I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 764 1 Gasification 3 Clear

The four eggs are the strongest combat power that a female insect can hatch at present.

After the hatching was completed, the female worm stopped wriggling, as if extremely exhausted, motionless.This female worm devours and digests a planet at every turn, and its vitality is so exaggerated that it is unimaginable, but at this moment it seems to be exhausted, showing signs of withering.

As soon as the four eggs were born, they shone brightly like stars.The moment its shell broke, it made people even see the terrifying scene of the sun blasting away.

"Human...human immortal?!" Goddess of Time's scalp tingled.

Each of the four immortals is an exaggerated existence like a natural war killing machine, combined with cultivation and technological means, all evolved from genes, is this a way to survive!

"Town!" Lin Fei reacted extremely quickly, and immediately threw it out of the Demon Arena.

What Lin Yuan left behind is really a good thing.Not to mention that there is no disadvantage in the hands of the user, but as long as it is not a strong person of the demon level, it is impossible to break it.

A qualitative change has taken place in the Demon Arena.

Because it is no longer the true essence that drives it, but the immortal essence and the magic essence!


However, as soon as it manifested, there was a sudden thunder rolling above the sky, and even unspeakable fluctuations in time and space appeared.There was chaos in that small spot, and even a vacuum decay-like energy transition occurred, and the energy dropped rapidly from high to low, and there was even a sign of depletion and turning into "nothing".

"How unlucky is this?!" The Goddess of Time was about to collapse, and she already knew what it meant through the thoughts in Lin Fei's instant consciousness.

Space-time turbulence storm!

Plus vacuum decay!

The appearance of the Demon Arena is like provoking the wrath of the sky, and it does not hesitate to cause a little "bug" chaos in the universe.

It didn't come directly to the Heavenly Demon Arena and Lin Fei, it was more like a warning and deterrent.

"That's right." Lin Fei sighed inexplicably, and he didn't seem to be too surprised, so he immediately put away the Demon Arena.

He could foresee that if he insisted on fighting like this, the two methods of punishment from heaven would fall directly.

This is not something that can be regarded as a trial or tribulation like Heavenly Tribulation, but a real lore, an unreasonable crush!Even if there is a strong Jinxiantianman in it, he will lose his skin if he is not dead!

Only with the collapse of time and space like the Immortal Emperor, the unity of the past and the future, and the unaffected time axis of the unnatural way, can the turbulent flow of time and space be ignored.Only the existence of "Tai Chi" like the Immortal Emperor, who reversely pushes the two instruments into one, and is infinitely close to the ultimate avenue, can ignore the energy transition.

Immortal go to the top?

The space-time storm is just causing trouble, it is no problem to kill immortals and trap them.

What about energy jumps?

The energy in the celestial body also jumps from a high level to a low level, and it can be directly cut into a mortal, or even cut to ashes, no problem!

Of course, if such a situation really happened, Lin Fei and the Goddess of Time would be considered finished, and all the creatures of Black Dragon Star would be buried with them.The complete exhaustion of luck means the extinction of all possibilities, and the only thing that can usher in is death.

The existence of the Demon Arena obviously caused a big problem.At such a juncture of unluckyness, it must not be used.

The four Zerg strongmen in the realm of the human fairy are armed with exoskeletons. The dense insect legs are not only like high-tech alloy blades, but also like magic weapons for cultivation. They are cold and dense, making people shudder.


In an instant, the four strong Zergs moved, and the vast and majestic energy fluctuations only manifested in an instant, and they were restrained and cohesive in an instant, and they could not be leaked in the slightest.

"One Qi transforms three cleans!" Lin Fei used a certain powerful extraordinary supernatural power in an instant, and unexpectedly split into two images that are exactly the same as himself.

This is simply cheating, with one's own strength, incarnating two existences equal to his own cultivation level!

It's just a careful perception, there is still a big difference.

Although the two avatars have the same level of cultivation, they are not incomplete chaotic bodies.

The one with the vast expanse of blue waves behind him and the bright moon in the sky is the body of the Taiyin.

One has a brilliant sun behind him, and the sun is so high that it is the body of the sun.

If you want to delve into its combat power, it is naturally not as good as Lin Fei's body, but it is also a genius physique that swept away the monks in the same realm.

This is a supernatural power of an immortal, and it can only be performed if there is an immortal essence in the body, and it can even be called a unique skill in the world.

The two displayed their supernatural powers, and each brazenly confronted the last strong Zerg.What makes the Goddess of Time creepy is that the two physiques of Taiyin and Sun are already considered peerless talents, but they can only be tied with two strong Zergs!

And Lin Fei blatantly used one against two, displaying all kinds of lore means.

"How can a newly born Zerg life form be so powerful?" The Goddess of Time was very reconciled, and felt that there was an almost irreparable gap between the mother's birth, which was too terrifying.

Not only the various killing moves they have mastered and the inherent strength of the living body, these four strong Zerg even have a subtle energy utilization.

Originally, a great battle in the realm of human immortality could easily wipe out a star.But that huge and incomparable destructive power is all limited within the attack range of a palm, completely condensed in one point, and the power is not only increased by a hundred times?

"Zergs are born with superb fighting consciousness, and their energy utilization is perfect. Don't be discouraged, you can still compare with them just after they were born after working hard for tens of thousands of years." Lin Fei can still communicate with the Goddess of Time during such a battle.

It's okay if he doesn't communicate, but the goddess wants to die even more when he communicates with each other.

She was envious, jealous and hated, and even for a moment, she had the terrible thought of "I wish I were a Zerg".

This world is not fair.

Not to mention the countless intelligent beings in the vast universe, but people are born different.Some are born with various defects, or in poor families.Some are born with outstanding physique, or they are born in a wealthy family, and they only wait to grow up to become national husbands.

The cultivation of these two Zergs in the realm of human immortality is even higher than that of Lin Fei, and they are even the existence of the second level of human immortality.


A burst of sparks flew, and amidst the extremely hoarse and piercing noise, a piece of knife leg was chopped off by Lin Fei.

The Qingfeng Luoying sword has turned from white to red, showing the power to destroy evil.

There is no earth-shattering power, nor does it destroy the planet, and even the confrontation of the three causes almost negligible damage to the earth.If others really want to see the strong people fighting, they will feel sorry for their identities.

But the most frightening thing is that all the destructive forces, which can destroy the stars at every turn, are forcibly carried down by the three!

Lin Fei didn't want to hold back, and directly opened a hole card.


The complicated and mysterious patterns of the eyes of chaos rotate, and the mist of mist diffuses like the breath of chaos.

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