I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 765 The Strongest Enemy

The two strong Zergs didn't know what this meant, but they felt the extremely dangerous breath almost at the same time.

The exaggerated fighting instinct allows them to retreat at the speed of light in the fastest time!

But even so, a small half of one of the Zerg strongmen was instantly annihilated and ceased to exist.

Not only the two Zerg masters who were fighting Lin Fei's body, but even the female insect felt a burst of horror in an instant!

This not only killed the body, but even hurt the original life soul, and cut off a small part of the soul.The small half of the body is extremely difficult to recover, and it takes a long time and energy to make it grow back.

Not only that, but there are strands of chaotic aura emerging around Lin Fei.Although it does not represent the real chaos, it is both a vision and a great force.


The avenue sympathizes, and the sky trembles.

The misty chaos spreads like a spring pool, and there is even a golden lotus stained with crystal dew, which is carved like fairy gold and contains surging vitality.The golden lotus swayed and bloomed, revealing its fragrance. It looked exquisite and beautiful but contained terrifying power.

Almost in an instant, the female worm let out a terrifying neighing sound.It even raised its huge body from the ground, with its cavity wide open, containing a terrifying attraction, trying to suck all the bugs into it!

"It wants to escape!" The goddess of time was overjoyed, and decided that the Zerg was invincible.

"It's not about escaping, it's about the final sublimation." Lin Fei obviously knew more, and rushed forward with the golden lotus image wrapped in chaos.

He and the Goddess of Time were wrapped in a hazy and chaotic atmosphere, and their figures were almost invisible, only a vague outline, as real as it was illusory.


Wherever the vision passed, countless war worms were wiped out.

Destroy everything, crush everything!

And the four Zerg strongmen in the Immortal Realm reacted even more exaggeratedly quickly. They chose to retreat immediately and submerged directly into the female insect body at the speed of light.

A large number of battle insects from the tribulation and even the Mahayana realm were swept away under the vision of the golden lotus of the chaotic species, without a trace of shock.

But there are still an extremely large number of battle insects, which are directly swallowed by the female insects.

In its huge body cavity, there seems to be a refining furnace the size of a satellite.Among them, the divine light boiled, causing countless insects hatched by it to directly annihilate in form and spirit, and turned into the same source of energy as it provided.

The bugs that occupy the entire planet, most of them are in the Transcendence Tribulation Realm, and there are even four strong people in the Immortal Realm, but they want to completely merge with it!

At a glance, this huge female worm is shining brightly like the sun, and the vitality is surging.Countless carapaces, bones, and blade-sharp limbs began to emerge outside its body.

That is the innumerable strong Zerg, their life source is transformed.

So many intelligent beings completely sacrificed themselves to achieve the ultimate sublimation of the female worm, and none of them hesitated or flinched!

This is extremely inconsistent with the style of intelligent life, and should be called a war machine!

The goddess of time was horrified: "It has this hand, why didn't it use it before?"

"The life form changes. The mother worm can no longer hatch worms and completely ruins the path of evolution. Naturally, it cannot be done. Hatching worms and battle worms originally have different abilities." Lin Fei responded in a deep voice, and directly Wave your hand.

"Chi Chi Chi—"

The golden lotuses shot out like sharp swords, flying fiercely through the void, directly killing the mother of the Zerg race.

However, the life level of the Starry Zerg is far beyond the imagination of the Goddess of Time.At the critical moment of fusion evolution, it actually has a key life-saving means.

Its original body was extremely huge, which was conducive to large-scale reproduction and devouring stars.But at this moment, its figure is rapidly shrinking, and it has become as tall as a person, condensing all its energy into its tiny body.

And on its body surface, a thick layer of cocoon is autonomously covered!

This cocoon is extremely tough, and it even has the miraculous effect of unloading force.If it were to cover the body of the original size of the mother worm, the defense would naturally drop countless times, but it is extremely terrifying to condense together at this moment.

Zerg in the starry sky, the cocoon made by the mother insect!

The tenacity of its silk is unimaginable, and even the silk spit out by the divine beast "Nine Changes Silkworm" after its extreme transformation is far from being comparable to it!

But the conditions for obtaining it are extremely harsh, and the female insect must feel that it is about to die and is forced to fuse with all insects to form a cocoon on its own to protect the body.

Star Zerg is extremely rare in this universe, even if it is encountered by a strong cultivator, it is often just a dead word, let alone forced it to such an extent.

However, the cocoon of the starry sky Zerg with such an astonishing defense was actually pierced by the crystal golden lotuses.

The golden lotus swayed in the glow, and there was even a sign of taking root in the mother worm, as if it wanted to extract the majestic energy burning like a star in its body!

But the starry sky Zerg is worthy of being the overlord of the universe. This female insect unexpectedly broke out of the shell with a very short respite from the cocoon.

In an instant, a terrifying aura beyond imagination spread across the starry sky.

The stars trembled, and terrifying images flickered around the mother worm.

There are female worms whose body size is so exaggerated that it is unimaginable to travel through space, and the void rumbles and trembles wherever it passes.A huge star like a star, compared with it as a reference, is like a ping pong ball, far incomparable to a human being.When it opened its mouth, stars were attracted one after another, and they were swallowed into the body together with the stars!

There are dense and countless alien insects densely covering the sky, like a plague of locusts, turning into dark clouds and tides passing by, devouring the crops.But what they devoured was not crops, but planets one after another.

There was even a scene related to Lin Fei.

It was a Zerg that was shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere. It was fighting with Lin Fei, who had not ascended the Inner Cosmic Realm. In the end, he was slapped flying with a palm and sent back from the unstable cosmic plane channel!

The goddess of time was horrified, her mind went blank, and she felt that her brain was about to shut down.

At this time, the image of the female worm has undergone drastic changes.It is covered with black carapace and bone armor, and there are dozens of strangely shaped "arms" outside its body.There are even bony weapons protruding from the arms, shaped like knives, spears, swords, halberds, etc.

At first glance, it looks like a modified version of "Three Heads and Six Arms", with unnecessary heads removed, the number of arms that can be used has been strengthened, and more than a dozen different weapons can be wielded at the same time.

"What realm is it?!" The Goddess of Time couldn't judge at all, she just felt horrible, but she didn't have a specific concept.

"The third rank of human immortality, it's closer to the fourth rank." Lin Fei responded.

Even in the state of immortal transformation, he is only first and second level.

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