I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 879 The Cause of the Broken Plane

Ji Yaoguang and the others were stunned!

They have thought about many horrible and frightening scenes, and also thought about the dream of the beginning full of all false and beautiful things, but they never thought that what they saw before them would be like this.

This... what's the situation?

"Fragments of time and space in the extreme north." Lin Fei gave the answer, "Here are all the fragments of some cosmic planes, which will gradually sink and perish, and become the nourishment of the multiverse."

"You can expand your spiritual sense to find out."

Everyone did what they said, and all of them showed expressions of disbelief in an instant.

This world...is only the size of a city.

No, that's not accurate either.

On the periphery of the city, there are actually a small number of peripheral things, such as asphalt roads and so on.It's just that it only extends out to tens of meters, and there is nothing else.

The asphalt road seemed to be cut off from it, and it only extended a small section outside the city, probably less than 100 meters.In the periphery is the boundless darkness, filled with the breath of death.

Simply put, this is an isolated city standing in the endless darkness!

The whole world is vast and dark, and this city is the only one left!

And the darkness is still encroaching on this world from all directions, as if it wants to swallow the entire city and completely destroy it.

"Lin Fei, what is that darkness?" Ji Yaoguang asked hastily.

Her spiritual sense couldn't penetrate it to sense it, and she even felt boundless fear of it, as if she had encountered a natural enemy.

"The original dark atmosphere simulated by multiple ways of heaven." Lin Fei sneered, and gave an answer that made everyone's hair stand on end.

The original dark!

It is said that the multiverse begins with chaos and ends with primordial darkness.If chaos means the beginning of the creation of the world, then the original darkness means the end of the multiplicity.

Although it is a simulated breath, what about the identity of the simulated person?

Diversity of heaven...

It's hard to say if a very strong man will be caught in it, can he survive?

"Isn't that dead?" Xiangling's face turned pale, and the emotions of the other lantern masters were similar.

"Multiple heavens are orderly and regular..." Lin Fei thought of the secret of the destruction of the innate demon god, and added with a sneer: "At least, this is the case most of the time."

"And the rules of order here are as you can see. It doesn't destroy the fragments of the universe directly, but gradually erodes them, giving the creatures in these fragments a chance—"

"Either save this endangered plane, or leave yourself. This is the fifty Dao and the fourty-nine of Tianyan. In many cases, it is not that the Heavenly Dao cannot be omnipotent, but it will always leave a glimmer of life."

However, after his words fell, everyone was still in despair, and even their pretty and beautiful faces turned pale.

Put simply.

Among the two ways of survival, it is too difficult to escape by oneself, let alone save the plane!

This place was originally a fragment of the universe, but it was swallowed until there was only one city left. How can it be saved?

"Tianzun, didn't you leave a way out?" Ye Wudi asked with a smile, obviously not panicking.

Everyone looked at Lin Fei in unison, full of hope and anticipation.

"I used to run through countless planes in this Jedi, and forged a space-time axis of the Dao of Heaven, which can go back through layers of planes and reach the Great Desolate Continent." Lin Fei sighed and had to tell them the bad news: "But it's a pity , the scope of this plane being devoured is too large to accommodate the existence of the time-space axis of the Heavenly Dao."

Everyone almost suffocated on the spot.

The smile on Ye Wudi's face also froze instantly, and he could no longer be calm.

"Calm down, this is the lowest level of the world, that is, the plane of the universe that is closest to annihilation and extinction. Its endurance is too fragile. If golden immortals or heavenly demons come, you will not be able to hear the praises of immortality." Lin Fei calmly road.

"Why?" Xiangling was at a loss.

She still knows about the hymn of immortality. It is said that it is a hymn, but it is actually the plane screaming, even like crying, with unbearable power.Even in the two worlds of immortals and demons, as long as there are foreign demons and golden immortals coming, the so-called "hymn" will sound.

Lin Fei said lightly: "Because the plane couldn't bear it, it was blown up immediately."

Xiangling was terrified for a moment, and understood everything.

Such a fragment of the plane that is on the verge of extinction can't even bear the breath of a powerful demon, so can it be expected to withstand the time-space axis of the heavenly dao?

"It's fine when you get to the top. The higher you go, the bigger the plane is, and the stronger it will be." Lin Fei said "comfort" in a good voice.

It's just that everyone is about to collapse.

How to go up? !

"Find the reason for the broken plane, and solve it." Lin Fei's eyes were determined, and he asked everyone to split up and search for all the information in the city.Especially for the lives that are still alive today, let's see if we can learn anything from them.

After all, there is a reason why a plane was abandoned by multiple heavens and thrown into this garbage dump-like Jedi!

Everyone was also driven to a dead end, and immediately had nothing to think about, and started to move against the clock.

The cold wind blows, the luxuriant weeds on the concrete floor bend their waists, and the fallen leaves are rolled up and fluttered.

Lin Fei crossed this street and came to the abandoned and desolate hospital opposite.

Push open the glass windows covered with green vines, and as soon as the wind pours into it, the dust will fly all over the ground, all over the sky.

Lin Fei came to the door of a ward and pushed the door open.

"Ah! Don't kill me, don't kill me!" A little boy cried and squatted in a corner with his head in his arms, as if he had been frightened by something.

Lin Fei grabbed a handful of candy in his hand with the ability to create things in the void, squatted in front of him, and handed it over.

The little boy cautiously raised his head to take a look, and then showed a look of ecstasy: "Sugar! It's really candy!"

He snatched the candy from Lin Fei's palm, as if he was afraid that he would go back on his word, and then asked cautiously, "Uncle, are you not a ghost?"

"Ghost?" Lin Fei frowned slightly.

Is this why this plane was abandoned by the multiverse?

Simply absurd.

Even if a person's soul has grievances after death, and is infected by evil spirits by chance, it is still weak enough.It's a thousand-year-old ghost, and it's a joke in front of the accomplished monks.

This kind of thing can make the multiverse abandon a plane?Why, could it be that there are countless trillions of ghosts in one cosmic plane?

Lin Fei felt that it was very likely that the child didn't understand, so he regarded some special existence as a ghost.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He smiled and patted the child's head.

The little boy looked surprised: "Uncle, don't you know?!"

Lin Fei said nonsense: "Actually, I am a god sent by heaven to save you. So, what is going on, can you tell me?"

The little boy pouted, obviously not believing it.

Lin Fei spread his hand, and the light condensed, and after the conversion of energy and matter, a figure of Transformers suddenly appeared.


The little boy was shocked, and the candy in his hand scattered all over the floor.

"Uncle Immortal, save us!"

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