I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 884 Enemy of the Plane

"URL." Lin Fei clicked on the browser and asked the old man without looking back.

The old man was very frightened, and reported a detailed website in a trembling voice, and hurriedly said: "Immortal, don't rush to look, wait for me to go away—"

Before he could finish his words, he could see the rays of light flowing around him, and he was actually carried by a force and bumped upwards.

The old man's face turned pale with fright, and before he could utter a scream, he heard a "boom".The ceiling was directly smashed through, but he was fine.

In the shock of the old man, he crashed through several floors in a row, and was sent to the sky.

At the same time, Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and clicked the "Play" button on the webpage.

In an instant, an indescribably cold aura enveloped his whole body.Both his physical body and primordial spirit seemed to feel the danger instinctively. Not to mention his physical body stretched out a light curtain to protect himself, his primordial spirit was even more golden, shrouded in a chain of order formed by a large number of complicated runes, and let out a "crash!" sound.

On the screen, accompanied by the weird and terrifying background music, the picture of the movie appeared.

And at this moment, there was a crisp "click" sound, and the screen cracked a crack for no reason.

Lin Fei's pupils shrank slightly!

Because the computer in front of him exploded with a "boom", sending out a lot of sparks.The strand of immortal essence thrown into it disappeared without a trace, as if it had been swallowed by something.


The pendulum building, which had already ceased operation, sounded a bell.

On the sky tower, Ji Yaoguang and others suddenly changed their expressions, and looked at the sky and night in horror.

But I saw that the sky was like a big screen in a theater, and the screen of the movie "Midnight Ring" was actually played, and there was even a sound coming from above.

"Not good!" Ye Wudi was terrified, realizing that the problem was serious.

Lin Fei's figure suddenly appeared beside him, and directly opened the Chaos Lotus Pond, isolating all external influences.

But even so, it still cannot protect everyone.

Because people think differently.

A small number of people thought that it was safer to follow Lin Fei, a group of strong men with great powers and unknown origins, and chose to follow them to Tianlou together; while more people chose to hide in dark corners, hiding in the past Where to live and hide.

There are also differences in the thinking of this group of people.Some people are worried about becoming cannon fodder, while some people think that there are this group of mysterious people fighting the ghost anyway, so they just need to hide.It's good for Lin Fei and others to win. Even if they lose to the ghosts, they hide well and there is no danger.

No matter what their thoughts were, those who did not gather on the Tianlou at this moment had suffered.

That movie absorbed a ray of immortal energy from Lin Fei, and forcibly projected himself on the sky, as if he had consciousness!

As long as they are not near Lin Fei, no matter where they are, their bodies will be directly disintegrated into countless particles at this moment, and their souls will be turned into ferocious ghosts.

But the golden sun that Ye Wudi hung high in the night sky did not subside. Under the sunlight, these ghosts let out shrill screams and dissipated into countless blue smoke.

And the survivors who were sheltered in the chaotic lotus pond all had pale faces and even dripped with cold sweat.

Looking at the tragic situation of these compatriots, they felt both fortunate and terrified from the bottom of their hearts.If it weren't for Lin Fei's protection here, I'm afraid they would have fallen into the same fate...

The little boy brought by Lin Fei was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he slumped down with a "plop" on his face.

In the sky, the movie screen was twisting unexpectedly, and then formed a well.

"Invasion... plane..."


There was no sound, but such fluctuations of spiritual thoughts came from the well as deep as the endless starry sky inside.

This wave of divine thoughts contained boundless malice, full of the most greedy desires.Only the strong in the realm of human and immortal can capture and perceive it, and as soon as they perceive this divine thought, Xiangling and others feel as if their clothes have been torn apart and exposed to the eyes of thousands of big men.

The key point is that these big guys still look hungry and thirsty, like beasts that have lost their minds, their breathing is extraordinarily heavy, and they are full of excitement and lust.

And still wearing nothing.

At this moment, Xiang Ling and the others who held the lamps were terrified, and felt an indescribable chill and fear. They looked at Lin Fei in horror, and said in a trembling voice, "Invasion plane? Could it be an existence from another universe plane?"

"Also—what does it mean to exterminate hope?"

Lin Fei's eyes were cold, he stared at the strange ancient well in the sky, and said coldly: "I don't know the exact origin of it. But the so-called hope of extinction is that it wants to completely destroy this cosmic plane, leaving no trace of it. hope."

Everyone was terrified, but they still couldn't figure out what the unknown existence in that ancient well was for.

Is there any benefit to exterminating this cosmic plane?

You must know that even if it really got any benefits from such an invasion, it would disappear along with this plane and be swallowed by the original dark breath simulated by the multi-dimensional way of heaven.


"It can escape from this plane?!" Ye Wudi's heart skipped a beat, and he opened his mouth in shock.

"Not for the time being, otherwise it has already escaped." Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and the terrifying insight of living for [-] million years showed its effect again, "I understand. It is an intruder and an existence against the rules, but it still incomplete."

"As long as there are still aborigines alive in this plane, there is still hope. It is such a slim hope that Tiandao did not give up this plane directly, but gave them a certain amount of time to find a solution."

"Hehe, that's cruel enough. You actually want to destroy a cosmic plane and steal the ultimate power produced by the destruction of the universe?"

What a great handwriting!

Could it be that whoever wanted to refine the ultimate Taoist soldiers laid out such a chess game, using a cosmic plane as the chessboard?

No, if the planes in most space-time fragments are like this, then...even if it is refining the treasure of the inner universe, or someone is trying to find another way, trying to open up a new path to the inner universe, this is entirely possible!

But there is another unexplainable doubt here.

First of all, who dares to act like this?Those who have made outstanding contributions to the multiverse will be favored by the Dao of Heaven and recognized as being of great virtue.And if there is a mastermind behind the scenes to destroy the universe and steal the ultimate power of a universe...is this a great evil?

To commit such a "great wickedness" behavior, I am afraid that he will be blasted to death by the thunder of the god of heaven.

Secondly, the existence of this anti-heavenly order rule is also unexplainable.

A ridiculous idea suddenly flashed in Lin Fei's mind.

Could it be that this multi-dimensional way of heaven... is sick?

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