I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 799 Di Jun's Black History

Going against the general trend of luck, all kinds of unlucky things are simply indescribable.

If a young man were to be in Lin Fei's situation, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood and go crazy on the spot.

But Lin Fei secretly sighed, consoling himself, saying that he was lucky in misfortune.

The so-called luck in misfortune naturally means that he still has memories in reincarnation, so he won't really fall into it.

Just imagine, without all the memories before entering reincarnation, he really regarded himself as "Ye Qingxue"...

That is the great horror.

"If an unlucky ghost enters the reincarnation, he must not have as much memory as I do. I don't know what terrible things will happen to him." Lin Fei thought of Ye Jinli, but then he felt that he was overwhelmed. The third level of reincarnation, you have to take it out by yourself.

But he didn't know that there were really two unlucky ghosts who had lost their memory and were fighting for survival in the cycle of reincarnation.

The two emperors of the East Heaven are extraordinary, they are all supreme beings who have inherited great fortune, rose to the top of the Immortal Emperor through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and have passed through the next three reincarnations one after another.

The Second Emperor lost his memory, and was tortured to death in the hell realm.Fortunately, with the protection of two extreme emperor soldiers, his body and mind were devastated, and he was on the verge of completely losing his mind and becoming a madman. After all, he survived the catastrophe.

But in the Hungry Ghost Path, Di Jun has no hatred endowed by his past experience, his heart is transparent, he can't bear it, and shows his kind thoughts.He feels that all ghosts are suffering, and the world is unfair, so it doesn't matter if they don't stay, but he just wants to do his best before death, so that the few hungry ghosts can have a meal.

That's right.

Heavenly Emperor Jun chose to be devoured by ghosts.Even though the pain was heart-piercing, weeping and screaming, tears flowed, but I never regretted it, and escaped from the reincarnation of the hungry ghost!

And Donghuang Taiyi is a madman.

Hungry and can't eat other food?Okay, I eat ghosts!

It’s just that the weak eat the strong, as long as I can do it, even if it’s the same kind, even a hungry ghost, I’ll eat it for you!

Tai Yi was too cruel, relying on the small nine-dragon cauldron, he knocked open the head of the hungry ghost, gnawed it, and even drank his brains.Even if the stomach burns and scalds after eating, like magma causing the intestines to perforate and rot, it is still cruel and must be eaten.

The taste of hunger and thirst is more terrifying than pain.

As a result, Tai Yi unexpectedly provoked public anger.The group of ghosts was boiling, and they were going crazy and wanted to kill him.

Tai is not afraid at all, just straight to the front - speak with strength, either I will eat you, or you will eat us, it's as simple as that.

Then... he was attacked by a group of ghosts and eaten up.

Although the process is different, Taiyi is also a sacrifice, using an alternative method to escape the reincarnation of the hungry ghost.

In the reincarnation of the animal realm, Dijun was lucky enough to become a peacock in a zoo.

Well, not really lucky.

Because...he's a female peacock.

At a certain suitable season, the peahen Dijun is a little restless, and the instinct of a certain creature is awakening!

And just at the right time, several male peacocks came to him and directly fought swallows with their tails open.

In the end, a male peacock stood out and fought with the female peacock Dijun to reproduce...

Di Jun gave birth to a litter of peacock cubs, became a motherly peacock mother, and died in the zoo.

After leaving the reincarnation of the animal realm.


Di Jun suddenly exuded violent and turbulent aura, and the bright sunlight shone on the third-story ancient pagoda, where layers of killing intent were like terrifying waves that exterminated the universe.

He thought about everything that had happened before, being ridden by a male peacock, and...

"Demon Lord of the Six Paths! I will kill you!" Di Jun almost lost his mind, and slapped the inner wall of the ancient pagoda hard with his palm.However, the Tower of Six Paths of Reincarnation is extremely strong, and it forcibly endured such a heavy blow that it was enough to shatter a star field, but it failed to cause any fluctuations.

Even Di Jun was backlashed, his palms were bloody and blood dripped on the spot.

On the other hand, Tai Yi on the other side has not woken up, and immediately tried to tell himself to be calm, he must bury this black history in his heart, and not let Tai Yi know about it!


It must not be passed on!

The majestic Immortal Emperor Donghai stands on the top of the current multiverse, overlooking the vast world, how can there be such a scandal?Where is the face, where is the majesty?

Di Jun's heart was incomparably agitated, and his face was ashen.He had to use the Qingxin Immortal Technique again and again to force himself to calm down, and began to guess what kind of reincarnation Tai Yi would encounter again.

Taiyi's reincarnation is very simple.

He became a chick.

Then the bird flu broke out, large-scale killing of poultry, Taiyi was "harmless treatment" before he could figure out what was going on.

"How is it? What reincarnation have you experienced?" Di Jun said in a deep voice, staring at Tai Yi's expression, hoping that he is also miserable, and at least he can get some psychological comfort.

Tai Yi frowned slightly, told the truth, and then asked Di Jun.

Di Jun's face was unnatural, even a little ugly, and he turned his head away: "I am similar to you, I became a peacock and then died."

Tai Yi faintly felt that something was wrong: "It's so simple? Then why is your expression not right, and you turned your head away?"

Di Jun's face froze, but he kept his mouth shut, and he refused to reveal the truth even if he was killed!

After the two realized and understood the true meaning of reincarnation in the animal way, they entered the fourth level, the Asura way.

This time, Taiyi became the Rakshasa royal family.

Well, female Rakshasa.

Fortunately, he did not reincarnate into the Yaksha family, otherwise he would be the legendary hag.

Since he has no memory before reincarnation, Di Jun lives step by step, no different from a real Rakshasa royal woman.Because of her own accompanying spirit treasure, "she" has an exceptionally noble status, attracting the attention of her father and king, as well as the envy and jealousy of other dominatrixes.

And Taichi was not spared this time, and became a male Yasha.

He is still the son of a slave, a slave of the wild and uncivilized Yaksha tribe in the most undignified frontier town.

When he was born, he was robbed of the pendant-sized Qiankun Nine Dragon Cauldron.

Tai Yi saw with his own eyes that his "biological father" was beaten to death by the slave owner, and his "biological mother" was insulted in every possible way by a group of slave owners' lackeys.

right in front of him.

Right in front of a child less than one year old!

His mother also cried and begged these people not to do this in front of the children.But those frenzied lackeys of the slave owner laughed, uttered obscene words, and even grabbed the mother's hair, and turned her haggard and painful face full of tears to the child.

The mother forced a smile, trying to coax the child gently, saying that she was just playing games with the uncles.

Tai Yi had no previous memories, and was really as ignorant as a child under his age, but he also felt that those men were scary, so he immediately cried out in fright.

This is the six circles of reincarnation.

No pain without personal experience.

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