I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 876 Head-to-head confrontation

Lin Fei felt an uncontrollable exhaustion, and his soul had an urgent desire to sleep.

Just one hit.

The six terrifyingly powerful demon dragons all perished, and after the upper half of the body exploded, the lower half of the body also cracked with a "cracking" sound, and then exploded, turning into countless light spots and dissipating.

Unlike Ji Yaoguang's shock, Lin Fei's expression was calm, except for a pair of sharp and cold eyes.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, it's really worthy of Wansheng Tianzun." Yong Yehou's cold voice came, "I let the six dragons stand apart, just to let you attack again and again."

"I really didn't expect that the essence of the primordial spirit in the mere realm of human immortality can control the body of the heavenly demon so delicately. The power of this power down to the smallest detail is really...amazing."

At the end, he couldn't help but let out a faint sigh, full of endless yearning.

"Stop talking nonsense, what did you do to Youyue?" Ye Wudi said coldly.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Yong Yehou walked out of the dilapidated hall slowly, and looked at the three of them from afar.

He swept the sleeve away, and Youyue's body slipped from the sleeve, and fell down on the steps with a "plop": "Although I really want to kill this bitch, it's too cheap for her. Betrayal, collaborating with the enemy, killing her My son, if you don't torture her primordial spirit for thousands of years, how can you relieve her hatred?"

Yong Yehou spread out his palm, and You Yue's primordial spirit was suspended above it like a villain.It's just that there are strands of black energy all over her body, which caused her to let out heart-piercing cries under the erosion.

That black flame contained extremely terrifying energy, and sometimes it caused pus to gush out of her primordial body, sometimes it was riddled with holes, sometimes it froze with frost, and sometimes it burned her body with flames...

Ye Wudi's heart trembled, his complexion became more and more ugly, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring.

Lin Fei frowned deeply, and looked at Zi Yong Yehou, who was slowly walking out from behind, and was listed as the top ten lantern masters of the two teams.

"Wansheng Tianzun, dare to fight with me?" Yong Yehou narrowed his eyes slightly, and jokingly said, "Oh, you don't dare. Once you start a war with me, the remaining two pathetic weaklings are not even the one behind me. The opponents of a group of bitches can only die."

"Or you can try to kill these ten lamp bearers in front of me? But how many times can you make a move?"

Facing his sarcasm and provocation, Lin Fei calmly said, "Xiao Ye, send me there."

Ye Wudi didn't hesitate at all, and slapped him hard on the back with all his strength.

And it's the Heavenly Demon Annihilation Tribulation.

Seeing this scene, those who didn't know might think that he was fighting back and stabbing his teammates in the back.

But Ye Wudi knew very well in his heart that this little damage to the body of the demon was a joke at all.


With one palm, the huge sky character hit Lin Fei's back fiercely, causing him to fly out on the spot, crashing into Yong Yehou fiercely like a comet hitting the moon.


Behind Yong Yehou, a mysterious and strange image appeared, a sky filled with stars, and a silver moon.And under the boundless starry sky, there is a boundless desolate land, shrouded in the soft starlight and moonlight.

Amidst the thunderous bang, stars and silver moons fell down, trying to completely suppress the body of the demon.

On the other side, ten lantern envoys took the opportunity to rush out and attack Ye Wudi and Ji Yaoguang.

In an instant, Ji Yaoguang closed his eyes.

It suddenly opened again.


A celestial energy enveloped her in an instant, and a lotus flower imprint appeared between her brows.

Ye Wudi seemed to understand something, and immediately showed surprise.

Ji Yaoguang's appearance and appearance have not changed at all, but there is an added aura of calmness and dust.She stretched out her hand to grasp it, and there was light flowing in the palm of her hand, condensing into a fairy sword.

She flew towards the ten lantern bearers, and a pair of dreamlike light wings spread out behind her, and the phoenix feathers were lifelike.

Phoenix Wing Pianxia!

"Emperor Ye Tian, ​​I can't hold you back for too long. I want me to protect you and approach Yongyehou, or retreat temporarily, and make a quick decision." Even in such a critical situation, Empress Yaoguang, her spiritual thoughts are still gentle and peaceful, like It is a clear spring flowing over stones under the moonlight.

Even when she spoke, she turned around with a sword, forcing back the ultimate move of the two of them attacking Ye Wudi.

"Help me get closer to Yongyehou! Thank you!" Ye Wudi didn't even hesitate for a moment.

It's just death, why be afraid of it?

"Okay." Empress Yaoguang didn't hesitate, and directly held Ye Wudi into the palm of her hand.

She danced with cold light with her sword, sprouted lotuses every step of the way, and brazenly began to break through toughly.

On the other side, facing Yong Yehou's attack, Lin Fei slapped him brazenly.


With a loud noise, the stars in the sky shattered, and the silver moon exploded on the spot. The terrifying power seemed to be able to collapse the entire world.

Different from the previous long-distance attack, Lin Fei was too close this time, urging the body of the sky demon with all his strength, and unexpectedly forced Yong Yehou's chest to collapse, and spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

This pile of fresh blood is extremely red, but it seems to have a green color.The void trembled under the fall, directly smashing through the steps.

Yong Yehou took a step back.

With one step down, the Palace of Eternal Night immediately collapsed, all the 99 steps were shattered, countless rocks shot up into the sky, and the smoke and dust filled the air and blurred the vision.

This blow obviously hurt him badly, his seven orifices were bleeding, and his bones were crackling, as if [-] firecrackers were lit and exploded.Even the primordial spirit was vibrating, and a crack opened in the sound of "click".

However, he showed a blood-stained sneer: "How many tricks do you have? One trick, or two tricks?!"

"I'm afraid that your primordial essence will fall into the realm of human immortality, and you will be expelled from the body of the demon, and it will be difficult to destroy my clone!"

Lin Fei's primordial spirit was indeed under a great load, but it was not as unsustainable as he imagined.

With the "Shangqing Tongtian Yulingjue" to reduce the load, and supported by the original traits of chaos, compared to Youyue's control of this demon body, his endurance is much stronger?

"It's enough to kill you!" Lin Fei resisted his exhaustion, and said in a cold voice, even if it was a punch.


This punch was so powerful that it made the surrounding space tremble and shake.

Yong Yehou roared angrily, and punched him brazenly.And compared to Lin Fei's physical strength alone, he also used a majestic sea-like magic element in this attack, like a black dragon wrapped around his arm.


Fist to fist, bone to bone.

The thick magic gang wrapped around Yong Yehou's arm exploded, his fists made a "cracking" sound, the trembling power was transmitted to the arm, and there were continuous cracking sounds along the way.


His arm exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

Even the range of hundreds of feet behind Yong Yehou was penetrated by an exaggerated force, and even the city wall was smashed down!

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