I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 902 The Bandit Who Looted the Plane

When Lao Peng Wang thought of the scene of Lin Feisheng tearing up the golden-winged roc, and even stewed it, causing the world to mourn, he felt awe-inspiring.

He felt that his conjecture was really possible!

"Human Race! The Golden Winged Roc who once tore apart the Golden Immortal Realm in the Great Desolate Continent!" The more the old Peng King thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he was so excited.

It's just that he never imagined that Lin Fei's background was even more terrifying and exaggerated than he imagined.Even the Great Desolate Emperor he was talking about was nothing more than Lin Fei's disciple and junior...

Even so, it didn't affect Lao Peng's hugging his thigh in the slightest.

He immediately walked forward with a smile, and kept complimenting Lin Fei, saying "Master" one by one, which made the third prince dumbfounded.

"Is this... really that majestic and cold father?" The third prince was in a mess, feeling that the person in front of him was a little out of character.

The group of monsters also slandered and cursed secretly, but they didn't expect Lao Peng Wang to have such a side.On weekdays, he looks down on the world, and everyone is an ant, so why don't he dare to continue to be crazy today?

"I'm leaving." Lin Fei looked in the direction of Hanging City.

It was already trembling, emitting a blazing white light, as if it was going to fly away.

"I swear to follow my master to the death!" Lao Peng Wang bowed his hands in a dignified manner, and gave the third prince a wink.

The third prince reacted immediately, and hurriedly said: "Swear to follow the master to the death!"

The group of monsters fell into a panic, and they didn't have the heart to complain about the two of them. They all begged and shouted, hoping that Lin Fei could take them away.

After all, Xuan Xingxing is bound to perish and come to an end.Originally, all of them were in despair and depression, and could only wait for death.

But now there is the hope of leaving, who can not be crazy?

"Tianzun, I am a treasure-hunting golden-eyed mouse, the best at searching for all kinds of natural and earthly treasures! If you take me away, I will swear to serve you!" The one who spoke was a golden mouse standing upright, even The pupils are golden.

He didn't know what Lin Fei's identity was, but he just heard someone call him that in Hanging City, so he followed suit.

For a while, all the monster races were desperately showing their loyalty and showing their usefulness.

"Tianzun, I am the Thunder Tree and become a demon through cultivation! My fruit contains the power of thunder, can... can..." A tree demon blushed when he said this, and realized that he seemed useless.

This is very embarrassing.

"Can it be illuminated at night and act as a landscape tree?" Lin Fei laughed.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The Thunder Tree didn't care so much, and responded with a blushing face, "Whether it is planted in front of the court or behind the house, it is also very good."

Ji Yaoguang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and found that it was hard enough to survive. The tree demon who cultivated human form voluntarily became a landscape tree...

But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

"Tianzun, I am the magnolia flower in the Mahayana realm! I can... I can... That's right! I can purify the air and emit a rich fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed, peaceful and peaceful!"

The third prince's eyes widened, and he was speechless secretly, thinking that this was too exaggerated.

Fairy Magnolia, who is majestic in the Mahayana realm, is willing to be reduced to... an air freshener?

Forget it, there are giant thorn trees volunteering to serve as fences; the crystal giant shrimp claims that the shrimp meat is delicious and can be used as food, and it can grow again anyway.

The Crystal Giant Shrimp made a start, and then it became even more exaggerated. It was simply a "self-recommendation meeting for ingredients."

"Tianzun, I am Qinghai Bawang Crab. The meat is delicious and delicious, rich in the fragrance of seafood. Whether it is eaten raw or dipped in sauce, it is the best seafood!"

"Wait, if you want to talk about seafood, have you asked me about sapphire sea cucumber?"

"Tianzun, if they are delicacies, then I am a delicacy! I am a black bear from Cangming Mountain, and bear paws are a delicacy!"

"Tianzun, I am very delicious, I am..."

The scene gradually became chaotic. In order to survive, everyone almost threw their integrity and dignity out of the sky.

There are other special abilities, and it’s okay to feel that I can play a certain role.Like some sad guys, just say how delicious they are.

The third prince and Lao Peng Wang looked at each other, and they both saw each other's happiness.Looking at it this way, they are simply extremely lucky to be able to serve as Lin Fei's mounts.

Lin Fei glanced at the group of monsters lightly, turned around and was already on the Hanging City, only paying attention to his thoughts echoing in the sky and the earth: "All follow me."

His idea is very simple, there are less than three thousand monsters here.With the size of the Water Blue Star Hanging City, it can be regarded as a modern city after all, it is not a problem to accommodate hundreds of millions of people, and it is no problem to bring them along.

If we really want to go to the Great Desolate Continent, the surviving monsters will go or stay, and let them go.It's just that if you want to stay and follow, you must show your own value.

As they said before, even if it is used as a landscape tree, fence, or even food, it is also a manifestation of value.

"Thank you Tianzun!" The group of monsters were overjoyed, each took all valuable belongings, and followed to the Hanging City.

Even the first thing they do is to present their own "treasures".

Although the vast majority of Lin Fei didn't like it, he still accepted it and handed it over to Ji Yaoguang and others.

Old Peng Wang hesitated again and again, but finally made up his mind, and took out a feather intertwined with gold and silver.

This feather is about three feet long, with gold and silver brilliance circulating, it has been sacrificially practiced into a terrifying fairy sword, with a murderous aura soaring to the sky, making people terrified.


Lin Fei tapped on it with a flick of his finger, and immediately made a clear metal trill.

Motivated by the immortal essence for a while, he spat out a sword light of hundreds of feet with a "chi" sound, which was as thick as a bucket, as if he wanted to poke a hole in the sky.Not only that, but there are patches of phantoms with silver peng feathers flying around, full of violent and chilling intentions.

Everyone was horrified, and even felt a faint tingling sensation all over their bodies. It was hard to imagine the power of this sword.

Many monster clans were even more awe-inspiring in their hearts, saying that because of everything that happened before, they almost forgot what a terrifying and strong old Peng Wang was.

"The blood is back to the ancestors, but it's a pity that there is too little ancestral blood." He said lightly, without any emotional fluctuations.

Lao Peng Wang bowed slightly, bowed his hands and saluted, with a look of shame on his face: "Lao Peng's ability is limited, this is already the most precious magic weapon, I hope Tianzun will not dislike it, please accept it!"

Lin Fei let out a "hmm", and the radiance of the fairy sword in his hand was restrained.He turned over two gorgeous sword flowers casually, put the sword away, and looked up at the sky.


The Hanging City roared and trembled, shrouded in blazing light, and shuttled towards the upper plane.

All the monsters raised their heads excitedly, and even tears filled their eyes.

Lin Fei laughed suddenly, and said casually, "It would be great if we robbed two more planes."

Lao Peng Wang was dumbfounded, unable to speak for a long time.

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