I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 899 Throw away your plane, believe it or not?

Lin Fei's primordial spirit and physical body are undergoing tempering and baptism.

He was shrouded in the Tai Chi diagram of light, and this pattern was even attracting the thunder around him.The majestic and destructive energy contained in the thunder calamity has been completely transformed to achieve a delicate balance in the Taiji diagram.

Lin Fei closed his eyes and concentrated on it, as if he still forgot about himself and other things, almost instinctively refining and absorbing the vast energy in the thunder calamity, purifying himself, turning around the sky, and incorporating the sea of ​​​​qi and the primordial spirit.


Under the collision of the two attributes of Yin Lei and Yang Lei, Lin Fei naturally spread the wings of the fairy and demon behind him, exuding an aura that was more terrifying than that of Lei Jie.

Lao Pengwang was almost suffocated for a time.Only then did he realize that when Lin Fei fought against him earlier, he simply released an ocean of water...

A group of demon monks watched this scene intently, with expressions like "you are fucking kidding me" and "am I dreaming".

And Dark Gaia seemed to be enraged, and Lei Jie became more and more brutal.Even the legendary Heavenly Dao Saint Tribulation appeared, which was exaggerated to the extreme.

Finally, Ji Yaoguang couldn't hold it back, and laughed "puchi".

Lin Fei is not even afraid of the nine heavenly cloud calamity of the chaotic body, how are you still afraid of your heavenly saint calamity?

Of course, how could it be possible to create the Nine Heavenly Cloud Calamity with just the dark Gaia on a broken small plane?She even suspected that just using the Heavenly Dao Saint Tribulation had already hurt Dark Gaia.

The power of the Heavenly Dao Saint Jie is extremely terrifying, and there are even special tests to sharpen the Heavenly Dao Saint, including the double pupils and the mighty power of the sacred bone condensed by Thunder.In a flash of robbery, everything is destroyed, and a small world is opened up.

There are also four elephants, five elements and eight trigrams runes, each of which is bright and the size of a stone mill, coming towards Lin Fei Town.

The entire Xuan Xingxing was dumbfounded!

"Father, how long can you last under such a thunderstorm?" The third prince swallowed, looked at the scene in front of him, and murmured.

"Persevere?" Old Peng Wang squeezed out a very difficult smile, and could no longer bear the urge to explode, "Persevere! This thunder flashes, and I will be wiped out! Damn, how can there be such a thing in this world?" Such a terrifying catastrophe?"

"Isn't that unreasonable? Can any creature survive this kind of catastrophe? Can a divine beast do it? Although I have never seen a divine beast, I always feel that a divine beast can't stand it..."

Xuan Xingxing has never left the Heavenly Dao Sacred Throne.Maybe there was once, but it is no longer in the records, it is too long ago, no one knows.After all, a sage of the Dao of Heaven was born with the favor of the Dao of Heaven and the condensation of great luck, but the plane where the mysterious star is located has been abandoned by the Dao of Heaven, so what favor is there?

Therefore, let alone seeing this kind of thunder calamity, even they have never heard of it!

If anyone kept saying that there was such a thunder disaster before seeing it with their own eyes, they would definitely be dismissed as a joke.

But there was such a thunder disaster in front of him.

What's even more frightening is that Lin Fei actually resisted such a thunder calamity, and even broke through...in it.

Immortal third rank fifth rank!

Suddenly, the vast thunder light in the sky stopped for a moment.

Everyone had strange thoughts in their hearts.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that Dark Gaia feels that something is wrong, and she is a bit retreating...

But Lin Fei frowned, not happy.

In front of everyone, he brazenly rushed into the thunder clouds and threw himself towards the thunder pool.

"My dear mother!"

"This is too fierce, isn't he still a demon? Uh, it seems wrong, he is not a demon..."

"Damn it, it makes my blood boil, I wish I could kill two monsters!"

The Yaozu boiled again and again, and in the long period of depression and despair, they had almost never been so enthusiastic as they are today.Lin Fei's arrival, from a certain point of view, brought a touch of color to the lifeless world.

But Youyue and the other lantern envoys stared blankly at all this, already numb.

Even more absurd things happened again.

The thundercloud was afraid of being caught by Lin Fei, and immediately began to dissipate out of thin air, always giving people the illusion that Dark Gaia was running away in desperation.

"Go on, don't stop. Aren't you going to hack me to death, so stop now?" Lin Fei was so disappointed that he even shook his head and sighed, feeling extremely regretful.

"If you continue to hack, you will be able to break through to the third and sixth layers of Human Immortal. Why did you stop?" Lin Fei looked uninterested, as if the words "You are so boring" were written all over his face. .

Petrochemical all over.

Clothes!Capitalized clothes!

Even some shameless Yaozu knelt down on the spot, crying and shouting to hug their thighs.The Yaozu who originally thought that Old Peng Wang had been humiliated did not sympathize with him at this time, but were full of envy and jealousy.

Fuck, what's wrong with being a mount if you can follow such a fierce man?

He can lead a plane to rise, who said that he can't continue to create such miracles?Staying here can only wait for death in despair, maybe there will be a chance to follow him, and even go to the legendary Great Desolate Continent and become an unimaginable strong man?

"Lao Peng Wang, if you don't want to follow this senior, why don't you come with me instead?" There was a beautiful female canary demon with a melodious and clear voice, even eyeing Lin Fei.

"Hmph!" Old Peng Wang sneered, "You juniors are also qualified to serve my master?"

Canary was stunned, and the other monster races were also stunned, and they scolded him shamelessly in their hearts.

Damn it, how long has it been? You don't even call out seniors, and you just open your mouth to be the master?


However, at this moment, strands of clouds and mist gathered in the sky, forming a row of mysterious star-shaped characters.

Lin Fei couldn't understand it, and couldn't even capture the information of his divine sense, so he couldn't understand it.

It was like an "accidental" celestial change, "unintentionally" formed such a scene, and there was no spiritual fluctuation of monks to convey information.

But obviously, this is not a natural celestial change, but the manipulation of Dark Gaia.

Afterwards, he saw that the group of monsters had different expressions, and even looked at each other, as if they were looking for each other with their eyes.

"What do you mean?" Lin Fei asked.

Even though there was a group of monsters rushing to answer, although it was noisy, he still understood.

"Ants, hand over the way to sublimate the plane, otherwise Yongzhen Er waits for the plane!"

When Lin Fei heard about this, he just sneered.


He turned into a streamer, and rushed directly towards the edge of the mysterious star, near the original dark atmosphere.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Lin Fei casually raised a piece of ground the size of a football field, with a hill, green trees, and a winding stream on it, and just raised it with one hand.

Immediately afterwards, he directly threw this part of the ground into the darkness.

"If you threaten another one, I will throw your plane away, believe it or not?"

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