I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 880 The Sad Plane Out of Heaven's Jurisdiction

The little boy was emotional, and he still hasn't noticed that the way the two of them communicate is particularly weird.

After all, the language he speaks is completely different from the language Lin Fei speaks, but he can directly understand the meaning of the information in it.

The little boy looked no different from the Huaxia people in appearance, and was also wearing modern children's clothes. He talked about the current situation as if he was catching a savior, hoping that the god in front of him could save everything.

"I heard from adults that there was a problem in the world in 2012. There was a prophecy in ancient times that 2012 would be the end of the world, but no one took it seriously before it happened." The little boy recalled , A look of fear appeared on his face again.

"What's wrong with this world?" Lin Fei asked with a frown.

The little boy let out a "hmm", trembled all over, and gritted his teeth: "At first there was a movie called "Midnight Ring", but anyone who watched it would die for no reason, and appear in the form of ghosts at night. "

"Later, the country found out that something was wrong, completely blocked the film, and searched for the relevant production personnel of the film, only to find that they had all disappeared out of thin air! There was no clue, as if the world had evaporated, no matter whether it was satellite surveillance or anything else, they all disappeared. Can't find them!"

Lin Fei was thoughtful, but he didn't interrupt his words.

This is absolutely impossible to be a simple haunting, otherwise this plane would never be so degraded.

"Later, the haunting was barely brought under control. Although many places were completely sealed off with special magnetic fields and ultraviolet rays, many people died, but the situation did not deteriorate further."

"Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, something even stranger happened again!"

The little boy tremblingly said: "A large number of plants began to grow wildly, and even a few of them could grow from the reinforced concrete. In one night, it occupied almost the entire land... No! Even in the ocean, it is full of crazy growth Sea plants!"

"They have greatly affected our human life and work, destroying natural gas pipelines, water pipes, electric wires and cables, destroying houses and roads, etc... So people began to think of ways to kill them, but they didn't expect all the malicious things to these plants People just disappeared!"

"Disappeared! Without any warning, it disappeared suddenly! My dad was in front of me, trying to cut down a tree to make a fire for cooking, but as soon as he said this...he...he disappeared !"

When the little boy said this, Dang even sobbed and began to cry.

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of the current situation of this broken plane.

The stars and satellites have been devoured, but this world still has light, which is extremely illogical in itself.

Where does light come from?

Then there is the weird phenomenon of instructing people to turn into ghosts after watching a movie, which also seems extremely absurd.

A plant that grows overnight, even if humans have malicious intentions towards it, will it disappear for no reason?

"Is there any other weirdness?" Lin Fei asked.

The little boy nodded repeatedly, and said with a crying voice: "Too many! For example, a city has turned into a game city... My child, I don't know how to describe it, it's just—"

Lin Fei frowned slightly, and simply pointed at the center of his brow, using the gentlest way to probe into his sea of ​​consciousness.

It turns out that the so-called game city means that the whole city is ruled by a strange rule.People there have to play the game immediately every day. If the game is successful, they will get points, and if they fail, they will die directly.

Accumulate enough points to be able to leave that city.

But the game is extraordinarily brutal.

For example, a family of three was forcibly arranged to fight the landlord.Those who win get a small amount of points, and those who lose die.

According to news reports, in order to keep their children alive, the parents of a family chose to be farmers together. They deliberately played bad cards so that their sons could earn points to survive.

The two parents died directly in front of their son, and even exploded on the spot. Blood and flesh splashed everywhere on the floor, ceiling, and walls.

The "Game City" is just the tip of the iceberg. Strange and absurd things like this are forced to happen in various places.

For example, "Shadow City", where people's shadows will lose touch with their masters and start to run away crazily.If people can catch up with their own shadow, they can return to normal; but if they lose the shadow completely, then he will die and turn into a ghost.

The whole world is in chaos!

Fear, despair, and doomsday-like emotions are overwhelming, almost making the entire Water Blue Star breathless, living a life of fear and precarity.

Lin Fei sensed the little boy's memory of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then sighed, guessing what happened.

"The order collapsed. This plane...is out of the jurisdiction of Heaven." He knew this, but he was still puzzled.

For example... why did it break away from the jurisdiction of the Multi-Day?

"Uncle Immortal, what is breaking away from the jurisdiction of heaven?" The little boy was nervous and full of expectations. The man in front of him was too mysterious, giving him unspeakable hope, like seeing the dawn in the deep and boundless darkness, peeping at the dawn.

"The Dao of the multiverse is an orderly collection of all cosmic planes, maintaining all the rules in the universe. From the small chemical and physical rules you know, to the macroscopic order of space and time, they must be governed by it to be stable."

"And once the plane is out of the jurisdiction of the Dao of Heaven, the rules will be broken and distorted, and even beyond recognition—just like the world you are in now."

"Under such circumstances, all kinds of bizarre things can happen. For example, the speed of light is only ten meters per second, but the speed of sound can travel thousands of kilometers away in one second; for example, the gravity and gravitational force brought by mass disappear, and everything floats In the air; and living things can live without food, water, sleep..."

Lin Fei's eyes were deep and his expression was a little cold.

"It's unscientific!" the little boy yelled, but was speechless for a moment.

Everything in this world... science?

"No," Lin Fei shook his head and said, "What is science? It is the study of the essence of things, and systematically summarizes and applies them. Since the rules and order have changed, it means that the original summarized information is useless, and we have to re-target the existing information. Phenomena, it’s all about research and induction.”

The little boy was stunned and stared blankly at Lin Fei.

I don't understand it, but it sounds great...

"The information is still not enough. We need to know why this world broke away from the jurisdiction of Heaven. In this way, we must find the survivors who experienced the earliest mutation."

Thinking of this, Lin Fei patted the little boy's head: "Do you want to stay here, or go out with uncle?"

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