I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 878 Ascension to the Jedi

Even so, Ye Wudi let out a long sigh of relief: "Thank you Tianzun. If this girl really dies like this, I'm afraid I'll be uneasy. During the days when Youyue is in a coma, I will take care of her. "

Lin Fei glanced at him with great interest, and then let out a "huh".

Youyue obviously has a lot of sisters to take care of her. Ye Wudi's request has actually revealed some clues.

He fell in love with this little girl.

In the previous battle above the Yinyue Goddess Statue, Youyue was truly extraordinary, and her determination and firmness in her gentleness were quite attractive.

Coincidentally, Ye Wudi likes this kind of women.

Xiangling glanced at Ye Wudi and You Yue complicatedly, with envy in her eyes.

She sighed in her heart, quite a bit self-deprecating: "Women like us who have been reduced to Ye Ming's playthings, is there anyone else who can be as lucky as You Yue?"

But then, Xiangling put such thoughts behind her, and her heart was full of curiosity and anticipation.

After all...they are going to the legendary Great Desolate Continent!

Although every existence who has cultivated the realm of human demons and immortals can theoretically travel to the Great Desolate Continent through ascension, but that is only a theory.

After all, Haotian, the first human emperor, possessed great virtues, had the constitution of heaven in his mouth, uttered established laws, and commanded the world.With great boldness, he changed the laws and order of the Great Desolate Continent, and formulated new rules for ascension. Those who ascend must enter one of the four great Jedi. Who dares to go easily?

Even a very strong person can only guarantee that he will be safe in it, but he dare not say that he will be able to go to the Great Desolate Continent smoothly.Once trapped, there is no telling how long it will take to get out.

A majestic and extremely powerful person is willing to surrender his status and risk himself?

"Lin Fei, shall we leave for the Great Desolate Continent immediately?" Ji Yaoguang felt uneasy and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

After all, even Yong Yehou was alarmed, so it's hard to say that there will be any changes in the northern battlefield.

What if another demon clone is killed?

Or go a little further, come with two or three Demon Lord clones, or directly have a Demon Lord to deal with the powerful enemy, and go straight to attack and kill them?

Long nights and many dreams, you must guard against them!

"Right on my mind."

"Stand by my side, I will protect you and leave together!" Lin Fei was sure that all the cultivation resources in the Eternal Night Palace had been wiped out, so he no longer hesitated, and decided to ascend immediately.

The so-called "one person attains the Tao and the chicken dog ascends to heaven" is just so amazing.

Even chickens and dogs can be brought into a higher plane, not to mention that all the lantern masters present are qualified to ascend, and they only need to bring Ji Yaoguang and Ye Wudi?

It's just that the mighty power of the Ascendant is limited, and the number that can be sheltered is closely related to one's own strength.Otherwise, which evil ascension person can't think about it, and directly takes thousands of mortals to the sky, what is that like?

Or maybe a certain chicken and duck worked hard to become an immortal, and wanted to protect the same race, so it directly took hundreds of thousands of chickens and ducks to the sky?

Or tens of thousands of grass mud horses rushing to the higher plane?

The picture is too beautiful to imagine.

After everyone came to his side, Lin Fei took a deep breath, communicated with the world with his own fairy way, and conveyed his wish to go to the Great Desolate Continent.

Heavenly Dao has always welcomed the strong to ascend to higher planes, and now is no exception.

You can perceive one or two just by looking at all kinds of visions.


After the sky roared, there was a rain of crystal clear flowers all over the sky.Roads of rays of light and auspicious colors hang down like waterfalls, holy and peaceful.

There is also an avenue of golden light spreading out, connecting the sky, and at the end there is a magnificent and ancient stone gate, which contains the atmosphere of vicissitudes, as if it has been precipitated for thousands of years, and the mottledness reveals the majestic majesty of the abyss and the mountains.

It's just that there is endless fog in the depths of the gate, filled with the opposite dangerous atmosphere.Even just looking at it, everyone felt an indescribable sense of fear.

The sense of fear came so suddenly and intensely, as if there were giant beasts dormant in it, and they would devour them on the spot as soon as they stepped out.

The endless fog covered everything, making it difficult for people to see the scene clearly, and no one knew what kind of danger was waiting for them.

The only thing that is certain is that he must go to one of the four great prehistoric lands!

As soon as such a vision appeared, countless demons outside the palace looked sideways, showing expressions of horror and shock.


"It has been tens of thousands of years, and someone wants to fly to the Great Desolate Continent!"

"As expected of the Ten Thousand Saints, he has such courage and ambition!"

"But even if it is the Ten Thousand Saints, can they safely break through the Four Great Jedi?"

"Hey, in the final analysis, he was forced to leave the Demon Realm, right? But it's really scary. He actually completely overturned the Yongye Palace, killed Yeming, and even destroyed a clone of Yongyehou... ..”

"Hiss! Think about it carefully, he not only got the body of the demon, but also the mirror of eternal night, right?!"

Amidst the boiling discussions of countless demons, Lin Fei took the lead and set foot on the golden road first.

He stepped out, and there were rays of light on both sides of the road beside him, turning into lush lotus flowers blooming, like a dream, amazing.

Ji Yaoguang and the others showed surprise on their faces, they did not expect that the celestial road to the Great Desolate Continent would be so beautiful and dreamy.But she didn't think too much, and soon followed Lin Fei with the others and walked up this road.

Where Lin Fei walked, there were lotus flowers swaying and blooming on both sides, fluttering in the wind.The lotus leaves are green and gratifying, and the lotus flowers are in full bloom, just like a fairyland.

Among the group of people, Ye Wudi reacted the most.He looked sad and happy, with Youyue behind his back, his whole body was trembling slightly.


After an absence of 3000 years, I, Ye Wudi, will finally come back!

Others are full of tension and apprehension about the unknown road ahead, not knowing what is waiting for them ahead, and what the legendary Great Desolate Continent is like.

Only Lin Fei was surprisingly calm, and even had the mood to tease: "I don't know how much Tiandao wants us to go to the Great Desolate Continent and make such a big battle."

After the voice fell, he had come to the front of the gate to heaven.

He stopped in his tracks, swept his sleeves away, and let everyone enter the majestic gate of the wild like the Nantian Gate together with him.

boom -

The void trembled, and all visions were collapsing, only a rain of flowers was still falling.

Countless demons were completely blown away, talking about this matter, guessing whether they could survive, and finally went to the Great Desolate Continent.

But after Lin Fei and others stepped into the sky, all the fog completely dissipated, and the gate behind them disappeared without a trace.

What I saw before my eyes turned out to be a strange modern city.

The reason why it is said to be weird is that in such a modern city, there are trees that are hundreds of stories high.The bustling skyscrapers are also full of vicissitudes, full of lush plants, and even banyan trees take root and grow from the reinforced concrete.

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