Wolei wouldn't even have the slightest thought.

"It's hard to say, Dad," Long Wolei said aggrievedly, "Lin Fei's existence is too mysterious and unpredictable. What if he can risk his life? Don't say that the fairy has changed, as long as he can use the demon Change, I will only end in ashes."

He warned himself that he must remain rational, and not rush forward to die like a fool.

Although Lin Fei's good fortune and the two Mahayana monsters are extremely enviable and crazy, but he must have his life to get them, right?

"Wealth and wealth are in danger!" Long Zeyuan scolded with a serious expression on his face.I don't know that a guy named Duan Canghai once said such words, but in the end he didn't even leave his ashes...

"As a last resort, if he, Lin Fei, can work hard, you can't break through to the Mahayana realm? Long Wolei, you know, this is the biggest opportunity for our Long family in the past 5000 years, and God is helping us ah!"

"You are extremely talented, and the extremely rare bloodline returns to the ancestors, and it coincides with the addition of luck and the birth of Longyuan. With your bloodline inheritance, you can just get all good luck. This is great luck! Not to mention being the protagonist of an era, That won't be too bad!"

"Now that Lin Fei is crippled again, don't you think it's too coincidental? Luck, this is luck!" Long Zeyuan became more and more excited as he spoke, even spitting stars were flying around, and his emotional appeal was comparable to Great orator, very eloquent.

Long Zeyuan was still afraid at first, but he couldn't help being moved when he heard him say this, and began to waver: Am I really the protagonist of an era?

Thinking of the chances that had been exaggerated to the sky recently, his breathing began to become rapid, and he felt a little moved.

Long Zeyuan's eyes were vicious, and he immediately understood his son's thoughts, and even said in a loud voice: "This is not a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it is the only one opportunity for the Long family in 5000 years! This opportunity must not be missed, and the time will never come again!"

"Think about it, use the monsters in the Mahayana realm to refine alchemy, win several fairy weapons, and even seize the amount of terrifying knowledge accumulated by Lin Fei over the past [-] million years, and take away the chaotic body..."

Long Wolei's heart beat faster and faster as he listened, finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, then I will fight! Just don't underestimate Lin Fei, even if we are against him, we have to fight against him." Be fully prepared, and there will be no mistakes or negligence!"

Long Zeyuan immediately stroked his beard and smiled, appreciating: "Okay, he is indeed my son, brave and resourceful!"

The father and son soon began to discuss how to win Lin Fei.

Long Wolei decided to use the keel bones, dragon scales, crystallized dragon blood, dragon blood stones and other materials obtained in Longyuan to lay down the Qianlong Wuyong formation inherited by the dragon clan.Please enter the urn and make a lore to avoid any accidents.

"Please enter the urn? Even if the material is amazing, and you can hide it before the big formation is launched, what about the bait?" Long Zeyuan asked with a frown.He thinks that Lin Fei has been abolished, and this kind of formation method is hidden, and it will definitely be able to hide it from him.

"Yao Xinyi!" Long Wolei spat out three words.Their Long family has studied Lin Fei a lot, and they know that he seems to be detached, but he cares about the people around him, even to an exaggerated level.

Although I don't know what kind of experience makes a person who has lived for [-] million years still care about the life and death of the people around him, but this point can definitely be used!

"Catch her and threaten her?" Long Zeyuan frowned, feeling that this style was too obvious.If they all put on the attitude of "I have no fear", the other party will definitely weigh it up and think about what cards the Long family has, and they may not even fall into the trap.

"No need," Long Wolei said with a chuckle, "Father, don't you know that there is a profession called an actor?"

Long Zeyuan was surprised, unable to react: "What do you mean?"

Long Wolei smiled triumphantly: "I pretended to be an infatuated man who is crazy about love, and made an attitude of liking Yao Xinyi crazy, forcing her to marry me!"

Long Zeyuan was also considered a master, and he knew everything at once, and suddenly realized that he slapped his thigh: "Okay! In this way, Yao Xinyi will definitely call Lin Fei, his backer, for help!"

"And this is still a safe temptation. If we are really incapable of fighting Lin Fei, you can still regret it and say that you were dazzled by love. Please forgive me. It is expected that he has a deep friendship with the Dragon Clan. We will ask Ying Long intercedes, and there is room for maneuver. It’s just that he loves someone into a demon, so he won’t be killed, right?”

"And if he is not strong enough, we can take the opportunity to kill him! Alright, Qing is better than Lan, son, you are more thoughtful than me!"

Long Wolei was overjoyed, laughed loudly and said, "That's right. And I will go to Yao's house to force a marriage when the time comes, and suppress my cultivation to show a proper amount of self-cultivation. Lin Fei can cause misleading."

"When the time comes...hehe, Wansheng Tianzun, I want to give you a surprise!"

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and his face became a little distorted, full of madness like BT in the movie.


Lin Fei's injuries were serious, and even with the help of many resources, it took him seven days to barely return to normal.

Moreover, this so-called "normal" is only able to maintain the strength of the cultivation base in the later stage of crossing the catastrophe, but it is also exaggeratedly weak.

The mutilated chaotic body that had just recovered from a serious injury, not to mention the ultimate move of the fairy magic transformation, even the heavenly magic transformation, was enough to tear his body apart again in an instant!

This is due to his enormous vitality and tenacity to the extreme, otherwise, even if he was replaced by the body of the Taiyin or the body of the Sun, there would be no possibility of surviving such serious injuries.

Lin Fei was very speechless, because his current combat power was too low, and he couldn't even compare with the special physique of the same realm.For example, if Jiang Qingyue was in the same realm as him, he could only rely on the peerless killer moves he had mastered to win, otherwise he would only be defeated.

Although this is only temporary, it will not take too much time to recover, and it is not a setback for an existence that has experienced thousands of catastrophes, but after all, no one likes this situation.

The strength of the primordial spirit and physical body under the same realm can not compare with the body of Taiyin, what is this called?

"The resources of the earth as a whole are still too poor, and this is barely recovering." He shook his head, slightly disappointed.

The corner of Yang Luan's mouth twitched, and he really wanted to scold: You are simply a pervert, isn't that enough? !

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