I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 883 The Origin of Weirdness


Between Lin Fei's brows was a sharp sword-like divine light, a golden villain with a majestic appearance, and shining runes emerged around his body, fixing the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

The terrifying aura emanating from the ghost's body was also evaporated in an instant, and a wisp of green smoke vaguely flew out from Lin Feitian's spirit cap.This wisp of green smoke turned into a strange face like a banshee, with a painful look on his face, and a shrill scream.

The sound was like fingernails scraping across the blackboard. It made people's scalp tingle, irritated and depressed.

"Don't probe into their sea of ​​consciousness, kill!" Lin Fei's face changed slightly.He was able to withstand such a weird attack, but it didn't mean that other people could also do it.

What's more... the ghost whose memory was probed in front of him, firstly, his spirit body was destroyed in half, and secondly, he was still in a sealed state, so he was extremely weak.

Moreover, he checked the ghost's memory, and the information he knew was useless.

Of course, the ghost’s experience of being a human being is not mentioned. Later, he was attacked and transformed by the ghost, and came out to “look for food” at night.

According to normal logic, ghost eating is naturally devouring other spirit bodies to strengthen itself.But in this broken plane, the rules are twisted and grotesque, and their food has turned into living flesh.

And in the process of devouring the flesh and blood of others, it will also release that twisted infectious power, assimilating the victim into a ghost.

"What did you find?" A beam of purple light swept across Ji Yaoguang's hand, and all the ghosts turned into green smoke amidst screams.

"No, this is just a young man, and he can't get in touch with the truth behind the scenes." Lin Fei said in a low voice, feeling that something was wrong.

If it goes on like this, so what if you kill more ghosts?Nothing can change, they will eventually perish along with the plane.

"Maybe it's that movie!" A flash of light suddenly flashed in Lin Fei's mind, and he immediately shouted: "These transformed minions have no information value, kill them all! Leave no one behind!"

The movie "Midnight Ring" is the origin of everything!

At the same time, Ye Wudi shouted violently, and Qingyue's name sounded behind him.Suddenly, a three-legged Golden Crow phantom rose into the sky, curled up, and turned into a round of scorching sun, shining between the heaven and the earth!

The remaining area of ​​this plane is too small, and it is directly illuminated immediately under the vision of the body of the sun.

Countless shrill ghost screams were intertwined into one piece, and at first glance, it seemed that the whole world was surrounded by thick green smoke and mist.


"This is a miracle, they are really gods!"

"Oh my god, these ghosts are all dead! Immortal, save us, solve the darkness!"

The mortals on this plane didn't understand anything, and when they saw this scene, they were filled with unparalleled hope. I don't know how many people were so excited that they burst into tears, and even knelt down on the spot.

But Lin Fei didn't pay attention to their reactions at all, and immediately asked: "Can I still see that movie in the city?"

An old man working in the government quickly said, "Yes!"

When his voice fell, Dang even attracted everyone's surprised eyes.

Firstly, the whole world is cracking down on video resources, and secondly, now that the Internet is paralyzed, this weird video can still be seen in the city?

After all, the old man works in the government. It is not easy to read people's hearts and minds. Dang even saw through everyone's thoughts, and hurriedly said: "This movie can't be blocked at all! It doesn't conform to our conventional cognition at all. Online presence has never been eliminated!"

"All film and television websites, regardless of genuine and pirated versions - as long as they have been put on the shelves, they can't even be taken off the shelves. Regardless of clearing the background data or directly banning the website, as long as you enter the correct link, you can still see it!"

"And..." the old man swallowed, and it seemed that the more he thought about it, the more he felt chills in his heart, "It doesn't need to use the Internet as a carrier at all! There was a case recorded in the archives room, that is, someone had a sudden whim and thought that it would be fine if the Internet was disconnected." , directly click on the video link."

"In the end, the movie was still playing! He was so scared that he pulled out the plug on the computer on the spot, but it was still useless, and the video continued to play! He even lost control, as if his mind was affected, staring at the computer screen... ...."

"He had nothing to do during the day. He just watched the whole movie, and then he cried and called us for help, and told us the ins and outs of the incident. We couldn't do anything about it. At one point, someone even suggested that we should kill him early, so that he would not turn into a ghost at night. Become a ghost."

Lin Fei listened quietly, but Ji Yaoguang quickly asked, "And then? Did you kill him?"

The old man hesitated for a while, but still gritted his teeth and nodded: "Kill him! He committed suicide, can we blame us for being ruthless? Once he becomes a ghost, who knows how much trouble will happen?"

"It's a pity that we never thought that even so, he appeared as a ghost at night, and the first thing he did was revenge."

"By the way!" He seemed to have thought of some important information, and quickly added, "At that time, someone expressed disbelief in what he said, and adjusted the monitoring to check whether it would not affect this situation even if the network and power were cut off. Movie play."

"But even if he only saw a little video on the surveillance, he was still transformed into a ghost!"

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of self-reflection: "You are reckless."

This film turned out to be a high-level information body, close to the existence of the conceptual level.

In other words, if he wants to get in touch with the weirdness of the movie, he only needs to catch a ghost who has watched "Midnight Ring" and see it from his sea of ​​consciousness.

It is not necessary to see this movie directly, it is more "contagious" than imagined!

But such a mistake is harmless.After all, there were so many ghosts before, who knows who just watched "Midnight Ring"?It would be too troublesome to catch them one by one to investigate.

"It's not too late, I want to see how weird this movie is!" Lin Fei sneered, and in a blink of an eye, he had already arrived at the office of the Zhengfu.

The place looks desolate and dilapidated, even the doors and windows are covered with green vines, and there are many cracks on the ground, with various plants growing.

There are also computers that are well preserved, although they have no power supply and are already covered with dust.

Lin Fei pointed out that a negligible wisp of immortal energy was converted into electrical energy and supplied to the computer.

Simple energy conversion, electric energy is a low-level energy, which is easy for him.

Even Lin Fei's faint wisp of immortal energy, converted into electrical energy, is enough to consume a small town's normal electricity consumption for a month.

And the old man from Zhengfu was so shocked that he couldn't even recover for a while.

What happened?

How did I get here in the blink of an eye?

And the computer that was turned on in front of him—a call?

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