I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 888 Your Sadako Is So Fierce?

There was an uproar at the scene, and Xiangling and the others showed expressions of horror.

What do you mean?

This time even Yuanshen's ultimate move was useless, could it be that he just waited for death?

They were not reconciled, and immediately launched a violent offensive again, but unfortunately it was still useless.

"Psychic power? Illusions that affect the perception of consciousness? It's not like..." Lin Fei was calm, thinking silently, and did not attack blindly like them.

He only looked closely at the female ghost in front of him, her pale cheeks were twisted and ferocious, and a cold silver light slipped out of her white sleeves.

It turned out to be a fruit knife.

Lin Fei frowned slightly, and even wanted to complain a little - your Sadako plays with fruit knives?

Why, times have changed, even ghosts have to use weapons?Why not just take out the electromagnetic rifle and shoot it on the spot?

But even though the female ghost showed her murderous intentions, came close, and even revealed the murder weapon, Lin Fei still didn't feel the slightest aura of danger.

Afterwards, the female ghost seemed to be stiff all over, and her bones made a strange "clucking" sound, and slowly raised the fruit knife in her hand.

At this time, there was already a lantern envoy retreating involuntarily.

Things got weird to the extreme.

Even Lin Fei didn't feel the slightest sense of danger, and they were no exception, which seemed extremely absurd.

Such a terrifying female ghost is about to kill her face, how can she not be dangerous? !

And at this moment, the twelve female ghosts were in unison and waved down the fruit knives in their hands at the same time.

Swinging the knife from the air, there is no brilliant knife energy, as if the female ghost is just slashing meaninglessly, and has no intention of attacking everyone.

But at the same time they made such an action, the twelve challengers felt the extremely dangerous atmosphere almost at the same time, and even felt the shadow of death tightly wrapped around their hearts like vines!

There was also an unprovoked chill that made their movements slow down.

Everyone tried their best to dodge, even Lin Fei chose to turn sideways at the first moment to avoid the invisible and strange attack.

It's a pity, among the 12 people, only Lin Fei, who had activated the Xuanxian Transformation state, managed to avoid the ultimate move.The rest were more or less traumatized to some degree.

Even though Xiangling tried her best to suppress it, she still couldn't help letting out a muffled groan from her throat.She was a little slow in dodging, her left arm was cut by the invisible saber energy, and half of her arm was cut off from the bend of the arm, blood gushed out.

Even this injury directly affected her primordial spirit, and half of the arm of the primordial spirit, which was like black glaze, was directly broken.

And Xiangling's stomach bulged directly, and the shape of half an arm could be vaguely seen.

"Ouch—" She suddenly felt nausea and terror, shivering all over, almost suffocating from this weird scene, her bright autumn eyes widened, filled with fear.

She is not alone.

For other people who were attacked, the attacked parts disappeared out of thin air, and then appeared in their stomachs.

What an unreasonable, yet weird and terrifying attack method this is!

If people on earth saw this scene, they would probably scold their mothers on the spot: Is this fucking Sadako?Your Sadako is so fierce?

But in fact, this is not a virgin.It is a twisted existence born of the "virus" that invaded this cosmic plane and combined with the information body of this movie.With the appearance of ghosts, and the power to master and alter the rules to a certain extent.

Lin Fei's eyes were as sharp as a knife, and with a single point of the sword, Liu Mie's sword energy shot out instantly.However, just like before, the female ghost in front of her was still not affected in the slightest.

"It's impossible for her to be unsolvable!" Thinking of the sudden sense of danger before, Lin Fei had a guess in his mind, "That is to say... only when she attacks can she be harmed?"

In short, this female ghost already has two states of "existence of information concept" and "existence of real spirit body", and can switch between them.

When she is only a piece of information, an influence, or a concept, attacks on her are ineffective, and she naturally cannot attack others;

And the moment she attacks others, she must enter the real spirit existence mode, so she can naturally be attacked by others.

This ability to distort and rewrite the rules...is already extremely terrifying.

"Activate the Heavenly Demon Transformation, and fight back at the moment she strikes!" Lin Fei immediately issued an order with his divine sense.


In an instant, pairs of magic wings opened up instantly, and the magic energy was surging, which made many aborigines turn pale.

This...how does it look more like a legendary devil than a fairy?

And at this moment, the twelve female ghosts attacked again.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Fei blasted out even a picture of the six extinction Tai Chi.

This time, he actually saw with his own eyes a crack in the Liu Mie Tai Chi Tu, followed by a chill and piercing pain in his arm.There was even severe friction and pain left by the blade stuck in the bone and slashing fiercely.

A deep bloodstain was left on Lin Fei's left arm, and a knife mark was left on the arm bone.

But the Six Extinguishing Taiji Diagram also bombarded the female ghost in an instant, causing her whole body to shatter and turn into blue smoke.

Even if Lin Fei was injured, let alone other people.

The two lantern envoys died on the spot, and were cut into two pieces by a single knife, and their souls were shattered on the spot.

Two strong men of the fourth level of human monsters died suddenly!

The other lamp bearers also suffered injuries of varying degrees, and Xiang Ling had half of his shoulder cut off obliquely, and his stomach was already bulging.

And... the eleven female ghosts suffered injuries of varying degrees, and none of them died.The most tragic thing was that the upper half of the body was shattered, except for half of the arms, and the lower abdomen was completely turned into green smoke.But even so, the half-remaining arm was still holding the icy blade, and raised the blade again...

Such a terrible scene scared the aborigines to scream again and again, as if their souls were about to be scared away.

The moment the disabled female ghost drew her sword, a palm came directly from behind her.

As soon as the Tai Chi Diagram was turned, it was directly twisted and absorbed, and then the six patterns, Yin and Yang rotated, and a cloud of green smoke was directly evaporated.

Lin Fei's expression was gloomy. Even though his speed was extremely fast, when he finally hit the next target, there was still a slight delay.

The lamp bearer who resisted the female ghost was already dead. When the little boy saw the female ghost head-on, he screamed in fright, closed his eyes tightly and dared not look, his pants were wet.

The knife flashed.


Blood splattered.

"Uncle Immortal, save me!" The little boy cried, his mind went blank.

But he was stunned for an instant, why... can I still talk?

But he saw a mountain-like back with a pair of white wings stretched behind him, blocking him.

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