I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 800 The Intersection of Destiny

As time went by, Lin Fei basically had no smile on his face, it was as cold as an iceberg.

His body named "Ye Qingxue" has grown to 11 years old.

The Shura people mature early, and this can be seen from the age of 14, which is the age of marriage.

This body is graceful and graceful, and the body is white and smooth like jade.Not only has a slender willow waist, but also a slightly bulging chest.Even though he was wearing men's clothes, he behaved neatly and neatly, with a heroic demeanor, which couldn't hide the beauty of women.

There was a reason why Lin Fei didn't smile.

Shura women generally have their first menstrual period when they are 12 years old.

That's the menstrual period!

The sprite who had possessed Ruby Lin probably knew exactly what kind of collapse the man had when he encountered such a thing, but Lin Fei didn't want to experience it even if he was killed.

Black history can't be black to this extent!

So he had to think calmly, analyze calmly, and wanted to find a stable way to die.

Lin Fei quickly thought of a breakthrough.

He had a talk with King Shura, saying that he didn't want to be mediocre for the rest of his life.Since it is the body of an innate demon god, then it should fight against the sky and fate.If he didn't fight vigorously, he would rather die.

King Shura shook.

Because from Lin Fei's eyes, he saw unparalleled firmness, and even a desire to die from the soul!

"Really... Such a mediocre life, just makes you want to die like this?" King Shura was filled with emotions, proud of his little daughter, and he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Lin Fei nodded slightly, his eyes extremely determined.

King Shura thought silently for a while, and after learning that his little daughter would rather die than mediocrity, he finally sighed and lifted the restraint of "her".

Lin Fei continued to fight, wanting to go out to find opportunities, just like the suzerain back then, he unleashed his potential in repeated life-and-death crises and lived to death.

King Shura agreed, but asked him to go with Ye Beiming.

Just like that, Ye Beiming rubbed his hands excitedly, and whispered "travel before marriage" and so on.

He hadn't realized what it meant to untie Lin Fei.

Lin Fei broke through the golden elixir from the late stage of foundation establishment in one day, even squeezed the potential of life, cut off his life essence and foundation, and broke through the Nascent Soul in just half a month!

He knocked out Ye Beiming, and then resolutely entered the barren land to fight with fierce beasts.

Lin Fei finally completed his goal, blood stained the sky, and his body fell from the sky.

And behind him, there was a man's mournful cry: "No!"

Ye Beiming burst into tears, like a madman, his long hair was dancing wildly in the wind, his blood was as violent as the deep sea, causing the trees in the forest to explode.

Lin Fei let out a long sigh of relief, and closed his eyes in relief.

"it is finally over."

When he regained consciousness again, what he saw when he opened his eyes was the scene of the fourth floor of the Samsara Tower.

Lin Fei suddenly felt quite sad.

Those beings in reincarnation don't know that everything is a fiction in the inner universe, but they will have joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys, and have lives that are close to real.But the so-called all-powerful strong man, the peerless arrogance, or the beauty of the country, are all just a dream.

Lin Fei absorbed the power of the reincarnation of Shura Dao, and brazenly broke into the first and eighth layers of human immortals.

After a little trimming, he stepped onto the fifth floor.

"Victory is in sight, don't slack off."


When Lin Fei entered this path, he once again felt the dark malice.

It's a woman again, dare you let me be a big man in reincarnation!

What's more terrible is that Lin Fei soon realized that his identity was wrong——

Here is the Su clan.

Her surname is Ji, and her name is Da.

There is Jida of the Su tribe, which is what the world calls...

"Su Daji."

After Lin Fei realized this, he didn't have any big mood swings.

Mainly because he has cheats.

The memory is still there, no problem.At least you won't be caught in a predicament, and you will be free when you die, it's very simple.

And if he had no memory, Lin Fei really didn't want to think about it.

The picture was so beautiful that he dared not look at it.

What kind of experience will a person without memory encounter in the upper three reincarnations?


Shura Road.

Too seventeen years old.


There was a thunderous explosion in the sky, illuminating the layers of rain curtains like bead curtains between the sky and the earth.The rain was majestic, and the sound of crashing was endless.

Seven-year-old Tai Yi was ragged and skinny, staring blankly at the scene in front of him illuminated by the thunder.

His mother lay quietly in a pool of blood, with her eyes open until she died.

The young Tai Yi was silent for a moment, anger, grief, intolerance and many other emotions flashed in his eyes.

And the murderer who killed his mother, the minion of the slave owner, was still drinking and cursing: "Bitch, I think I think highly of you when I play with you! You fucking slave wants me to adopt your son!" ?”

"Damn! You fucking, you don't know who created the evil seed, and you dare to ask me to raise it for you?"

"Damn mad dog, he still bit me, he was played badly, lost his sanity, crazy. The slave dared to bite me, he deserved to die..."

The man suddenly saw the young Tai Yi, and immediately grinned coldly: "The little bastard is back! Hehe, although it is impossible for a lowly bastard like you to rise up, I still understand how to cut the weeds without leaving any future troubles. "

"If you want to blame, blame your humble background!"

As soon as the words fell, the man immediately pulled out a dagger, which suddenly showed a sharp edge in the dark night.


Under the shocked gaze of the man, the young Taiyi clasped his hands together and caught the knife abruptly.

"What?! You bastard—" He was frightened and angry, and immediately wanted to draw his knife and slash again.

Tai Yi immediately turned around and swung the lotus, brazenly avoiding the sharp edge, and smashed his small fist at his temple from the side.

Come up and hit the vitals!

The man was frightened and angry, and he didn't dare to underestimate him, his heart was filled with boundless shock.

He would never have thought that this little guy would have completely mastered these moves just by watching the slave master practice martial arts and hands-on on weekdays, and even practiced them countless times in secret.

Previously, Tai Yi secretly practiced hard outside, which was the reason why he came back so late.

What's even more frightening is that he has reached the late stage of body training only by relying on the most crude, crude, and primitive body training formula widely circulated in the market!

Is that human being?

No, is this still Yasha?

Simply a monster!

The two confronted each other brazenly and quickly, and they were evenly matched, which was shocking.

It's just obvious that Tai Yi's moves are more subtle and flexible, but the difference in strength is too great.

Just as the two sides were fighting, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes crashing like thunder in the dark night.

The man burst out laughing: "Little bastard, you are dead! My brothers must be here!"

He didn't know that it was a group of elite Rakshasa cavalry.

"Little princess, the aura that was connected to your companion Lingbao before is near here!" A heroic knight in armor shining coldly said impressively.

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