I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 889 Gradually Outrageous Offensive

Lin Fei blocked the attack on the little boy.

The price was that a deep knife mark was left on his shoulder.It is the same as other injured people, and this kind of injury also directly affects the primordial spirit.

And the female ghost on the opposite side also disappeared in an instant, annihilated under the mighty power of the eyes of chaos.

Lin Fei didn't stop for a moment, and went to and fro in various battlefields.When the female ghosts were killed one by one and he rushed to the last place, the lamp bearer could no longer survive and was killed with a single blow.

Lin Fei's eyes turned, and the female ghost who was about to enter the conceptual body state couldn't dodge it, and immediately dissipated into green smoke.

Fear spread uncontrollably in everyone's hearts.

Although the fifth wave of offensive is over, three of the fourth-level human-devil lamp masters have fallen, so how difficult will it be next?

"If there are still several ghosts attacking at the same time, and the intensity is stronger than the previous wave...we can't stop it!" Ye Wudi looked serious, and he didn't shy away from the current situation, which made everyone feel heavy.

Three lamp masters have already died, which is a heavy blow and weakens their combat power.And the female ghost will definitely become stronger, or even weirder, when she strikes again.Under the ebb and flow, how can we resist?

And if you can't even survive the sixth wave, you need Ye Wudi to sacrifice himself and urge a trace of extreme power to end, then the seventh wave... really has nothing to think about, except for Lin Fei, everyone else is waiting to die Bar.

Lin Fei didn't say a word, but his spiritual consciousness was in full swing, and he carefully sensed any slight changes in his surroundings under a high degree of concentration.

"There is still no sense of danger, this is not normal." As soon as he had such a thought, he sensed an extremely faint sense of danger.

Lin Fei's eyes froze, and he felt that things were getting weirder!

His divine sense is extremely keen, and he can detect the clue when the female ghost makes a move.But according to the law, the offensive of the sixth wave is definitely stronger than that of the fifth wave, but why did this dangerous aura become so weak?

Immediately afterwards, Lin Fei's expression suddenly changed, and he turned to look at the little boy.

The little boy who had been sheltered by him earlier had a pale and distorted face, as if he was enduring great pain.He looked at Lin Fei with extremely helpless, desperate, and terrified eyes, and a lot of blood immediately flowed from his mouth and nose.

The scarlet blood couldn't be stopped at all, and there were even fragments of organs mixed in it!

"Ah!" Someone beside him screamed in fright, and a group of aborigines scattered like crazy, far away from the little boy.

Ji Yaoguang and the others also changed their expressions. The change in front of them came so suddenly without any warning.Even now, they don't know how the female ghost attacked!

Lin Fei slapped his palm across the air, and struck out the Heaven Seal of Yuqing's Unparalleled Evil.


The vast clear light condensed into one, forming a mysterious big seal, which was directly sealed towards the little boy, trying to suppress him together with the strange changes in his body.

But it was too late.

The little boy's internal organs had been completely emptied, and the faint dangerous aura dissipated without a trace.And his soul died at the same time as his body...

The boy who had previously shouted "Uncle Immortal, save me" was moved to the point of crying, thankful for the boy who survived.

But he died so miserable and painful, and in the end he was still in the shadow of boundless fear.

"what is this?"

"How did the female ghost do it!"

"It's over, it's over..." A woman's face was pale, and she said tremblingly, "I can't understand it at all, this ghost is omnipotent! We are all dead!"

Lin Fei's heart was full of murderous intent, and his face became more and more cold: "It is directly attacking the internal organs from within the body."

He lost a hand with poor information.

Although he sensed the faint dangerous aura, Lin Fei didn't immediately realize what it meant.His reaction was actually extremely fast, but it was a pity that he was still a little slow after all.

After Lin Fei's words fell, everyone's faces became paler and everyone was in danger.

They also saw the previous scene, and they didn't have the slightest chance of struggling to survive.The female ghost directly appeared in the body and attacked the internal organs, how to survive?

The luck of misfortune is that this time there are no more ghosts.

"Save..." At this moment, another person showed a terrified look, and spit out blood, which was also mixed with organ fragments.

But this time, Lin Fei's gaze was extremely decisive, and he struck out like lightning!

He has been thoroughly irritated.

This source of pollution that distorts the plane of the universe has repeatedly acted violently in front of him.

Lin Fei showed no mercy, not even any sealing technique, but a complete kill.

Six Destroying Yin-Yang and Tai Chi Diagrams!

Thanks to his exquisite and subtle ability, this picture did not hurt the middle-aged man who was attacked by the female ghost, but directly melted into his body, blasting and killing the white spirit body in his chest.

But at this moment, Lin Fei's face changed slightly.

Because the female ghost has perfectly merged with the person being attacked, merged into one, the whole white spirit body disappeared, and merged into the flesh and bones of the person!

Lin Fei's move did not target the victim, but gave the female ghost a chance to escape.Instantly blend into the victim's body to avoid the ultimate move, and then leave the body like lightning, disappearing immediately!


The middle-aged man spat out blood and fell to the ground, his pupils gradually losing focus.

Lin Fei pressed his palm on his chest, and the emerald green waves rippled layer by layer.There are even radiant flowers and plants growing rapidly, sprouting, stretching their bodies, and fluttering in the wind, containing majestic vitality.

The middle-aged man thought he would die, but he didn't expect to be dragged back from the gate of hell.

But Lin Fei's face became more and more ugly.

He has already realized how terrifying and difficult this sixth wave of attack is.If the ghost is not attacked together with the victim, it will not be enough to kill it!

But at this moment, Ji Yaoguang's face suddenly changed, and then "wow" spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"You're looking for death!" Lin Fei was frightened and angry, and he flew up suddenly, all the power of the six extinctions was concentrated on his fist, and blatantly slammed into Ji Yaoguang's chest.

Under the terrified eyes of everyone, his divine thoughts resounded through the heaven and earth: "Yao Guang, trust me! You will not die!"

With Lin Fei's punch, the six reincarnation patterns rotated.

Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist, wipe out everything!


Ji Yaoguang's chest was blown apart, and he was directly twisted into the six paths of reincarnation.There was also a twisted and deformed white spirit body screaming and being evaporated into a large cloud of green smoke.

A group of aborigines watched with horror.

Lin Fei's body was filled with immortal light, and the six reincarnation diagrams became more and more solid, and they merged into one, obliterating the spirit body!

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