I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 760 Encountering the Star Zerg

Lin Fei ignored the Goddess of Time, his expression became slightly serious, and he looked at the distant planet.

The goddess of time was so emotional that she didn't notice anything wrong at all.

It's just that she gasped in pain, feeling that she was too wronged.

Lin Fei's physical body is unimaginably strong, almost breaking the teeth of the Goddess of Time...

She was still about to say something when she noticed something was wrong with Lin Fei's expression, and followed his gaze.

At this moment, Goddess of Time suddenly widened her eyes and trembled all over.

The two stood in the vast space, far away from the planet.Even the extremely huge Moment Planet is no more than the size of a basketball in sight.It's just that compared to looking at the moon from the earth, it needs to be marked.

If it was just a planet, it would naturally not cause any mood swings between the two of them.In the universe, such ordinary planets are hard to count, so it is not worth making a fuss about.

The key to this planet... was gnawed a gap!

That's right, it's like a moon cake, a part of it is missing as if it was bitten by a gluttonous child.

And on its surface, there is a shadow that seems to be wriggling.

"What is that?" Even though the Goddess of Time had lived for thousands of years, she had never seen such a bizarre scene, and her voice trembled.

"The Devourer of Stars, the Star Zerg." Lin Fei's voice was cold, thinking of the battle with this ancient race in the past.Forcing himself to risk his life to attack the realm of the inner universe, among them is the "credit" of their family.

If they hadn't been blessed by the six realms, Lin Fei really wanted to kill the biggest moth in the universe.

In fact, he had already expected that there were still relics and even remnants of the Zerg race in this universe.Just relying on the genetic reagent of the Blue Ocean Expeditionary Army, he could see the clues, but he didn't expect that he would encounter it so soon.

"The luck of the Black Dragon Star is so good that it even brought me to a habitat of the Zerg in the starry sky!" Lin Fei sneered, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

"Please, don't fight to the death with it, I'm afraid..." The Goddess of Time was about to cry again, wondering what kind of thing this is, is there a way for people to live?

"The lair of the starry sky Zerg must have a huge amount of energy to use, we can activate the space magic circle again." Lin Fei looked at her and said bluntly, "This is barely a conspiracy, waiting for us to go with such a big profit Drill."

No drilling!

Think about it, how far is the Milky Way from the nearest extragalactic galaxy?

4.2 million light years!

Even traveling at the speed of light, it would take a fucking full 4 years to get there!

"Even if I am in the fairyland, the space channel can travel through at most a hundred light years at a time. Although there is no specific distance, I have to travel dozens of times by visual inspection, and there are dozens of accidents in the middle. Do you want to try it?" Lin Fei asked.

The Goddess of Time widened her eyes and murmured in despair, "So why did you take me with you?"

Lin Fei said without hesitation: "You are the god of Black Dragon Star, and together with me, you can counteract a small amount of backlash from luck."

The Goddess of Time felt so tired that she was speechless.

Is it really a tool man?

"So, it's also my credit for not encountering the out-of-control turbulence?" She asked like a marionette with a broken look, her eyes lost focus, and she lost focus.

"You think too highly of yourself," Lin Fei said lightly, but it was a merciless blow. "In the final analysis, it's just that the luck of the Black Dragon Star is not as deep as that of the Earth."

"How is it possible?!" Goddess of Time couldn't help asking.

You must know that there are more powerhouses on the Black Dragon Star than on Earth, right?Even if the population is simply compared, it is impossible to compare with the earth, right?

"You know too little about luck. In short, although this kind of thing seems mysterious, it is actually the so-called possibility. Just like a newborn baby, he also has the possibility of becoming a Mahayana powerhouse, even if it is insignificant Infinity is approaching zero, but it is also possible, this is luck."

"The earth is the place where I was born and proved my way. Even if I am down and out now, its luck is no small matter - after the spiritual energy is revived, it is already a planet of cultivation. Although many monks are still very weak, they have become The strong are more likely!"

"On the same starting line, 1000 years have passed, which one is stronger, the cultivator or the fighting spirit monk? What about 2000? 3000 years?"

"If you say a single comparison, it may not have much effect, but if the monks of the two planets are compared together, what will be the difference?" Lin Fei said a lot of words in one breath, and he was extremely patient with the goddess of time.

The Goddess of Time was shocked, and she didn't know what to say: "This is... Cultivation can change fate?"

The two communicated with spiritual thoughts, although a lot of information was passed on, but in fact, a very short time passed.

And it was such a delay, above the incomplete star, there was a sky-shattering neigh.

The voice was high-pitched and sharp, and it became a wave of spiritual thoughts, which actually caused a roar in the airless space.

From it, I can feel the excitement of the female worm, which is the desire and excitement to hunt the strong and seize the good fortune, derived from the primitive instinct of genes and even the origin of the soul!

Hunt, loot, evolve!

"How strong is this bug?" The goddess of time turned pale.

"Not sure." Lin Fei's answer made her eyes widen suddenly, and she was getting closer to collapse.

"The starry sky Zerg has extremely strong reproductive ability, and there are countless branches. This is just a common hatching female insect, without the life mark of the strongest line. They can evolve by relying on devouring energy, but the most terrifying thing is devouring."

"Well, for example, if it devours you and has enough energy to support it, it will perfectly analyze and acquire your power, and evolve and master it in its own way. In the future, it will be able to observe past time nodes and future time possibilities, and be able to master your power Supernatural powers, consume the energy in the body to bring your own state back to what it was before a second." While Lin Fei explained in this way, Qingfeng Luoying sword was already in his hand.

The breeze rustled in the space, and the crystal clear petals fluttered down.

"This analogy is not auspicious at all." Although Goddess of Time was shocked by this terrifying ability, she actually said such words under her cold hands and feet and confused mind.

"Let's make it simpler. For example, if it devours a small army of the Blue Ocean Clan, it can hatch a similar warship bug, and its mouth is a space-breaking beam. When you cut it with a sword, you can see the space distortion shield on this bug." Appearing on your body." Lin Fei explained in more detail, as if the elders were "kindly" imparting knowledge.

But after such an explanation, Goddess of Time sent a chill down her spine, and even grew brightly colored koi scales all over her body!

This kind of ability of the starry sky Zerg... it is terrifying to think about it carefully!

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