I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 886 The will of "7"?

Everything happened between lightning and flint, so fast that it was beyond imagination.

However, just when his pale palm was about to touch Lin Fei's neck, his eyes changed, instantly sharp and sharp, like a sharp knife unsheathed.Lin Fei spread out a pair of white light wings with a "Peng" sound behind him, entering the state of Xuanxian transformation, and at the same time volleyed in an inverted shape.

Xiang Ling and the others felt a burst of horror.

The speed of entering the Xuanxian Transformation like this simply made them amazed and felt extremely unbelievable.Although there is a big gap between Lin Fei and them in terms of realm, his proficiency in mastering the Xuanxian Transformation surpasses their mastery of the Heavenly Demon Transformation!


Lin Fei pointed like a sword, and a sharp Liu Mie sword energy cut through the darkness.The six reincarnation patterns rotate, there are bloodthirsty and warlike Asuras, there are boundless forest hells, there are desolate red wild hungry ghosts, and there are prosperous common people in the floating world...

In an instant, streaks of sharp sword lights intertwined like a net, almost locking the space between the female ghost's up, down, left, and right sides.

"Ah!!" The female ghost let out an extremely shrill scream, and her whole body was chopped into countless pieces.Immediately following the diagram of the six paths of reincarnation, she brought her remnant body together.


A large amount of green smoke evaporated, and the female ghost was wiped out again.

But this time, not to mention Lin Fei, everyone else was terrified and did not dare to take it lightly.They saw with their own eyes that this female ghost had already been wiped out by Lin Fei three times.But it is extremely absurd and anti-logical cognition, and it appears again in a strange and unpredictable way.

"The ancient well in the sky has not disappeared, and the plane is still being swallowed by darkness. Does Qi's hint mean...she has seven lives? What a distorted rule."

Just when such a thought flashed through Lin Fei's mind, suddenly there was a gloomy wind blowing all around, and a terrifying chill invaded.

Looking from where he stood, a woman's slender and pale arms kept protruding from the edge of the surrounding buildings.The drops of water slid down the arms and landed on the ground.Dozens of hundreds of female ghosts climbed up from the edge of the surrounding buildings, their black hair drooping, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

A layer of frost suddenly condensed on the ground, spreading rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.Just by seeing it, it was as if one's soul was frozen, one couldn't help shivering, and even one's body and spirit froze.

"Every time you kill one, the female ghost who returns next time will become stronger...Is the characteristic of the fourth wave, split and extreme cold?" Such a thought flashed through Lin Fei's mind, and immediately He shouted with divine sense: "Protect all the aborigines, once they die, the remaining order will completely collapse!"

After his words fell, Xiang Ling and other ten lamp bearers stepped forward immediately, and came to the edge of the Chaos Lotus Pond, each guarding one side, and letting the aborigines stay behind them.

Unlike the initial bewilderment, now they at least know how to cause harm to ghosts.Under normal logic, energy can completely kill spirits and ghosts.Whether it is immortal yuan or magic yuan, even technological energy weapons can do this.

But the rules here are so distorted that this female ghost is only afraid of the spirit-type, or soul-level killing moves, and all other methods are ineffective, which is particularly strange.

This is like "Howl of the Banshee", a kind of spiritual and soul magic, which may be earth-shattering when used, and can instantly destroy the creatures of a legion.But if it is released against the reinforced concrete, not even a mark will be left.

And Lin Fei's Six Destroyer Sword Intent and Chaos Eye can be called lore.Be it the body or the soul, kill them all.This has gone beyond the energy level, and it also belongs to the power of rules, which can be called a weakened tiny authority.

A group of female ghosts attacked ferociously from all directions, and everyone in the field fell into a fierce battle in an instant.

Every female ghost is so powerful that it is outrageous, and their characteristics must also be taken into account.For example, it cannot be touched, it is immune to energy and material attacks, it has extremely cold attributes, and it must be destroyed as a whole to kill it...

Moreover, their number is still so huge.

Xiang Ling and the other envoys in charge of the lanterns almost always fought one against three, or even one against four, and fell into a bitter fight in an instant.In the face of such a strange and powerful enemy, I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will end up in ruins.

On the other hand, Lin Fei was even more exaggerated. There were more than 60 female ghosts densely packed together, which made one's scalp tingle when he looked at it. They directly surrounded him, and he couldn't see his figure clearly.

Lin Fei looked cold and closed his eyes.

When it was opened again, complex patterns appeared in the pupils.There is even more mist and mist, and the eyes of chaos have been opened.

Several female ghosts in front of him shrieked shrilly and evaporated into a large cloud of green smoke.


There was a metal-like trembling sound, and it turned out that chaotic golden lotuses that were crystal clear and stained with dewdrops rose from the sky.They criss-crossed in an instant, making a sharp whistling sound through the air, and bursts of sonic booms filled the ears, making one's scalp numb.

The air is full of dense interlaced golden rays of light, leaving behind large afterimages, as if intertwined into a net of heaven and earth.Their speed is so fast that it seems that there are thousands of golden light swords criss-crossing.

Wherever they passed, the female ghost was either pierced through the body, leaving bowl-sized injuries that could not be recovered.Either the body was cut off directly, leaving a headless corpse, or a half body, or a corpse with missing arms and legs and continued to be slaughtered.

"Dead!" Xiang Ling showed despair, feeling an extreme cold from her arms.In an instant, her whole body froze, pale white, and covered with frost.

Even her primordial spirit was shrouded in frost, like a flame that was about to go out.

Xiangling's thinking was frozen, and she could only watch helplessly as the female ghost suddenly opened her bloody mouth, as if to swallow her in one gulp.


The sharp golden light slashed like a sharp sword, and the female ghost screamed in an instant, her arms and head flew out neatly, emitting a large cloud of blue smoke.

And the chill all over Xiangling's body is also receding rapidly, but she still feels sluggish in thinking and stiff all over, and her soul is full of cold and tingling pain, as if she lived in an ice cellar in the cold winter of March and September, and she was lucky enough to survive but lost half of her life generally.

This was just a small part of the battle situation. Lin Fei completely deployed the Chaotic Golden Lotus Sword Formation, alleviating the crisis on many sides.But it was also because of such a dispersion of power that he fell into crisis.

Seeing more than 20 female ghosts rushing forward, Lin Fei did not give up his body, but stepped into the air.


There seemed to be an invisible wall in the void, and after he stepped down, there were traces of inward twisting and depression.

He came to the heads of many female ghosts, and with his arms around them was the Yin Yang Tai Chi diagram.

More precisely, it should be the diagram of Liu Mie Yin Yang Tai Chi.

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