I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 885 The Horrible Intruder

Simple analogy.

It's as if a person has a superbug infection somewhere in their body, such as "staphylococcus aureus".The bacteria multiply rapidly, even to the extent of one leg, the immune system can't handle it, and antibiotics can't kill it, so what should we do to survive?


Lose the car to protect the handsome, don't want this leg, to avoid a greater degree of infection and lesions!

The unknown existence in the ancient well in the sky is this kind of "germ";

And this cosmic plane abandoned by the multi-dimensional heaven is equivalent to the discarded leg.Although in terms of the size of the multiverse, such a plane is not even a toe, but the nature is the same, and they chose to give up after all.

So this plane was thrown into the garbage dump, and the final "waste utilization" was carried out.

Although the specific cause of the "lesion" is still unclear, it is clearly not the time to think about it.

The existence in the ancient well wanted to kill all the aborigines before being swallowed by the darkness, so as to obtain the power of the ultimate and escape; while Lin Fei and others wanted to kill this unknown existence, thus ending the chaos of the entire plane. shattered!


The ancient well in the sky suddenly heard the sound of water.Immediately afterwards, a head of wet long black hair emerged.

From the ancient well, a slim woman with a pale complexion and a white dress suddenly climbed out.She was hunched, with her head bowed, and her pale feet were bare, exuding a cold and terrifying aura.

There is no reason!

As if she was the avatar of fear, and even represented such a concept, everyone couldn't help but feel fear.

The souls of cultivators in the realm of immortality are extraordinary, and they are the least affected.And those aborigines who were mortals all had many reactions: sweating, crazily accelerated heartbeat, cold and numb hands and feet, and even inexplicable sore teeth, waist and eyes, feeling that they could not use their strength!

Some women screamed and cried out in fright, and some children fainted from fright immediately. The scene was once very chaotic.

Lin Fei immediately frowned slightly.

It seems that this female ghost itself is a manifestation of some kind of rules, and the fear these people have produced makes the cold and icy aura even more obvious.

In other words, people's fear made her stronger.


Lin Fei clasped his palms together, and a purple glow appeared behind him.There are even pieces of purple-gold petals flying around, like countless Taoists chanting scriptures, resounding like a great bell resounding through the world, with spiritual fluctuations that make people feel calm.

In an instant, the screaming and crying disappeared.Instead, there was a look of shock and reverence.Many people even burst into tears and kowtowed to Lin Fei who was bathed in the Zixia and Zijin petals.

Although it wasn't Lin Fei's original intention, he did feel the power of faith from these people...

As an existence with 210 billion believers, the power of this faith is of course negligible.

The female ghost in white in the air stood on the sky, and she slapped her backhand.


That round of dazzling golden sun was unexpectedly slapped and exploded into a splendid golden light, which made Ye Wudi's heart beat wildly.

This ghost... is not afraid of the sun!

Immediately after, the female ghost attacked towards the chaotic lotus pond, and stretched out her hands to pinch the aborigines on the periphery.

Xiang Lingdang, who was the closest, let out a coquettish shout, and slapped it hard with violent and turbulent power.

Heavenly Demon Annihilation!


Amidst the terrifying roar, majestic energy burst out and hit the female ghost.

This vast energy directly passed through her body, and exploded directly in the space behind her.The female ghost was like a cloud of mist, her twisted and split head closed again and became intact.

"How is this possible?!" Xiang Ling showed horror, feeling a strong mental shock.

That is not pure power, but a blow condensed by the magic element, which contains extremely terrifying energy.Whether it is the primordial spirit or the spirit body, the opponent should be hurt.

Even if the opponent is surprisingly strong, it is acceptable if the destructive power of this blow is not enough to hurt her.

But... what does it mean to be immune to energy attacks?

Lin Fei's eyes froze, and his soul came out of his body in an instant.

Six Destroyers Sword 23!

Everything around seemed to slow down, and the female ghost couldn't avoid it at all.In other words, she didn't even think about avoiding it, but slowly raised her hand, wanting to pat Lin Fei's soul.


Lin Fei pointed like a sword, and pointed directly at the female ghost's palm, instantly causing it to evaporate into green smoke.

The sword intent of Liu Mie is unparalleled, and it climbs all the way to the extreme, as if it wants to tear the sky.Going forward without hesitation, he resolutely stabbed the female ghost between her eyebrows.


A terribly shrill wave of spiritual thoughts came out, making people dizzy for a while, and ordinary people's eyes turned black, and they almost passed out.

The six reincarnation diagrams rotated, and the female ghost's body turned into wisps of green smoke, annihilated directly.

Lin Fei's primordial spirit receded like a tide and returned directly to his body, but he frowned slightly and looked at the ancient well in the sky.

It hasn't disappeared yet.

However, after the brief shock, the others erupted into cheers of ecstasy.


"Dead! Dead!"

"Hahaha, the evil spirit is finally dead, we are safe!"

The old man in Zhengfu also wept with joy and looked at Lin Fei excitedly.

He was about to say something, but Lin Fei's face changed, and he felt an indescribable biting chill.

A pale hand, ignoring the Chaos Lotus Pond, stretched out from the ground and grabbed his foot with a "snap".

The old man didn't even let out a scream, and it disappeared in smoke.

And the female ghost who had "dead" before reappeared intact, causing a burst of panic.

Lin Fei Yuanshen rushed out again, without using the sword 23, but with the sharpest and swiftest blow.

Caught off guard, the female ghost's head was directly shattered by a six-killing sword energy, turning into green smoke and transpiring.But even so, her crippled body was still able to move, and Dang even grabbed a lamp bearer.

The Lantern Envoy was at least a fourth-order human-devil powerhouse, so he didn't perish on the spot.It's just that she was trembling all over, and her body turned blue and white.

"You can't touch it, or you will lose your ability to move."

"You won't die even if your head disappears, you must attack every part of your body."

Lin Feiyuan came up with such an idea like lightning in his sea of ​​consciousness, and found that this female ghost was stronger than before.

In an instant, the incomparably fierce Liu Mie sword energy rushed over, and the six patterns rotated, directly obliterating, tearing the female ghost to pieces, and completely annihilating it.

Faced with such a victory, Xiangling exclaimed in an instant: "Be careful!"

A pale hand suddenly stretched out from behind towards Lin Fei's neck.

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