"You—" the third prince of King Peng was furious, wishing to tear Lin Fei in front of him to pieces.

It's just that through previous fights, he already knows that he is not an opponent.

He hated secretly in his heart, and said in his heart that if his father was not in seclusion, where would it be the turn of a foreign human to act wildly?

"You wait for me, I will invite my father!" The third prince sneered, and wanted to leave after saying a harsh word.

"Stop, am I letting you go?" Lin Fei's cold voice came from behind, which suddenly made his hair stand on end.As if being stared at by a prehistoric wild beast, the overwhelming terrifying aura came from behind, as if it was going to crush him on the spot.

Both legs of the third prince were trembling slightly. Feeling the biting killing intent, he turned his head stiffly and said in a trembling voice, "What... do you want?"

Lin Fei glanced at him lightly, with a calm look: "Let us go when you come up, you want to plunder this plane and drive us out. If you don't follow suit, you will become murderous and want to Kill them all."

"What? When I am air, I can come and leave whenever I want?"

All the monsters stared at this scene, and suddenly felt that there was a good show to watch.

This human male... is very powerful!

Through the previous feather, he should know that there is a terrible backer behind the third prince.In this case, shouldn't we restrain ourselves a bit, give the other party a little step, and strive for peaceful coexistence?

"Could it be possible...he is not afraid of the Silver Winged Old Peng King?"

"Hiss, if that's the case, I really don't know whether to say that he is highly skilled and daring, or that he is reckless!"

The group of monsters had their own thoughts in their hearts, but they were extremely silent on their faces, and they dared not criticize them.

After all... Whether it is Lin Fei, an outsider, or King Silver Winged Roc, they are not existences that they can provoke.

The third prince was extremely aggrieved, but he was so angry that he didn't dare to attack.After feeling Lin Fei's true and terrifying killing intent, he lowered his head in humiliation, and said bluntly: "This junior was impulsive and offended seniors, and I hope you will forgive me."

Lin Fei said indifferently: "The apology is not sincere, just kill it."

He said lightly, "Just kill it", but it caused an uproar!

The person he wants to kill is the son of King Silver Wing Dapeng, how can this nima speak so casually? !

The third prince was terrified: "Wait! Then what do you want?"

Lin Fei said without hesitation: "Kneel down and kowtow."

At this moment, the group of monsters were completely stunned, and even a little numb.

The golden centipede was stunned for a while, and finally murmured: "Ruthless... fierce..."

The third prince exploded on the spot and roared angrily: "Human beings, don't bully the demon too much! My father is the king of the silver-winged roc, the strongest of the third and ninth ranks of human immortals! Even if you are also human immortals, you should offend me so much Father, there is only one dead end in front of him!"

After his words fell, even Ji Yaoguang, You Yue and others were surprised.

Human Immortal third rank ninth rank... Such a profound cultivation base is indeed terrifying.

In this world where spiritual energy is thin, it is really not easy to have such a cultivation base.

But it was just a surprise.

Lin Fei couldn't help being a little surprised, and narrowed his eyes slightly, guessing that there might be some secrets in it.Could it be that this silver-winged old Peng Wang lived long enough to practice cultivation even in an era when the aura of the plane was extremely abundant?

He just thought about it for a while, and the third prince saw that he was silent and thoughtful, and suddenly laughed: "What? You know you are afraid now? It's okay, I will show mercy to you, Prince. If you kneel down and give I kowtow three times, and I am willing to be the pet of my silver-winged roc clan, and I can also ask my father to keep you—"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a cold voice: "Noisy!"


Immediately after that was a fierce palm, the third prince fell to his knees with a "plop", almost blowing his head off.

The group of demons looked terrified.

The third prince was directly stunned by the beating, his brain was buzzing, his eyes were dark, but when he opened his eyes, it was dark, and he almost passed out on the spot.

"Kneel here honestly. Repay it with your exact words - today I will also show mercy, as long as you are willing to serve as a mount, I can still save your life." Lin Fei's tone was without fireworks, but he was very angry. The prince almost vomited blood on the spot!

What the hell is going on with this guy? Is there something wrong with his brain?

Hearing that my father is so fierce, why would he dare to be so arrogant?

"Is it because I don't know how to write the word fear, or how to write the word death?!" The third prince roared aggrieved in his heart, but he was completely frightened and forced to kneel obediently, not daring to show any dissatisfaction.

The third prince can see it clearly... The master in front of him is so fierce that he is not afraid at all!If he was really going to get angry, he would absolutely dare to kill himself!

"Okay, just wait for me and see how arrogant you are when my father comes!" He was submissive on the surface, but punched hard in his heart.

None of the Yaozu present dared to act recklessly, for fear of being regarded as a "treacher".

What a joke, what if Lin Fei decides that he is going to ask Lao Peng Wang to go out to deal with him, and he is slapped into a blood mist?Who should I ask for reason?

No one thought that Lin Fei would look around the group of monsters.When all the monsters were bowing their heads and beating drums in their hearts, he said: "Tell King Silver Winged Roc that I have taken his son as a mount. If you are not convinced, just come and fight."


The whole audience exploded for a while.


What a fucking madman!

Hearing such words, the third prince was filled with grief and indignation for a moment, so annoyed and ashamed that he almost passed out on the spot.

It's just that no one dared to inform the Silver Winged Roc King about Lin Fei's bold words.I'm afraid that the powerful man in front of him is playing hard to get, if he really wants to stand up and ask for help for the third prince, what if he will be regarded as an accomplice and killed?

Although there is no such thing as "phishing law enforcement" in this world, similar things have always been seen.

"I'll count to three, and I'll kill anyone who doesn't report." Lin Fei seemed to see through their thoughts, and his spiritual thoughts were extremely calm, without any fluctuations.

"Three, two, one."

When Lin Fei counted to "one", the audience scattered like birds and beasts, and there was a scene of chickens flying and dogs jumping.There are birds whose feathers are still fluttering in the air, fluttering and flapping their wings, dogs howling and running wildly with their tails between their legs, and even a bird that doesn't even care about its own eggs, flying so fast...

This remaining plane is too small, with an area of ​​only 1000 million square kilometers.Soon, a group of monsters came to the cave of the Silver-winged Roc King, and there was chaos outside the small world, and the spiritual thoughts of all the monsters gathered together.


Immediately afterwards, a silver light shot up into the sky, and an extremely burly human figure was bathed in the light.

That pair of golden pupils were extremely cold, with a sharp and murderous intent.

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