I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 746 The False Beauty and Disaster

Yuan Lu even let out a "wow", his eyes were shining, as if there were little stars shining, and he couldn't help worshiping: "The Heavenly Lord is so powerful! Don't talk about your injury, even if I am injured like this, it will take seven or eight years." Only then can you recover, and you have recovered to this level now!"

She is not bragging about her idol without thinking, what she said is true.

Although the Trial of Holy Light did not go to the end, it also hurt the origin of Yang Luan Yuanlu.Waiting to cut off part of their primordial spirit fundamentally, it is as if this part of primordial spirit never existed.Although it can still be restored, the time spent seems to be very long.

However, Lin Fei was very calm, and said lightly: "I just broke and stood up too many times, and I have rich experience."

In 200 million years, even if there is only one percent of the difficult years, it is a history of suffering for [-] million years!

This kind of strong man who has broken through in the darkness of Xiao Suo has such a profound background that it is unimaginable. How can he be guessed by normal thinking mode?

All his strengths were not obtained by accident, but after unimaginable precipitation and accumulation, so thick that it is unimaginable!

In front of Lin Fei Liudao, the kind of strong man who has castles in the air and rises rapidly by accidental piles is like a joke.

Yang Luan and Yuan Lu were speechless, they didn't know whether to say that he was stupid, or that he was too miserable...

"If you can't learn it, you can't learn it." Yang Luan sighed, feeling admiration from the bottom of his heart.

The chaotic body is already extraordinary, and with an unimaginably profound background experience, the recovery speed is simply against the sky.If Lin Fei hadn't told him personally, no one would have believed it would have happened so quickly.

But at this moment, a member of the Black Wind Society rushed over in a hurry, and shouted loudly with spiritual thoughts: "Master Patriarch, my disciple has something to tell!"

Lin Fei immediately frowned slightly, thinking, could it be that the Blue Ocean Clan sent a fleet to kill them again?

But he immediately felt that it was impossible, after all, the fortunes of all creatures on the earth were forced to condense in one era.To exaggerate, there are even faint signs of fishing in a dry lake.

Even if the Blue Sea Clan dared to act like this, they should be unlucky enough to be blocked by the turbulence of time and space, right?

"Speak." Lin Fei didn't have any airs at all, and went out to greet him.

But the member of the Black Wind Club knelt down on one knee, not daring to ignore etiquette, bowed his head and said: "Long Wolei, the young master of the Long family in Yundian Province, he forced Yao Xinyi to marry him! He said that even if Yao Xinyi didn't agree, tomorrow night To snatch her into the bridal chamber!"

Lin Fei was speechless for a while, and said casually, "Just this little thing?"

He thought something was wrong, wasn't it just a forced marriage?

Yang Luan and Yuan Lu were also speechless, and Yuan Lu even rolled her eyes - she also thought that the extraterritorial creatures had come again and insisted on destroying the entire earth.

Lin Fei asked amusedly, "Does Yao Xinyi like that Long Wolei?"

Yuan Lu also looked at this member of the Black Wind Society, thinking that maybe he made a fuss out of a molehill.If the two are in love with each other, in fact, this can be regarded as the romance of young people.

The members of the Black Wind Club showed embarrassment, but they still said: "I heard that Yao Xinyi dropped a lot of things at home, and she was furious. I probably don't like it."

"I see, you go down." Lin Fei slightly nodded, thinking that this Long Wolei was a bit too self-righteous, and he could do such a thing as forcing a girl.

The members of the Black Wind Society responded and immediately retreated respectfully.

Lin Fei then greeted everyone, and took out the broken Heavenly Demon Sword - this sword lost to the spear of Longinus, not to mention it was cut off, the broken half was completely corroded and lost its spirituality.

He cut out the space channel, and his figure and channel disappeared together.

The Yao Family Villa in Kuncheng, Yunnan Province.

It occupies a vast area, with a clear blue swimming pool, surrounded by green plants, and several luxury cars are parked.

"I won't marry! Long Wolei is a dead toad who wants to eat swan meat!"

"How dare you marry by force, apart from giving you a title, what is the difference between this and a rapist!" Accompanied by the woman's angry voice, Jingdezhen colored porcelain was thrown to the floor with a "slap", and it was torn apart.

The precious ceramics, known as "thin as paper, sound like a chime", are smashed as crisply as a glass in a two-dollar store.

Just so capricious!

"What kind of skill is throwing things? Why don't you just throw that toad?" A faint voice came, and Lin Fei, dressed in white like snow, was already sitting beside her.

Yao Xinyi was taken aback by the sudden voice, but immediately she showed surprise and rushed forward: "Tianzun, I knew you loved me!"

With a burst of fragrant wind, she hung directly on Lin Fei like a koala, completely ignoring the latter's unkind eyes.

Yao Xinyi nestled in the bedroom, wearing only cool pink and white pajamas.Such a move is indeed a bit too intimate.

"The shoulder strap has slipped off." Lin Fei reminded him friendly.

Yao Xinyi glanced at it, and sure enough, the sling on her right shoulder slipped down.This kind of amorous feelings that is about to be revealed, if you want to change to a vigorous young man, I'm afraid that you will be unable to stand it on the spot.

But who is Lin Fei?

The old monster who has lived for [-] million years, what scene has he not seen?

"Oh." Yao Xinyi responded, and simply pulled down the left shoulder strap.

Lin Fei was speechless, stopped her actions, and complained: "I always feel that you and that dragon and mine are not the same."

"I'm different from him," Yao Xinyi stared, "He's a toad, I'm a swan!"

Just looking at Lin Fei's cheek so close, she felt a little inexplicably excited, feeling a little deer bumping in her heart, and said in a strange way: "But if there is a chance, I will definitely push you!"

Lin Fei glanced at her, shook his head and sighed softly: "You also said that you are different from him, is there any difference in the nature of this matter?"

Yao Xinyi felt guilty, and smiled ingratiatingly with a shy face.

If Long Wolei sees this scene, I'm afraid he will be furious on the spot - in front of Lao Tzu, he is as cold as a fairy descending to the earth, but in front of him, he will become a licking dog? !ah?Are you fucking human?

Lin Fei saw that she didn't know what self-consciousness meant, so he stretched out his hand and pushed her away: "Little brat, stop thinking about things. Tell me, what's going on?"

Yao Xinyi looked distressed, sighed, shook her head and sighed: "Tianzun, you also know that I look like a fish and a wild goose, a moon-like shame, a good personality, and infinite charm..."

Lin Fei interrupted: "Speak human words."

Only then did Yao Xinyi resentfully say "Oh": "This guy has liked me for many years and is very obsessed with me. He wants to marry me like a lunatic, as if he can't live without me."

"Hey, is it my fault for being beautiful? They say that beauty is a disaster, and now I believe it."

She shrugged and spread her hands, her face full of helplessness.

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