I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 894 Golden Winged Roc?very delicious

Faced with such a fierce blow, Lin Fei just stretched out his hand lightly to meet it.

Seeing this scene, the nearby monsters all sneered in their hearts and shook their heads endlessly.

"The third prince of the Peng King has already cultivated the Mahayana realm. Once the Mahayana comes out, all dharmas will wither, and a mere ant dares to greet him with his hands. It's really life-or-death."

"Why bother? The third prince has already spoken, and it is a great gift to bypass their lives. A group of ants really can't clarify their identities, and death is not a pity."

"Hehe, Yaogui has self-knowledge. Such a lunatic who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth dares to offend the third prince. I only hope that the third prince will not kill them all, and get some useful news from it."

These monsters were afraid of the strength of the third prince of King Peng, and they didn't dare to offend him.After all, this is a broken plane that has been promoted, and it is extremely magical. I don't know what secrets are hidden and whether there is any good fortune.

If the third prince identified him as an enemy who robbed the opportunity, he would die in an instant.

Even the Mahayana strong can only keep silent, not daring to step forward to fight.Firstly, he was afraid of the terrifying combat power of the third prince at the same level, and secondly, he was even more afraid of the mighty figure behind him...

The strongest star in Xuanxing, the Silver Winged Roc King!

All in all, in the eyes of these monsters, Lin Fei was going to die no matter what, and everyone had predicted his desolate end.


Under Lin Fei's palm, the third prince of King Peng showed an extremely horrified expression.His bright silver wings, which were as sharp as a heavenly knife, were blown to pieces by a single palm.Countless broken silver feathers shot out like fairy swords, forming a terrifying death storm!

"Ah!" The third prince screamed, looking at Lin Fei in horror, his eyes widened, his whole body trembling.

There was a sudden deathly silence.

This scene was so sudden that the monsters watching around were stunned!

Immediately afterwards, they felt a chill.

what's the situation?

As strong as the third prince of King Peng in the early days of Mahayana, half of his wings were shattered by that man's slap? !

You must know that the third prince belongs to the family of silver-winged rocs, and he was born with extraordinary power in his physical body.Even in the juvenile stage when the silver wings have just grown, each feather is a sharp weapon that can easily cut through mountains and rocks.

Growing to the Mahayana realm means that every feather is a magic weapon.When the thousand feathers are shot, it is like thousands of sharp flying swords coming out, each of which is not inferior to the magic weapon of the Mahayana period!

Thousands of Mahayana Qi flying swords are coming out, who can stop them?

However, the third prince of King Peng who was so powerful was understated by Lin Fei, and he even slapped his wings with a slap that didn't use much strength...

The most frightening thing was that the group of people behind Lin Fei still looked indifferent, as if...all this is so natural?

"It should be a fart!" A giant golden centipede exploded on the spot, and felt a burst of doubt "Chongsheng", "Then he is the third prince of King Peng, and it is only natural to slap his wings!" ?!"

How could such a terrifying powerhouse emerge from a low plane without any aura?

"Ant, how dare you hurt me?!" The third prince of King Peng was furious, as if he had been greatly humiliated.

This made everyone a little surprised. After all, he was obviously not Lin Fei's opponent. How could he dare to be so arrogant under such circumstances?Shouldn't you apologize and beg for mercy?

Lin Fei seemed to have seen through everything, and said indifferently: "If there is any other way, let's use it together."

The third prince was secretly startled, but still ruthless, and immediately sacrificed a silver feather.It is about three feet long, cold and sharp, with a fiery silver light flowing through its body, and its murderous aura soars to the sky.

"It's a feather from the Silver Winged Old Peng King!"

"What a terrifying killing intent, as if to kill everything in this world!"

"Hiss... Is this the feather that the old King Peng of the Immortal Realm refined with his own hands?"

"Hey, it seems that the alien race is doomed. The son of the old Peng King dared to offend him, so what if he was a stronger Mahayana cultivator? It's a pity that he will die in the end."

Under the envious eyes of the group of monsters, the third prince let out a loud shout, and instantly let the silver feather shoot out.


A bucket-like silver light rushed fiercely, and it was already in front of Lin Fei in an instant, like a silver horse streaking across the air.The murderous aura soared to the sky, swallowing silver lights, like a mad dragon coming out of a hole.

However, facing such a ferocious blow, Lin Fei just stretched out his hand lightly and shook it.

Under the gaze of countless horrified eyes, he actually stopped the silver feather sword with one hand.And there is a blazing divine light in his hand, refining the mighty power of this sword, and even erasing even a trace of the brand on it.

The audience was in an uproar, completely boiling!

The third prince of King Peng was almost suffocated, and looked at Lin Fei as if he had seen a ghost.It was a fairy artifact refined from a piece of feather of the father, how could it be taken away so easily by others?Even if one's own cultivation base is not good, the power that can be displayed is limited, but this is too outrageous, right?

"You...return my father's fairy weapon to me!" He forced himself to be calm, thinking that the other party must be afraid of Lao Peng Wang, and sternly reprimanded him.

"Is this worthy of being called a fairy artifact?" Lin Fei shook his head, and casually threw it to Ji Yaoguang, "If you talk about species such as phoenixes and golden-winged rocs, they have cultivated into immortals, and the feathers on their bodies can barely be regarded as immortals." The Immortal Artifact. As for this thing..."

"It breaks as soon as it is folded, it is unsightly."

The group of monsters were shocked, and the third prince's eyes widened even more, and he had the urge to "breathe fragrance out of his mouth" on the spot.

Phoenix?Golden Winged Roc?

Grass!This mythical beast that only exists in legends, can it be compared?

What is the origin of this person, and why does he speak so loudly, commenting on the feathers of divine beasts at every turn?

"It's ridiculous, it's as if you have been in contact with it, and you're not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue!" The third prince sneered.

"Contact?" Lin Fei shook his head, "I even plucked the golden sparrow... oh no, I plucked the hair of the golden-winged roc, and stewed one. The taste is not bad, the meat is firm, elastic, with The unique fragrance, especially the brittle bone part, is endless aftertaste."

The audience was amazed!

The third prince even had tens of thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart, and it was in a mess.

What Lin Fei said was true, but it sounded too ridiculous to them, causing a burst of unpleasant curses.

"Serious nonsense, I almost believed my mother!"

"I believe you ghost! You alien race is very bad! You still speak clearly and logically, making it look like the real thing!"

"I'm convinced. It's not like I haven't seen someone who can brag, and I haven't seen him who can brag like this..."

"Tsk tsk, isn't it good to be alive? It's fine to seriously injure the third prince, but if you dare to arrange the ancestors of the silver-winged roc like this, are you really afraid of being killed by the old roc king?"

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