"Yao Guang, don't be merciful!" Lin Fei said simply, full of determination to kill.

Ji Yaoguang's heart trembled slightly, and she immediately gritted her teeth: "I know!"

The three of them rushed all the way, entered the Eternal Night Palace, and they could already see the grand hall.

And right in front of them, there was a huge army of demons.There are both old people and children, each wielding different weapons, fighting in array.

"Throw again!" Before Lin Fei finished speaking, Ye Wudi had already thrown him.


He was so powerful that he directly tore apart the formation and carved out a passage.Wherever they passed, these demons burst into blood mist instantly.

But at this moment, there was a loud booming sound from the ground, and it split open on the spot.

"What is that?!" Ji Yaoguang's face changed, and he was deeply shocked by what he saw.

From the cracked ground, a icy giant dragon suddenly appeared.At the beginning, it was just an energy body, covered with dense rune images, and then it turned into a weird metal dragon.

The near-perfect conversion of energy and matter, and the mastery of the rules are shocking.

"It's the formation energy of Yongye Palace, and Yongyehou transformed it into matter." Lin Fei sneered and saw through the clues at a glance.

This place... is Yongyehou's home field!


Immediately afterwards, the formation in the Eternal Night Palace burst into light, and vast energy was added to the bodies of countless demons.

"Ah! Mom, Mengmeng hurts so much!" A little demon girl cried and was directly torn apart by this terrifying force, blasting a cloud of blood mist.Immediately afterwards, a brand-new energy body was condensed, but it was a pity that her consciousness was torn apart in an instant, and the remaining soul acted as a control center.

"Mengmeng!" Her mother shouted hoarsely, but her body was torn apart almost instantly, and transformed into an energy body puppet.

In an instant, the restriction of the entire Eternal Night Palace was almost completely destroyed, creating several terrifying metal dragons, and countless energy body demons.

Ji Yaoguang and Ye Wudi were terrified for a moment.

Those energy body demons are so powerful that it is unimaginable, and each one has a human-devil realm cultivation base!

This is to force Lin Fei to take action!

But...if Lin Fei's primordial spirit is consumed rapidly here, how will he face Yong Yehou later?

"Little Leaf!"

"Heavenly Venerable!"

The two spoke almost at the same time, and seemed to understand each other's thoughts instantly.

"I have a bold idea, using this demonic body as a weapon..." Ye Wudi showed a ruthless expression.

"Smash them to death!" Lin Fei spit out four words.

Heroes see the same thing, not to mention close friends in previous lives.

Ji Yaoguang was dumbfounded when he heard this, and stared with a pair of bright autumn eyes.

After making a decision, Lin Fei didn't hesitate at all, and the primordial spirit came out of his body on the spot, leaving the body of the demon.

Without saying a word, Ye Wudi immediately lifted up the body of the demon and swung it wildly.


Ye Wudi yelled violently, his muscles swelled, and the body of the demon was smashed out as a weapon.


Life exploded, and an energy body demon was blown up on the spot, and it exploded into a gorgeous light rain and dissipated.

Ye Wudi has the courage to pull the mountains and rivers out of the world, fiercely swinging the body of the demon in his hand.At every turn, the energy body demons will be taken away and exploded in the air.He also smashed a hole in the ground at every turn, extremely fierce.

In the end, he even opened and closed, twirling and waving the body of the Yinyue Goddess in his hands, sending a large number of demons flying.

Ji Yaoguang's heart was in a mess, as if thousands of muddy horses were galloping past...

This... swinging a body like a weapon?

She instantly understood why Lin Fei had to take the lead in getting out of his body and leaving this heavenly demon body.

The feeling of being treated like a bat is not going to be so good...

Although Ye Wudi was dealing with the main force, there were still many energy body demons roaring and killing.Lin Fei stood in front of Ji Yaoguang with the body of the primordial spirit, and his attack was the Six Destruction Sword Intent.


One after another, the bright sword lights shot fiercely, carrying six patterns in rotation, defeating a group of demons with energy bodies.

But at this moment, a sneer came from the direction of Yongye Palace.

Immediately afterwards, the six-headed metal demon dragon opened its mouth and sucked in, directly swallowing countless energy demons into its belly.


The entire Eternal Night Palace was trembling, with a large number of terrifying cracks appearing under the body of the six-headed dragon, and the rattling sound was endless, and the cracks spread wildly all the way.

Vigorous and terrifying demon gangs are steaming all over their bodies, and their aura is shaking, and they are already in the realm of earth demons.

Six earth demons!

"Tianzun! Everything depends on you!" Ye Wudi roared, knowing that he was powerless, and the next battle was no longer a battlefield for him to play.

He directly threw the body of the demon, and it fell in Lin Fei's direction.

Seeing this scene, Ji Yaoguang suddenly had a strange thought in his heart: If Lin Yuan saw this scene, would he be so angry that he would kill someone on the spot?

After all, the so-called Yinyue Goddess was created after Song Wei...

Lin Fei's primordial spirit instantly turned into a beam of light, which sank into the Yinyue Goddess' eyebrows with a "chi" sound.

The eyes of the demon body opened instantly, filled with a terrifying and destructive aura.

"Get behind me." Lin Fei said in a cold voice when he saw the six dragons raised their heads high, and a distorted black light emerged from their mouths.

Ye Wudi and Ji Yaoguang hid behind him in an instant without any hesitation.

The vast Eternal Night Palace, the ground is already riddled with holes, large areas of the ground have collapsed and cracked, potholes, and broken stones.Among them, there are six magical dragons with metallic icy luster all over their bodies, and they spit out black flame beams in a uniform manner.


The six bucket-thick pillars of flame exuded a terrifying aura, as if they wanted to penetrate the entire world.Just feeling that slight fluctuation made Ji Yaoguang's face turn pale, and even Ye Wudi's face was not much better.

Before the pillar of flame and light hit, the strong wind and pressure caused the wall of the distant palace gate to collapse, and countless boulders were shattered, sweeping away towards the distance with a bang.

However, Lin Fei just watched this scene quietly, not moving at all.Let the strong wind blow the dress of the body of the demon flying, and a black hair dances in the wind.

Not even an eyelid blinked, nor a brow furrowed.

Just simply raised your hand and clapped it with one palm.


The six flame beams exploded on the spot, turning into splashes of light all over the sky.And the six-headed magic dragon couldn't even scream in time, and the upper body was smashed into pieces by the terrifying force!

Even this is not over, just the aftermath caused the Eternal Night Palace in the distance to be smashed in a loud bang, the upper half of the building was smashed, as if the roof was lifted, and you can see the sky when you look up in it .

Ji Yaoguang was so shocked that she couldn't recover for a long time.

Is this... a blow from the Omen?

No, this is just pure physical power!

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