"As for it? Are you going to be scared out of your original shape?" Lin Fei glanced at the Goddess of Time, feeling that she was overreacting.

"As for! Absolutely as for!" Goddess of Time roared again, her delicate and beautiful face twisted.

Following Lin Fei on the road, this series of shocking changes made people collapse.

The ability of this starry sky race means almost unlimited possibilities.

What if this thing devours an immortal emperor?

Immediately, Goddess of Time felt that she was thinking too much.

How amazing is the Immortal Emperor, how could he be devoured by the Zerg?

Lin Fei seemed to have seen through her thoughts, and added a stab lightly: "Back then, there was an immortal emperor who was swallowed by the starry sky Zerg, and that female insect directly mastered all the abilities of this unlucky immortal emperor, and the waving of its sharp claws is the geomantic omen. The fire surged, and thousands of immortals bleed to death."

"Stop it... I beg you, stop it..." Goddess of Time put her palms together in a begging gesture.

How can there be such a thing!Enemy first, engage in teammate mentality first?

Well, although no matter what the mentality of this teammate is, it doesn't seem to have the slightest impact on the battle situation...

"Come on." Lin Fei smiled and rubbed her hair, then squatted down in front of her with his back turned.

The Goddess of Time was so frightened that she took a step back!

She even suspected that she was dreaming, not to mention that Lin Fei gave her the impression that he was like a devil, but how could he do such a thing with his identity as the Ten Thousand Saints? !

"Can't come up? I won't take care of you later, don't blame me if you die." Lin Fei sighed softly.

Speaking of which, he and the Goddess of Time still have such a tiny karma.

This little girl movie was born in the long river of time, and the long river of time was transformed into fragments of the immortal emperor who died in the multiverse war, and his extreme emperor soldier.

The devil emperor has turned to the Six Paths of Samsara Demon Lord.

Then who else could the immortal emperor who participated in the multiverse war serve?

To put it bluntly, this girl was conceived by Lin Fei's subordinate weapon fragments, and she was barely considered a descendant of a martyr under her command.

An immortal emperor who was supposed to look down on the universe, but fought until the last moment until he died, and even the emperor's soldiers were smashed...

The martyr has passed away, how can he not treat his descendants well?

The Goddess of Time only felt her heart beating wildly, and lay directly on Lin Fei's back.


The immortal energy turned into a chain, directly binding her and Lin Fei together.

And something that flattered her even more happened again!


The quantum armor appeared and hovered directly above the head of the Goddess of Time, turning into a light armor that fit tightly and covered her whole body.

Goddess of Time thought that Lin Fei was ruthless, did not take her life seriously, and was simply a devil, but now she treats her so well, the sharp contrast even made her nose sore again, and she was so moved that her heart was almost bubbling up.

Human nature is so wonderful.

Always being nice to someone, that person is used to it and doesn't feel anything.And a certain time was not good enough for her, and even made her feel dissatisfied.

On the contrary, it has always made someone tremble and walk on thin ice, and suddenly one day he treats her surprisingly well, which will make this person frightened, and then feel very moved.

It's very similar to the difference between "give a beggar five dollars a day, and be scolded if you don't give it one day", and "kick a beggar every day, and give money if you don't kick one day, and the beggar will be flattered".


Lin Fei lifted the Qingfeng Luoying sword upside down, pierced the space like a shooting star, and blatantly rushed towards the incomplete planet.

The Goddess of Time lay on his shoulder, and as the distance increased, she could see the female worm more and more clearly, causing her heartbeat to become faster and faster.

The star is full of unevenness, hollows and missing corners, and there is a huge living body that wriggles like a biological internal organ.

The countless eyes on it were so huge that it was unimaginable, embedded in the sticky fleshy body, they opened in unison, locking the two of them dead with greedy, excited, and crazy eyes!

An inexplicable sense of danger, overwhelming, hit the goddess of time like overwhelming everything.

What a danger!Full of unimaginable malice, full of disgusting feeling like saliva, as if... as if a woman is naked, surrounded by a group of wild beasts!

In an instant, the goddess of time's heartbeat stopped suddenly.The dreadful disparity originating from the biological level instantly made her mentally disordered, her soul tremble, her whole body was cold and numb, and she was almost unable to think or move!

If the mouse's natural fear of seeing a cat is magnified countless times, it is probably how she feels at this time.

Crush level life forms exist, natural overlords!


Like the tide, countless black shadows soared into the sky.There are tens of thousands of them, all over the sky, like gathering clouds of dark clouds above the planet.

There were countless alien bugs, but the shape and fighting style they displayed made the Goddess of Time exclaim: "Cultivation!"

Yes, this female worm, it... has devoured practitioners who can cross the galaxy!

Among the densely packed and grotesque bugs of various shapes, the most numerous one has three black energy bodies converging into flowers above its head.

"Cave Void Legion?!"

"Dongxu as cannon fodder?!" Goddess of Time's voice changed.

There are tens of thousands of cannon fodder in the lead alone, and all of them are existences in the realm of emptiness...  

This has completely surpassed the Goddess of Time's imagination of the "super life form", and she felt a burst of fear.She couldn't imagine it, Lin Fei said it was just an "ordinary female worm".

Ordinary sister!

Did Lin Fei climb to the top of the universe by stepping on the corpse of this terrible cosmic overlord back then? !

"Small scene, don't panic." Lin Fei uttered the "classic quote", completely regardless of whether the goddess of time could bear this "small scene", "It has been dormant for too long, and it has swallowed many planets by visual inspection, and its energy is too huge Yes, it's normal to have this kind of situation, don't make a fuss."

At this moment, the goddess of time wanted to die.

But before she could retort a few words in grief and indignation, her face turned pale from fright in an instant: "Help!"

Because the cannon fodder insects that filled the sky like black clouds were already in front of the formation at this moment, divided into countless echelons, and opened their mouths to spit out energy attacks.

The most frightening thing is that these energies turned out to be streaks of brilliant sword energy!

Countless fierce sword energy traversed the void, like a series of fairy swords trying to tear the sky, and the sky was full of terrifying light.

"This kind of thing is similar to worker bees and worker ants. It's just used to complete daily tasks, such as cleaning up excrement or something. See if you're scared..."

"It's just a shit shoveler, what about it?"

Lin Fei complained casually, and even heard that the goddess of time wanted to die, and wanted to complain, how can there be a saying that thousands of strong men shovel shit?

But the next moment, she completely lost her voice.

Because Lin Fei drew his sword.

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