Lao Pengwang's blood surged for a while, his head was dizzy, and his footsteps were sloppy.

But Lin Fei didn't stop there, but fell from the sky like a star.

He raised his right leg calmly, then stepped down abruptly.


The void roared and trembled, and this leg was like a giant ax chopping down from the sky, carrying an endless fierce and fierce aura, as if it wanted to split the old Peng Wang into two pieces on the spot.

The Heavenly Demon Sovereign steps on.

Old Peng Wang let out a roar, his eyes were about to burst.Facing the unavoidable violent blow, he could only fold his wings together, and block it towards the top of his head.

The energy and blood in his body surged violently, and the vast silver qi was condensed, brilliant to the extreme.

Unfortunately, it was in vain after all.


With a loud noise, Lao Peng Wang's wings shattered and his body sank.

With a look of fear on his face, he spit out a big mouthful of blood with a "poof", his legs bent, and immediately fell to his knees with a "poof".

Lin Fei just stepped on top of his head calmly, letting the strong wind blow up the smoke and dust, causing his clothes to fly.It seems that instead of defeating the Xeon of the Megatron star, he did a trivial thing.

And the majestic old Peng Wang, he stepped on the top of his head and knelt down directly.It even became a huge sunken pothole all around, about the size of a football field.

The scene in front of them was so shocking that many people's hearts beat wildly and they secretly swallowed.


So fucking fierce!

Lao Pengwang howled wildly, his anger was so extreme that he almost went mad.As an extremely rebellious and strong man, how had he ever suffered such humiliation?

"Get out!" He yelled violently, and immediately used the Tianpeng Fighting Dragon Art, and his silvery giant claws slammed towards Lin Fei, trying to tear him apart.

That giant claw covered the sky and the earth, as if it could cover the sky with one hand, it contained the meaning of wildness and boundless killing intent.

Even after this claw was shot, a strange image could still be seen faintly.

It is a golden-winged roc with cold eyes and extremely powerful, fighting with the real dragon in the wild world.

"Hiss! It turned out to be Tianpengbo Dragon Art!"

"The deepest bloodline inheritance of the Peng clan is said to be understood only by the golden-winged roc. He actually comprehended such a great killing technique?!"

"This technique can fight the legendary mythical beast and true dragon, and its power is unparalleled!"

Countless monster clans were shocked. They never expected that the old Peng King would have such a terrifying talent, and he would comprehend the legendary dragon-slaying technique!

This is not an exaggeration, deliberately giving a tall name to fool others.Because the person who created this technique was the ancient golden-winged roc in the Great Desolate Continent, the five-clawed golden dragon who once tore apart the Golden Immortal Realm, made the Great Desolate Continent rain like waterfalls of blood, and thousands of miles of people mourned together.

From their point of view, since Old Peng Wang had performed such a terrifying killing technique, the outcome was really a matter of opinion.

Although Lin Fei had always had the upper hand before, how terrible is the Tianpeng Bo Dragon Art?

With this in mind, the group of monsters stared at the battlefield.


Lin Fei's face was indifferent, and he kicked the terrifying silver giant claws, causing a lot of exclamations, and even the strong monster clan trembled in fright on the spot, and swearing directly.

"It's impossible!" Old Peng Wang's eyes were tearing apart, unable to accept the facts in front of him.

Although he escaped with the help of this blow, he was beaten until he spit out a mouthful of blood.

But it seems that Lao Pengwang's mental blow is far more than his physical body.

The old Peng Wang had already shown a cruel and cold smile the moment he made a move, anticipating that Lin Fei would be torn apart by this claw.But the reality gave him a head-on blow, and the huge gap almost drove him crazy: "How can you crack the Tianpengbo dragon technique?"

And it's just one kick!

An understatement kick!

"Tianpeng Bolongshu, do you think it is very strong?" Lin Fei shook his head and said indifferently, "Remember what I said before, did I eat a golden-winged roc? Well, it was the one who founded Tianpengbo Longshu That one."


There was an uproar at the scene, and Lao Pengwang also felt a thunder in his mind, and it went blank, unable to speak for a long time.

He ate the great power of the Peng clan who founded "Tian Peng Bo Long Shu"? !

Earlier, when Lin Fei said that he had eaten the legendary Golden Winged Roc, it already made people think it was too damn good.And now, it is even revealed that the golden-winged roc that was eaten is the most powerful genius who founded "Tianpeng Bolongshu"...

"This guy is really crazy, but he's too damn bragging!"

"I can't bear it anymore. Why can he speak so naturally and make it seem real?"

"This acting... tsk, it's amazing."

The group of demons were amazed and obviously did not believe it.

Lin Fei was also helpless.

When he acts, others often believe it;

When he told the truth, others didn't believe it.

Lao Peng Wang was also so angry that he laughed on the spot. He made it clear that he didn't believe it, but felt that the person in front of him was extremely absurd.

"Don't believe me?" Lin Fei cast a sidelong glance at him, without talking nonsense, and directly clicked a flash of inspiration.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Peng Wang suddenly showed a terrified expression!

He saw Lin Fei tearing up the golden-winged roc, bathed in the golden roc's blood, with an indifferent expression.Then he really... stewed this roc!

Even after the fall of the golden-winged roc, there were more tragic songs resounding through the heaven and earth, the blood rained continuously, and thousands of miles shared the same sorrow.

what does that mean?

This golden-winged roc is definitely a strong man in his mother's golden fairy realm, and the world will mourn together after death!

Old Peng Wang was so frightened that he was trembling all over, almost lost his voice on the spot, subconsciously took half a step back: "Who the hell are you!"

The group of monsters were stunned and looked at each other in blank dismay.They couldn't figure out what scene Lao Pengwang saw and why he lost his composure?

"Dead people don't need to know my name." Lin Fei said lightly, "Either serve as a mount, or die in body and spirit, you choose."

The third prince was almost scared out of his wits, seeing a series of things happening, he almost wanted to die.

Damn, why did you provoke this evil star?

He didn't dare to be negligent, seeing his father's expression was cloudy and uncertain, he was afraid that he would make some bad decision, so he immediately flew over with a "chi" sound.


The third prince came to Lao Peng Wang's side, knelt down to Lin Fei very simply, without the slightest hesitation or procrastination, and said anxiously: "Senior, spare your life!"

He anxiously looked at the old Peng Wang, winked all the time, and persuaded him: "Father, don't be impulsive! This senior has made great achievements and has an extraordinary background. It may be a chance to follow the senior!"

Lao Pengwang's face was extremely ugly, and he even wanted to shoot this cheating thing to death.

In the end, he sneered and took a step forward, with a rebellious and awe-inspiring look on his face, stern eyes and a majestic expression.

All the monster clans were in awe, seeing him like this, they all thought that he was going to do something that would rather die than surrender.

That's right, how can the dignified old King Peng be willing to be someone else's mount?


Old Peng King knelt down directly, raised his head, and said with a cold and arrogant face: "I am a strong human immortal, how can I kneel with Mahayana monks?"

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