I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 898 Heavenly Tribulation?happy to see

The audience was stunned.

Feelings are so high-profile, just because you feel that kneeling with your son is shameless, and you have to kneel in front to be in line with your status?

The group of monsters looked strange, and they were secretly cursing in their hearts.

However, Lin Fei didn't pay attention to so much, and directly took out two Yuan Fate Plates, and threw them to the Peng clan father and son.

The two of them were startled, but they had no choice but to "voluntarily" hand over a ray of life soul as if accepting their fate, so that Lin Fei could control their life and death with a single thought.

All the monsters were terrified in their hearts.No one could have imagined that the majestic old King Peng would end up like this.

Just when Lin Fei was going to search the old Peng Wang Shihai and learned about this broken plane, something happened.


There was a black light in Laopeng Wang's Tianling cover, and his pupils were empty and blank.

In such a situation, he slapped down brazenly with his palm, striking out abruptly, as if he wanted to kill Lin Fei.

This blow was extremely ferocious, with a violent storm of silver and black energy, even a golden-winged roc appeared, grabbing at Lin Fei's chest!

Such a sudden change shocked everyone.

The third prince was also impatient, and immediately shouted: "Father, are you crazy! Our fate is in his hands, you are looking for your own death!"

However, Lin Fei did not obliterate Lao Peng Wang's primordial spirit.

He seemed to have been prepared for a long time, but he just sneered and threw out a palm.

Yuqing is supremely saved and sealed the heavenly seal!

This palm seemed to be able to penetrate everything, and the terrifying power was enough to blow the head of Old Peng Wang.

But it just knocked back the vast energy storm and the phantom of the golden-winged roc, and turned it back into the immortal essence like an upside-down, and returned to the old king Peng.

And an incomparably mysterious jade character, which seems to condense the vast clear light, has a crystal clear jade texture, like a dream, and is directly printed on the forehead of Lao Pengwang.

Lin Fei slapped Lao Peng on the top of the head, causing the third prince to kneel down and beg for mercy. He was so anxious that he was about to cry: "Senior! My father was impulsive, spare his life, spare his life!"

Lin Fei said lightly: "Impulsive? You are wrong."

The third prince suddenly felt like a bolt from the blue, and his mind went blank.In his opinion, Lin Fei believed that his father wanted to kill him intentionally, so it would be impossible for him to survive.

But Lin Fei continued: "Your father has become a puppet, no wonder he can cultivate into an immortal in this world with thin spiritual energy. It turns out that there is Dark Gaia helping him in secret."

"Hehe," a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Dark Gaia has a big heart, and even wants to make his own puppet, and really come to this world as a life?!"

After Lin Fei's words fell, the audience was in an uproar, and many people's expressions changed.

Although the titles are different, they can basically guess from the amount of information in their words that the so-called "Dark Gaia" is what they call "Heaven"!

What the hell kind of monster exists in the sky, and even wants to come to this world in person? !

Lin Fei sneered, and the light in his palm surged, pouring into the depths of Lao Peng Wang Yuanshen, erasing a ray of dark imprint that was almost perfectly hidden.

In an instant, everyone heard a scream.

The screams were mixed with dogs, cats, bears, tigers, snakes... all kinds of animals, or the screams of the monster race itself.

Like the sound of fingernails scratching the blackboard, it faintly rang in my ears.

Immediately, the celestial phenomenon of the incomplete mysterious star changed drastically.


The dull thunder sounded, and layers of lead clouds hung down, making people feel depressed and uneasy.

The weirdest thing was that the thunder in the sky that day actually condensed into a human face.It was a woman's face, but it was full of endless anger, hatred, and resentment, with distorted facial expressions, staring at Lin Fei firmly.

Others couldn't help feeling cold and numb all over their bodies when they saw it. The fear was like a maggot on the tarsus, and they couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Lao Peng Wang regained his sanity, and even broke out in a cold sweat. Looking at the face of the thunder and lightning in the sky, he felt a burst of fear.

On the contrary, Lin Fei, who was being targeted by Dark Gaia, looked extremely indifferent.

The sky and the earth were gloomy, with strong winds sweeping and raging, flying sand and rocks all over the sky.

Lin Fei let the strong wind blow two strands of long hair on his temples, raised his head to look at the sky, and said calmly, "Come on, chop me to death."

The old Peng Wang stared wide-eyed, looked at him as if he had seen a ghost, and then backed away.

He felt that Lin Fei was looking for death, and he must not be affected by it. He never thought that if Lin Fei hadn't rescued him before, he would have fallen into a deep sleep forever.

Repay your life-saving grace?If it doesn't exist, living by yourself is the last word!


The dark thunderclouds in the sky boiled, surging like sea waves, and a vast black thunderlight already emerged.This is not the yang thunder that gave birth to a new life in the midst of the catastrophe, but the extremely terrifying yin thunder, which is extremely yin and evil, extremely terrifying.


"He's dead, don't get involved!"

"Senior, you can go at ease! Even if you are afraid that our father and son will harm your friends after you die, don't use the Yuan Fate Pan to kill us! By the way—you can give the Yuan Fate Pan to you first. Friends, you can rest assured!"

Xuan Xingxing's demon tribe was terrified by this terrible power, but Ji Yaoguang and Ye Wudi looked strange.

Ye Wudi smiled: "This dark Gaia is still too young, we have to let Tianzun teach it a lesson."

If Ye Jinli is here, I'm afraid he will feel sorry for this dark Gaia: stop it!You can't kill him like this, and he can get stronger and stronger!This is a devil who is disappointed because the catastrophe is not fierce enough, why are you provoking him? !

After all, the "young" Dark Gaia was inexperienced, and immediately dropped a thousand thunderbolts, each beam was as thick as a mountain, and even pierced through the space under the crash.

Under the shaking heads and sighs of the group of monsters, or the sneering and mocking gazes, Lin Fei took the initiative to bump into the vast thunder.

In an instant, no matter how the Yaozu reacted before, there was nothing left but shock!

I'm afraid he is crazy, rushing up to seek death like this?

"It's dead, you idiot." Old Peng Wang sneered in his heart, "Even if I am in such a thunderstorm, I'm afraid I can't last three seconds, so he--what the hell!"

The voice of the last two words, Lao Peng Wang couldn't hold back, and directly cursed out.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged in the void, bathed in the vast cloud of thunder, and even breathed out the cloud of thunder.What's even more frightening is that black and white Tai Chi patterns appeared around him from time to time, and there were six patterns in rotation.

Half of the Yin thunder was transformed into Yang thunder, forming a situation where Yin and Yang coexist!

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