I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 893 Silver Winged Roc?What hybrid?

Hearing this, everyone changed their expressions.

"Dark Gaia? Is there still Light Gaia? Is there any difference between them?" You Yue asked.

"Well," Lin Fei nodded slightly, "Dark Gaia doesn't want the plane to return to the multiverse, because once it returns, it means that it will be erased. It wants to keep its own existence, so it tried every means to stop this plane from returning to the multiverse." sublimation."

"Whether there are heroes or heroes in this plane, they will not be recognized by it. It will only attract jealousy, and try to suppress them in every possible way to prevent them from completing the feat of sublimation. This is the name of darkness. Because of this, it is no longer a fair and just existence at all, and it is full of darkness that oppresses everything."

Xiangling showed horror, and couldn't help asking: "But the way of heaven is a combination of order and regularization, which guarantees the existence of a stable core of multiple planes! Even if it is a small way of heaven that was born on a single plane, it is not enough. Is that so?"

Lin Fei shook his head and said with a sneer, "Is Dark Gaia considered heavenly? No, at best, it is a thief who sneaks in when the master is not at home. Or a program that is temporarily out of the master's control, and a little intelligence is born from it. , just want to fight for independence."

"As for Bright Gaia...it refers to the Gaia consciousness born in the plane, and it still wants to return to the embrace of the multiverse. Its existence has long maintained order and fairness, and even sacrificed itself to return to the multiverse. .”

"And the reason why the dark Gaia here wants to stop us is because we leave with the broken plane of the water blue star, and the plane it is in is reduced to the bottom. The bottom is the most eroded, and this is it not wanting to see."

"Of course, it's also possible that it wants to obtain the secret of our plane's sublimation and move towards higher levels. Slowing down the speed at which the plane is completely engulfed is to prolong its existence."

Everyone suddenly realized, but they were also full of endless worries about the current situation.

Dark Gaia... what a terrifying existence!

It is struggling for its life, who knows what it can do?

"Don't worry, it's also in the rules and regulations. It can't do it yourself. At most, you can use some small tricks. The only pity is that luck is an attribute value in the multiverse, which can be regarded as good fortune under the rules of multidimensional heaven. It's useless here." After Lin Fei said all this, he ignored the dark existence that was peeping in the dark.

He unfolded his consciousness and covered the entire new world.

This is obviously a world of the monster race, where there is no technology, only cultivation.

It's a pity that the plane was damaged, causing the spiritual energy in the world to be extremely thin.After all, it's just a broken world, and you can't ask for more.

The area is only about 1000 million square kilometers. Although the data sounds huge, you must know that the city of Chengdu on the earth has 885.6 million square kilometers.Let alone a cosmic plane, even a planet or a continent, the area is pitifully small.

And when Lin Fei and others were observing the world of the monster race, the monster race in this world was also observing them.

"That's... a broken world sublimated from the lower plane?!"

"How did they do it? No, I have to know that!"

"Stop! You can't find death? You clearly know that the sky will not tolerate it, but you still dare to ascend to the plane. Don't forget what happened to those powerful seniors!"

"This time is different from the past. If the plane sinks, even the sky will perish. How can it remain indifferent?"

Many people had disputes, but after all, a group of monsters came from the sky.

Some of them took human form, while others remained in their original form.

The wings of a giant bird are ten meters wide, and the whole body is silver, as if poured from silver water, full of terrifying power.Under the flapping of its wings, the strong wind surged, and the sound of the sonic boom was blatantly transmitted, and a pair of cold eyes stared at Lin Fei.

A group of aborigines erupted in an uproar, filled with fear.

What kind of world did he come to? Why did he meet such a legendary monster?


A gust of wind hit their faces, and the aborigines of Shuilanxing were blown up and down, and some even rolled on the ground several times.

The silver-winged giant bird's eyes were cold, but when it came to the broken plane of the water blue star, it immediately revealed a look of surprise.

"This...! This face is not under the jurisdiction of the sky, and the rules are intact, so you don't have to worry about being swallowed by the original dark breath!" It was extremely shocked in its heart, and then showed a greedy look.

Here... It's a dreamlike wonderland!

"Aliens," the giant silver-winged bird sneered and sent out divine thoughts, looking at everyone, "this fairyland does not belong to you. I show mercy and give you the last gift, get out!"

Lin Fei and the others were completely restrained, and none of them had the absurd behavior of exuding the aura of immortals and demons at any time, scaring the aborigines to their knees and not daring to show their aura.From the perspective of the silver-winged giant bird, although they are dressed in strange clothes and their auras look different from the natives of the water blue planet, they are still ants after all.

He did feel that he was very merciful for not directly treating foreign races as food.If other monsters were here, I'm afraid they would be swallowed up as food.

However, Lin Fei just glanced at the silver-winged giant bird lightly, and said indifferently: "If not, so what?"

The silver-winged giant bird was a little surprised, but he didn't expect the other party to know how to communicate with spiritual thoughts.

The civilizations in the world are different, and the ants in their world can also communicate with spirits?

This is very possible, after all, the silver-winged giant bird has never been to other planes, and it is not known what the difference will be.

This kind of thought just flashed by, and the silver-winged giant bird's eyes froze, as if deeply humiliated: "Alien, do you know who you are talking to? I am the son of the silver-winged old Peng king, the third king of Peng Prince!"

He exuded a terrifying aura all over his body, and immediately made all the mortals tremble as if they were frail, their faces were pale, and their scalps were numb, as if they had seen a ferocious scene like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Lin Fei finally revealed a surprised gaze.

The third prince of King Peng suddenly showed a contemptuous look, thinking that the ant really knows how powerful it is.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei glanced at Ye Wudi and asked, "Have you heard of the silver-winged roc?"

"No," Ye Wudi was very sure, and after some thought, he guessed: "Maybe it's a hybrid? For example, a vassal race born from the combination of a golden-winged roc with an impure bloodline and a silver-winged bird?"

The third prince of King Peng's eyes widened immediately, and a silver-white blazing light suddenly radiated from his whole body, with murderous aura surging to the sky, bursting with anger.

Damn, what is a hybrid? !

"You're looking for death!" The Third Prince of King Peng had a fierce expression on his face, and he swung his right wing brazenly, cutting off a bright silver light, which was as sharp and terrifying as a heavenly knife.

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