I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 896: All Frightened Silly

The silver-winged roc king was bathed in the divine light, his long silver hair was loose, flying in the wind.On the pair of outstretched silver wings, the feathers are like fairy swords, full of cold metal texture.

His face was sharp and sharp like a knife and an axe, and he was extremely stern. He looked like a middle-aged strong man, not angry but arrogant.

The silver-winged Laopeng King raised his head, and saw Lin Fei standing in the wind on the "hanging city" in the distance, with his hands behind his back, looking at him calmly.

"How courageous! Someone still dares to bully my son!" He laughed back in anger, never expecting such absurd thing to happen.

Sublimation of the lowest plane?

And there is such a strong man who dares to make his son kneel down to apologize, and even wants to take him as a mount? !

The silver-winged rocs look down upon the entire plane, apart from being oppressed by the heavens, have they ever suffered such humiliation?

There was no movement of the silver-winged old Peng Wang, and there was a "chi" under his feet, and a silver light road was extended.

The silver light avenue is like a long river passing through the sky and the earth, the group of monsters didn't even react, the old Peng Wang had descended into the Hanging City at the end of the silver light avenue.

As soon as he arrived here, the old Peng Wang was secretly shocked in his heart, and the light in his eyes was shining brightly.

Out of the control of the sky, the rules are complete, and it is not disturbed by the dark breath...  

This plane must be taken!

This is the root of life, the only pure land in this endless darkness!

"Father, you are finally here!" The third prince was so excited that he stood up and shouted in a hurry, "This foreign race is so bold, he deserves death! How can he be the king's favorite?" What an honor? Xuan Xingxing has so many monster races fighting for his head, even his cultivation level is not qualified!"

"He doesn't know good from bad, and even wants me to kneel down to apologize, and wants me to be his mount! Our silver-winged roc clan is so arrogant, how have we ever been so humiliated?!"

Old Peng Wang looked extremely cold, with the air of a king, looked at Lin Fei coldly and said: "Kneel down, and use your hands and feet. This king spares you and accepts you as a favor."

Facing his arrogant arrogance, even Ji Yaoguang couldn't help it: "Is that how you are a father? Your son wants us to get out, and if he doesn't do what he wants, he will kill him and clamor for someone to accept Pet, if you don't teach me—"

"Ants, shut up!" Old Peng Wang's eyes were as sharp as knives, and there were two materialized silver lights "chucking" out of his pupils, rushing like a fairy sword, wanting to kill Ji Yaoguang!

Ji Yaoguang's face turned pale in an instant, feeling the fear of death.

Before everyone could even exclaim in surprise, Lin Fei stretched out his hand and swept it in the void.

The two silver glows were drawn by the invisible majestic air force, drew a circle in mid-air, and then gradually collapsed.

"You're looking for death." Lin Fei took a deep look at Lao Peng Wang, his tone was extremely peaceful.

"Sure enough, it's no wonder you dare to be so arrogant. It's a pity that you met me." Old Peng Wang was extremely proud, and he had no regrets for what he had done before, "That woman is just an ant, and she dared to point fingers at me , will surely die, you——can’t stop it!"

The last three words are sonorous and powerful, full of absolute domineering and arrogance.

The old Peng Wang was astonishingly imposing, and brazenly used his fingers to grab Ji Yaoguang's face.

This blow was extremely ferocious, even on a higher plane with stable order and rules, a single claw could destroy a mountain!

The silver light is dazzling, condensed into a huge roc claw, which seems to tear the sky and the earth apart.

However, Lin Fei was not polite, and just kicked up.


The silver light exploded, filling the sky with radiance.

Lin Fei was not interested in confronting Lao Peng Wang, he just wanted to conquer him quickly and obtain information about Dark Gaia from this plane.


Six Destroyers: Heavenly Demon Flame Dance.


With one kick, six patterns of reincarnation appeared, and hundreds of flaming mad dragons roared and rushed towards Lao Peng Wang brazenly.

King Lao Peng spread his wings, and thousands of silver feathers shot out.


Each silver feather has a divine light as thick as a bucket, exuding an incomparably fierce sword light.The murderous aura soared into the sky, and at first glance, it looked like a sea of ​​swords, about to pierce through the world.

Just that power made everyone almost suffocate.The group of monsters watching from afar also had their scalps tingling, and some even gasped, feeling desperate and frightened by the mighty power of the Old Peng King.


The world was extremely chaotic, countless flaming dragons and silver swords collided and destroyed each other.

Under such circumstances, Lin Fei walked through it impressively, and made a move that shocked everyone.


He actually used his hands to regret the rain of silver lights and swords in the sky, and even made a series of deafening sounds of gold and iron intersecting.

Old Peng Wang's pupils contracted sharply, and he clearly saw that a silver flying sword was split into two under Lin Fei's palm.He was unmoved even by the numerous flying swords slashing at him.

The flying sword slashed at Lin Fei's body one after another, making a series of clanging sounds like striking iron, leaving some white marks.

Lin Fei didn't even use the Heavenly Demon Transformation or the Xuanxian Transformation. Relying on the terrifying physique of the incomplete Chaos Body, he resisted the killing technique of the Old Peng King with a gap of five small realms!

"Fuck! He's not bragging! Earlier he said that Lao Peng Wang's feather sword was vulnerable and would break if it was folded... Is this fucking true?"

"Oh my god, isn't this too scary? The lowest plane doesn't even have aura, so how could there be such a terrifying powerhouse?"

"Hiss...I have a bold guess—you say, could he be an Ascender?!"

There was a sudden sensation in the audience, and countless monster monks changed their expressions.


Although Xuan Xingxing had a legend about the Ascender, it was just a legend.

But if it's really an ascender... that would be terrifying.

It's hard for them to imagine how courageous it is to dare to break into these layers of time and space fragments in a vain attempt to go to the legendary Great Desolate Continent?

And just as everyone was thinking, Lin Fei approached Lao Peng Wang outrageously, and slapped him with his palm.

This blow seemed to fall from the void outside the sky, the aura of the golden palm was violent and violent, and it was about to blow up the hanging city.

"Dare to compete with my silver-winged roc clan in the physical body, I can't control myself—" Old Peng Wang couldn't utter a word of divine sense, but was slapped away by this palm, and spit out a "poof" Puff silver blood.

Under the horrified gazes of the audience, Old Peng Wang was grabbed by Lin Fei, and then slammed into the ground.


Like a comet hitting the earth, Old Peng Wang hit the ground of a black star.The terrifying fluctuations swept away, directly leveling the mountains and evaporating the lakes.

The smoke and dust gathered in the sky, like a mushroom cloud rising.

The third prince watched this scene, his legs suddenly softened, and he knelt down again.

The group of monsters was speechless and speechless for a long time.

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