I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 881 The City of Despair

"I'm going out with my uncle!" The little boy replied without hesitation.

After all, it is daytime now, and those ghosts will not appear.And... the fairy uncle in front of him gave him an indescribable sense of security.

"Okay." Lin Fei simply put him on his back.

The little boy leaned on his back, suddenly felt an unspeakable warmth and touch, and tears flowed silently again.

If all this hadn't happened...he could have been lying on his father's back like this, right?

After Lin Fei left the hospital with him on his back, he raised his head to look at the sky at the first sight.

Inexplicable light, but did not see any luminous body, so weird that it is difficult to understand.

But according to the information learned from the boy Zhihai, such a time will not last.If you have to use hours as the unit of calculation, there are only twelve hours a day here, and there are only three pitiful hours during the day.

Moreover, there is no difference between sunrise, midday, and sunset, and the light during the daytime is consistent, without distinction between strength and weakness.The coming and leaving of the night seemed extremely abrupt and blunt.

Although there is a difference between day and night, everything seems so chaotic.

In the eyes of the survivors, this is actually the end of the world.After all, the temperature at night is extremely low, and it is extremely difficult to survive just by maintaining body temperature.Not to mention there are still ghosts raging, and it is almost immune to all damage except ultraviolet rays.

Even if you can survive, so what?

This world is coming to an end, the entire planet... no... the entire cosmic river system, and even the entire universe has been swallowed up!

The last soil of life will also be annihilated.

Lin Fei quickly contacted other people and asked them about the information they detected.It's a pity that the information that everyone learned is roughly the same, and there is no important information in it.

Lin Fei thought for a while, and then decided to study these strange phenomena themselves.

Seeing him looking thoughtful and looking at a huge banyan tree in front of him, the little boy was frightened out of his wits, and hastily tightened his neck: "Uncle Immortal, don't do stupid things, these plants can't move, even if they are a little It’s okay to be malicious!”

Lin Fei told him not to worry, saying that he had no malice towards them.

Having cultivated to such a state, his primordial essence is already spotless and flawless.A person who becomes an immortal must subdue many distractions. As long as he concentrates a little, he will not even have the slightest distraction.

Then, under the terrified eyes of the little boy, Lin Fei gently picked off a leaf.

"It's over, it's over! This is not only malicious, but even picked off its leaves!" The little boy subconsciously closed his eyes, his heart filled with despair and desolation, thinking that Lin Fei was too reckless, and he was destined to die.

However, what surprised him was that the reassuring warm shoulders were still there.

When the little boy opened his eyes, he saw that Lin Fei was holding on to the leaf, nothing happened.

Lin Fei detected the leaf with his divine sense, and then felt a burst of unspeakable malice.

There seems to be a life consciousness in a leaf!

That is resentment, killing intent, grief, anger, despair...  

"You said that ghosts only appear at night." Lin Fei crushed the leaf, and the little boy's scalp felt numb again, "Then where did they go during the day?"

The little boy looked bewildered, and subconsciously said: "Ghosts... are omnipotent, right? It's not surprising that they disappeared out of thin air, right?"

Lin Fei shook his head slightly, realizing that for a little boy, these things were a bit out of line.

"I guess during the day, they are inside these plants." Lin Fei sneered, causing the little boy to shudder and stick tightly to his back.

The dense green plants seemed to him to be the incarnation of ghosts and ghosts.

Lin Fei tentatively pointed two fingers on the tree trunk. Although he didn't do any real harm, and didn't even show the slightest malice, he still sensed an indescribably dangerous aura with his keen senses.

This was a perception he had never had before when he touched the leaves.

It's not easy!

This plant that takes over the entire planet overnight can actually shelter ghosts during the day.There are even rules born after twisting, with characteristics that cannot be destroyed.Unless it is strong enough to break this rule, it is powerless and can only act in accordance with the twisted and grotesque rules.

Lin Fei put many thoughts behind him, and soon reunited with Ji Yaoguang and others.

What's interesting is that because everyone was so extraordinary, they showed their extraordinary power, which attracted a large number of people to follow.

Lin Fei only brought a little boy with him, which is already in excellent condition.

The only remaining city, it is said that after the disaster happened to a certain extent, its population once reached 1.2 million people.

That's right...a city like the earth, but accommodates such an exaggerated population.

This is also impossible. According to the analysis and calculation of the scientists, the unknown darkness is gradually spreading, and this city will be the last place to be swallowed.

For a time, people all over the world were shocked, frantically wanting to come and settle here.And the closer to the city center, the crazier it is.Every inch of land and gold is trivial, and even money is useless, it all depends on power.

The most elite soldiers, the most important scientific talents, the top senior officials, and the most influential business people have all come here.But it is a pity that the ghosts are raging and weird rules appear, and most of the residents still die after all.

At this point in time when the entire city will be swallowed up, there are only a poor 2000 people left in the entire city.

At a glance, Lin Fei frowned slightly.

Because these people... Most of them have a numb and desperate expression, like a marionette, with a sluggish and trance-like expression.

Even the remaining part looked at Lin Fei and the others as if they had met the savior, with the last fragile and sad hope.

Lin Fei sighed and gave up the idea of ​​exercising the power of sentient beings.

Originally, not many people survived, and only about 300 people came here.This group of people is afraid to the bottom of their bones, to the depths of their souls, how can they have the impassioned courage and willingness to turn the tide of the world around?

"Dear gods...do you have anything to eat? I'm so hungry..." A skinny woman trembled and said, her face was pale, her stomach was burning and cramping, and she was sweating coldly. Turned black, desperate as if blind, and even felt that he would die suddenly in the next moment.

Before Lin Fei could make a move, Xiangling showed a look of impatience, and directly used the immortal's mass-energy conversion method to conjure a large amount of simple bread, milk and other food.

Such a void creation is naturally insane.

Everyone went crazy, and even started looting and fighting. If Ye Wudi hadn't hated iron and steel to teach him a lesson and maintain discipline, he might have killed someone on the spot.

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