I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 757 The Legend of the Cosmic Overlord

In the realm of human immortality, one needs to go through four or nine minor heavenly tribulations, and undergo a total of 36 catastrophe tests before being able to attain the status of Earth Immortal.

And now, if Lin Fei uses the Immortal Transformation, he can even exaggerately show the strength of a human being who has survived two minor catastrophes.

To achieve this step in the Mahayana realm is simply against the sky.

Not to mention, he still has quantum armor and Qingfeng Luoying sword on him.

Lin Fei discarded the Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword, and extracted the North Sea Soul Martial contained within it, and poured it directly into the Qingfeng Luoying Sword, improving its grade.This process is all completed in the state of fairy transformation, otherwise, even the strong in the late stage of Mahayana will definitely not be able to transform the fairy weapon.

Now that the general trend has come, and Ji Yaoguang is sitting in the rear of the earth, it is naturally time to collect debts.

Neither Black Dragon Star nor Blue Sea Star can escape liquidation!

Lin Fei stood up and released the news that he was leaving the earth and going to Black Dragon Star.For a moment, the entire Heavenly Demon Palace shook and boiled completely, all looking forward to his triumphant return.

He took a long breath, black and white rays of light surged in his body, and behind him he spread the wings of the fairy and demon with a bang.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fei directly used his hands to tear apart the void, and went to Mount Olympus, using the Divine Mountain field to set up a space magic circle.

Seeing this scene, Su Tianshuang exclaimed "Damn it", his eyelids twitched wildly.

"Tearing the void like a piece of cloth, this..." Lin Kunpeng didn't know what to say, and suddenly felt that the earth was so fragile that it was worrying.

Su Tianshuang swallowed, and couldn't help but asked Lin Kunpeng: "Master, you said that there are so many immortals in the fairy world, and there are even immortal emperors, why didn't they destroy the fairy world? Don't they have any conflicts, or are they all scrupulous?" Don't you dare to cause too much damage?"

Lin Kunpeng glanced at him, shook his head and said, "I told you to read more books, but you didn't listen. The plane of the fairy world is stable and protected by the will of heaven. Do you think any fairy can destroy the fairy world? When you get there, If it’s true that the Mahayana is like an ant, I’m afraid it would be difficult to lift a ten thousand catty boulder.”

Su Tianshuang was horrified, he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Once the Mahayana comes out, all dharmas will be exhausted. What a praise and respect for the Mahayana powerhouse!

But such a powerhouse who is like a fairy seed is so unbearable in the fairy world?This is simply unable to turn over the slightest ripple!

In fact, the worlds of immortals and demons are not the only places where such planes are stable.For example, in the battle between Lin Fei and Immortal Emperor Zhu Qingfeng, he once came to the virtual Great Desolate Continent in the Hall of Thousand Monsters.

The plane there is extremely stable, and only the strong in the Immortal Emperor Realm fight to completely destroy it.Even when Zhu Qingfeng and Lin Fei fought in that virtual world at first, it only caused the continuous mountains and rivers to collapse and large lakes to evaporate. How could it be like the destructive power of an immortal emperor who could destroy the sun and the moon at every turn?

"Fourth senior brother, I told you that you should read more." Jiang Qingyue whispered, "In fact, the gods still have records, saying that not only the two worlds of immortals and demons, but also the mysterious place in the multiverse, the stability of its planes It's also unimaginable."

"For example, the birthplace of the ancestors of the Zerg race in the starry sky, the mother planet of the Zerg race; the ancestral nest of the dragon race in the starry sky, the Wanlong Nebula;

"I heard that each of these races occupies a universe, and there is no other intelligent life in the universe they live in. Everything in the entire universe belongs to this race."

Su Tianshuang was dumbfounded, his heart was agitated just hearing these names, and various shocking pictures appeared in his mind.

How big is the Milky Way?It's hard to have an intuitive concept.

But it contains 1000-4000 billion stars and a large number of star clusters, nebulae, and various types of interstellar gas and interstellar dust!

But this is just one river system in the universe, God knows how many such river systems there are.

But in such a boundless and exaggerated range beyond imagination, there is only one race of intelligent life. What does this mean?

Are there really no other intelligent races, or... were they all exterminated outrageously?

Naturally, Su Tianshuang didn't know, but felt terrified thinking about it carefully.But immediately he sighed, shook his head and smiled wryly, and stopped thinking about these things.

He was shocked and sighed: "It's over, I don't dare to call myself a genius anymore."

Lin Kunpeng showed approval, and said that it would be good for him to know more, and this kid actually knew how to restrain himself.

But immediately after, Su Tianshuang opened the folding fan with a "snap", with a sad look: "Oh, it seems that in the future, I can only rely on my face to rule the world. I didn't want to rely on my face at first, but this is God's will."

"The most powerful beauty of the innate spirit race, who loves me to death and obeys my words, is still so-so."

The audience petrified, and the smile on Lin Kunpeng's face froze instantly.

Liu Meng glared at him angrily, almost wanting to greet him with a whip: "Do you know what form the Spirit Race is, what if it's the monster in your eyes? Do you want the female dragon and the female worm? "

Su Tianshuang looked helpless, and spread his hands and said: "Then if they really like me, I can't help it? Then let them transform into human form, isn't it the same?"

Not only Liu Mengmeng strangled this guy, but even Lin Kunpeng's mouth twitched, wanting to wake this guy up from a physical point of view and stop living in a dream.

Not to mention the farce of the Tianmo Palace.

When Lin Fei went to Mount Olympus, he even took the Goddess of Time with him.

He didn't explain anything, but made the latter's heart beat wildly, secretly guessing that this is to let him return?

And Athena and Prometheus were even more frightened, like cats with fried hair, their souls almost flew away, thinking that Lin Fei was still upset after thinking about it, and planned to come back and kill them all.

Fortunately, none of this happened. Lin Fei just wanted to use the majestic energy contained in the sacred mountain to set up a star-crossing magic circle.

Well, that's all.

Although Athena and Prometheus were bleeding from distress, they were polite and even generous, letting Lin Fei use it, even if they drained the divinity of the entire mountain range.

After all, no matter what, it's better than dying, right?

In the eyes of both of them, Lin Fei was simply the Great Demon King, and they were terrified when they saw him.

Lin Fei didn't delay at all, and collected materials locally, and many spiritual soils, sacred mines, and sacred stones were taken out of the sacred mountain.The whole mountain was trembling, and a majestic divine power was forcibly extracted, causing some of the leaves of various sacred trees, exotic flowers and fruits to wither, and the remaining leaves were also turning yellow.

His movements were extremely fast, and soon formed a mysterious space formation.

The Goddess of Time was secretly shocked, and found that its stability far exceeded the magic circle laid down by the God of Space.

Moreover, the formation time...is shockingly short, just as normal and natural as eating and drinking water. How can the God of Space feel exhausted and exhausted?

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