I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 756 Cultivation is skyrocketing

Thinking of asking Lin Fei to kneel down to pay homage earlier, Zeus felt his heart tremble.

A strong man in the Immortal Realm!

At this time, Zeus's face was turning green, trembling, and he dared not vent his anger.

Athena and Prometheus secretly feared in their hearts, and at the same time felt extremely grateful for the previous decision.

"Heavenly Lord, forgive me!" Even if the main god gave in, he knelt down with a "plop", how could there be any majesty and pretensions of the main god?

The other seven main gods also hurriedly knelt down, begging Lin Fei to forgive them for their previous rudeness.

But Zeus didn't.

Because he knew that he had offended Lin Fei to death before, and there was absolutely no way out.

"The earth is in trouble. You are obviously capable, but you don't want to come forward. That's all. Still want to wait and see what happens, profit from it, and even take my fortune?"

"Give me your death." Lin Fei's voice was calm, but there was an unquestionable certainty and determination.

Zeus was frightened and burst out with all his divine power in a loud shout.The other seven main gods did not want to sit still, they all used their supernatural powers in an instant, and sacrificed all kinds of killing moves without reservation.

The scene on Mount Olympus was astonishing.

A vast and majestic energy evolved into a laurel tree, which took root in the void, and endless light was born from it, as if opening up a pure land of the main god;

There were raging flames billowing into the sky, and the flames burned half of the sky red. Among them, a red hammer emerged from the furnace, which was the size of a mountain, flowing with liquid metal;

There are cypress trees, hounds, vultures, pigeons, peach trees, etc., all of which are images of holy trees and pets of different gods, and they are also the origin of their condensed Shinto.

There are also boundless and endless black mist windings, containing extremely vicious and sinister plague, death, and curse breaths.Even if the main god is infected, it is hard to escape serious injuries, and it is difficult to be good because of bad luck.

The ultimate moves of eight different main gods were intertwined and condensed together, turning into monstrous divine power, coupled with the blessing of the mysterious energy of Mount Olympus, the rage reached the extreme.

The power of the world-destroying level is enough to destroy the earth in an instant!

"Don't dare to go to war with the outside world, there is something in the nest." Lin Fei looked indifferent, but faced with such an exaggerated scene, he just slashed through with his sword.

The sword energy turned into a golden city wall stretching between heaven and earth, facing the energy storm upstream.


This city wall transformed by sword energy is so overbearing that it has been crushed all the way, and it will not be shaken no matter how terrifying the force is bombarded on it.

Immediately afterwards, more vigorous vitality circulated in the cracks of the city wall. Amidst the soft rustling sound, lotus flowers took root and bloomed in it.


The lotus flowers manifested by these energy bodies burst out like sharp swords, causing the eight main gods to roar in fear in an instant.

"Puff puff--"

One after another lotus flowers penetrated the bodies of the eight main gods, splashing a puff of blood.Its blood was of different colors, and all of them radiated light. It seemed to contain extremely heavy power, and it fell to the ground with a loud bang.

Lin Fei even rushed forward quickly, and directly captured the bodies of the two main gods from the air, and pressed his palms on their arms with a "snap", causing the bones of the two to break in an instant.

"No! My divine power is fading!"

"what have you done?!"

They were terrified and could clearly feel that Lin Fei was absorbing their divine power.


Lin Fei roared with thunder, and there seemed to be a huge black hole in his body that could swallow everything.

Under the horrified eyes of Athena and Prometheus, he directly killed the eight main gods, devouring the power of the gods, not even letting go of the main artifacts, and directly turning them into scrap iron.

The eight main gods teamed up, but they were powerless to fight!

In the entire mountain range, all kinds of visions dissipated.There was a sudden deathly silence between the heavens and the earth, only the rustling sound of the breeze blowing through the woods, which was very clear.

The two main gods both swallowed their saliva and felt stiff all over.Seeing Lin Fei's casual glance, his heart beat wildly, and he almost knelt down on the spot.

But Lin Fei didn't say anything, he just punched out and opened up a space channel on the sacred mountain.

The passage was pitch-black, and there were even cracks in the surrounding space, exuding a palpitating and disturbing atmosphere.

And Lin Fei just dodges away and disappears without a trace.


Athena sat slumped on the ground, her chest heaving unceasingly, breathing in the air with great gulps, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Prometheus is not much better, until now his heart is still raging like a big wave, which cannot be calmed down for a long time.

"Survived?" Athena murmured, her face pale.

Prometheus looked up at the sky, and gave a complicated "hmm".

"What if we stand on the side of Zeus and covet the good fortune of Tianzun?" He asked suddenly.

no answer.

There was only the sound of the wind howling on the holy mountain, and a faint smell of blood lingered.


Lin Fei once again began to retreat and practice, and the close-up time is frequent, but it also means that the cultivation base has skyrocketed.

Although only less than [-]% of the divine power of the eight main gods can be obtained, it is extremely terrifying when added together.

There is like a divine furnace in his body, all kinds of mixed divine powers with different attributes are refined in it.The Zhan Zhan Xiaguang overflowed from Lin Fei's body from the inside to the outside, and even illuminated the entire house.

Wisps of impurities were photographed, containing terrifying power.Every now and then, thunder roared, flames burned, and the strange mist around him contained terrifying power, making Lin Fei's surroundings almost deadly.

It's hard to imagine that this is just a waste of useless dross for him.

After a long time, the rays of light dissipated, and wisps of mist disappeared into the void.

Lin Fei opened his eyes, let out a long breath of foul air, images of thunder and flames appeared in his eyes, and then disappeared in a flash.

He doesn't show off mountains and dews, but his cultivation has reached the late stage of Mahayana astonishingly!

The Long Family, the Garden of Eden, and the Olympus Mountain, all three good fortunes have been added to him, and there are countless experience and chaotic body talent, which made his cultivation soar all the way.

If the other monks knew about it, they didn't know how they would feel, whether they would have a sense of despair of "forget it if you die".

It is said that the road to practice is extremely difficult, countless people struggle hard, but it is difficult to achieve a positive result, and countless strong people can only sit and die in the exhaustion of their lifespan, full of sorrow and regret, and sigh at the hope of immortality.

But when it comes to Lin Fei, it doesn't seem to be the case.

"Is this considered luck?" Lin Fei thought in his heart, feeling that he had also been blessed with the era of earth's great luck.Compared with the time when the luck was not condensed, the speed of this practice is simply a world of difference.

"Then if I descend on the Black Dragon Star or the Blue Sea Star, the Dao of Heaven will definitely believe that the catastrophe of their race's life and death is coming, and it will cause luck to boil."

"Black Dragon Star is not worth mentioning, what about Blue Sea Star?" Lin Fei thought to himself, narrowing his eyes slightly.

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